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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. Lets see the first thing i harvested with it was a pig in Jan 2007 and the first time i used the bow for self defense was also in Jan 2007 on that same pig when he grabbed my leg and tried to pull me to the ground in the snow! so 1 good crack in the snout with the Allegiance and then the kill shot. OOPS!!!!!
  2. hoghntr

    Taxidermy Pics!!!!

  3. hoghntr

    Desert Sheep Skull for sale...

    hey if that person paid $31k for skull what would he give me for my whole sheeeeeeeep??????????? Cabelas sent me offer for my sheep before i even hunted and it was like 2k if i remember correctly, it gave me a good laugh..
  4. hoghntr


    Exhaust works gr8 just dont melt the head as i did last time!
  5. hoghntr

    ** My 2006 sheep** !more pics!

    ok couple more added. and BTW the pose i shot him in was more that of a ram with his nose up a ewes back side! we got good kill shot video.
  6. hoghntr


  7. hoghntr


    is this vertical? inline?
  8. hoghntr


    Excellent weapon i carry 1 and love it..
  9. hoghntr

    2006 bowtech allegiance

    Bump for a gr8 bow!!! i just upgraded but can't seem to give the allegiance up.
  10. Kiddos sure grow fast! $150 if local or shipping will be extra---Bow has whisker biscuit rest, quiver, site, and all that came on it. Bow is like new, son grew through 20-30# and only hunted 1 season with 30-40# now he has new bow. YOU CAN STILL BUY 50# LIMBS ALSO THIS IS A LEFT HANDED YOUTH OR SMALL FRAMED LADIES BOW. God Bless, Mike 602-499-4136
  11. hoghntr


    *******i sure would like to sell some of these boots. send offers in pm.
  12. hoghntr

    ~WTB~Gun Safe

    $799 for the cannon 48 gun safe online only good through oct 9th Cannon has amazing warranty.
  13. hoghntr

    Wtb Hoyt bow

  14. hoghntr

    Nicole's First Archery Deer

  15. hoghntr


    Just thought someone with space might be interested. 10x15x8high approx walk in cooler/freezers http://bids.auctionandappraise.com/cgi-bin/mnlist.cgi?asaa22/160 if ya buy them you gotta store all my elk.
  16. hoghntr

    does anybody know this person?

    x2 on the thesaurus!! i guess im just glad i hunt for meat and enjoy the opportunity to spend time in Gods country and i am pretty sure no one or any group of guys wants the critters i end up chasing. if i was chasin a bull that was then shot by another hunter i would IMMEDIATELY stop my hunt and join with him on recovery mission if he would have me help ***even if it took the rest of my hunt!!!! And if i were a guide my client would have to settle with next best bull on my list (that's ethical guiding) and first i would ask client if he would like to help find bull and have opportunity to lay his hands on 400 class bull.
  17. hoghntr

    #28 for Dad

    saWEEEEET! Your paps sure has a way of puting them bulls in the dirt. Congrats to you on the lope and your wifey on the muley also, saw your pics at spotsmans. God Bless! Mike
  18. hoghntr

    **YOUTH LEFTY-- Browning Micro Midas 3**

    ******* Bow is like new and has 2 sets of limbs 20-30 & 30-40 left handed
  19. hoghntr


    Just thought id say how refreshing it is to hear such talk. God Bless and safe hunting down there.
  20. hoghntr

    My First Buck!

    saaaaaWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!! way 2 go kid. MM