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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    2014 pigs?

  2. I dont know if they are temporary or what i just know many hunters who normally go new years eve and buy tags to hunt did not get to do so.. unlike some other members i dont want anybody to miss out! heck if their quicker to arrive and more persistent-skilled etc then that is good for them. with all the idiots on atv's and target shooting on new years day legal hunters is last thing to worry about. i just thinkwe are allowing Game and Fish to really push us around. they got us by the juevos
  3. Was it at norterra? they filled out mine and realized guy before me was given wrong copy and had to start mine over while that guy is now hunting illegally!
  4. Ok lets take to campfire for open discussion..
  5. Not selling tags except at G & F before 1st of Jan was inexcuseable, changing tags was just stupid considering still same sticky tag at G & F. So if they are getting more $$ from us while taking more away ?????? i guess when trophy hunts get charged premium all cow hunters get to laugh at them and say suck it up..
  6. While checking license and tag G&F will also check for Baggie and zip tie. If you don't have one, you are going to jail, your gun/bow will be confiscated and you will loose your hunting rights for life. Brand of baggie used wil be left to "officers own discrimination".. as long as he doesnt feel it will impede with wildlife in any way.
  7. hoghntr

    wts 70's era tikka lsa- 55 .308

    I have never used photobucket but am i supposed to see all your guns and hunts and family pics if i click on one of these????
  8. hoghntr

    2014 pigs?

  9. Not sure . ) i know other states do similar just wasnt expecting normal tags from G & F office and a huge paper tag from walmart with the baggie twist tie instructions on back.. heck i lost a sticky tag off a bear and had to backtrack for it so how long is a piece paper gonna last tied on when haulingout of backwoods?????????
  10. hoghntr

    2014 pigs?

    My lady closed 500yd gap on her and a gr8 buck but no shot before he boogerd at 60. no piggys, not even any sign from this year or last..
  11. Yes the tags NOT from G & F are larger- stick way out of wallet and they suggest we carry in plastic bag then you are to zip tie-twist tie-lash it to critter. somehow..
  12. hoghntr

    26m pig

    Here piggy piggy piggy
  13. I wish wish wish we would all just say no to all their games...Idiots!
  14. hoghntr

    Baiting Javelina

    To all who think baiting and doghunting is easy or unfair i can honestly say in 31 yrs of big game hunting that hauling bait for deer and chasing dogs for bear were 2 most difficult hunt methods i have ever used.. like after bear hunt was successful i swore to my guide i would never do it again and id say he was relieved. that poor guy had to keep backtracking to see if i was alive. and corn... well think about it.. difficult.
  15. They sure are making bank oln the two pig in calendar year deal.. i would be suprised if all leftover did not sell out today! i really wish everybody would protest-picket-sign petition anything.. quit hunting for a year.. we keep buying and they keep stickin it to us and some at the cost of our critters.
  16. Well G&F said nobody aloud to sell till the first for whatever reason so chances are someone didnt get memo or possibly for some ignorant reason we got screwed in town while outside town things went as every other year but speaking for the non stop line of guys in G&f today nobody had them in town.. G&F had us by the nads and many procrastinators will miss tomorrow morn and possibly bit more.
  17. hoghntr


    Stock wood or upgrade?? mine are real nice but not that nice
  18. No you cannot buy 2014 over counter tags for tomorrow anywhere except G & F
  19. hoghntr

    Remington 700 classic 264 win mag

    Dang KDL you got some nice guns!
  20. hoghntr

    Howa 1500 .204

    What a fun caliber!
  21. hoghntr

    26m pig

    Only went out for afternoon hunt and glassed up 6 herds of donkey not 1 deer or pig.. every wash donkey tracks no pig, deer, or yote tracks no nothin except donkeys.. read something by game and fish while back where they said a harvest might be necessary but going over many options. Few more from aguila few months back Fun to see a few but this is getting ridiculous. i now would harvest if it became legal seems like a problem for our deer and oinkers.
  22. hoghntr

    Baiting Javelina

    All of the above are illegal. Yes i know it is all illegal just thinkin back in time a little. suprising how many people make up their own rules in head.. i stop every guy i see buying bait at sportsmans or cabelas and none have red regs and know it is illegal and multiple have said they hunt private property so regulars laws dont apply to private property heck that means they dont believe the lawful limit applys either. ) what a mess! 4. An individual shall not use edible or ingestible substances to aid in taking big game. The use of edible or ingestible substances to aid in taking big game is unlawful when: a. An individual places edible or ingestible substances for the purpose of attracting or taking big game, or
  23. hoghntr

    Baiting Javelina

    Yes he is thinking of the migratory bird laws and baiting
  24. hoghntr

    Baiting Javelina

    Cantalope and watermelon! and nice gutpile works wonders also- if yotes dont hit first.. yes stink pigs are omnivorous thats why them dove guts disapear so quik by the washes. them were the days! ok gotta get back to glassin stupid donkeys that areeating up all the landscape..
  25. hoghntr

    26m pig

    Dear game and fish, We seriously need to have a donkey hunt i have seen 5 small goups in under 2 hours and not 1 pig or deer track or scat etc..