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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Ruger M77 30-06

    Definite steal!
  2. Good cuz those dang blue eyes were killin me! cutest dogs i have ever seen.
  3. Ok think the dj is settled.
  4. Need to get ready for a May wedding so need to get tables-chairs-linens etc reserved If this your business shoot me a pm thx Possibly DJ also
  5. hoghntr

    A LITTLE good news

    Awesome! congrats... prayers said for mom & lil one.
  6. I'll take any numbers and references in a pm thx. oh but if they only do rap that would be a no go. ;-)
  7. Nice! What i need is for tables and chairs to not be so ridicuilously expensive to rent! im about to tell people to bring camp chairs and set of saw horses with ,plywood.
  8. hoghntr

    Is it bad when you find out you're injured and

    Imho health and wellness much more important THE HUNT! a partial tear can turn into a real mess when you put desire to hunt before healing! trust me i have made my health issues much worse when i allowed opening day to determine when body is healed. Ecclesiastes 3 is where i wish i had gone for wisdom.
  9. Make sure you watch the whole video. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CDAQuAIwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fm.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DuYYuqJNJv-g&ei=iUkbU6zuAci6yAHVxoCgAQ&usg=AFQjCNHqeN0UZESxnBYVTXkJMBIgBY25VQ&sig2=UrsGte-VczvsJFrwlXMi3g
  10. I have buyer here (coueselk) and elsewhere so probably SPF If interested send pm or post 3rds 4ths etc. thx
  11. Well fell in love with this and bought it but realized during some practice swings i kinda need to stick to grip on stock for my 1 arm days of hunting.. GUN IS BEAUTIFUL AND FEELS REAL NICE Gun is NIB unfired by anyone except ruger 20ga english stock 28" barrels with raisent vent rib Has all the chokes and wrench & owners manual etc Furniture is upgraded Ok lowered price some *** cash price$1350 602-499-4136 Not looking for even trades just puting cash toward future wedding, thx
  12. L.O.L. nice! As beautiful as this gun is it will look better as $ in bank toward DJ, table & chair rental, food etc etc.. the things we do for our brides big day.
  13. You'd have to be blind, and by the way....English stocks rock! J.B. I absolutely love the english stock especially the looks! just sucks but if shoulders wont allow me to enjoy her i figure somebody should. I was gonna have a javelina engraved on my bird gun! :-() saw a quail flushing that turns into clay bird on a o/u recently that looked amazing.
  14. Possibly last ttt Im sure glad so many people see what i saw in this label..
  15. Well i have had about every kinda gun / guns you can imagine offered for trade binos etc but still lookin for cash or cash + trade. not 3 guns and = or 2 and = or binos + gun= etc... cash toward future wedding is priority #1 if adding small trade helps you get it and im interested then grooooovy! thx, mike aka hoghntr that hasn't killed hog since 2008. :-()
  16. hoghntr

    GREGOR welded alum 13'6" lake ready.

    Somebody should buy this troutmobile!
  17. 1 in 20yrs! :-() well could save on ammo that way.. just carry this gun in box so it stays new till you se 1.
  18. Nice Lee especially the last part. :-) i got a buddy that chases birds up in show low.. he is from Minnesota has a sort of traveling salesman jom so he can wingshoot all the states.. he went to show low specifically for grouse? i believe..
  19. Is that a hint to your hubby??? L.O.L. and hey im a 6'2" 260# boy/old man and 20gauge rocks!
  20. might/maybe/thought i had a taker but to the top just incase.
  21. You can for $1995. It is a beauty. with the way va hospital has me put together if i squeeze of on a lever 7mm your gonna have to sweep up my parts that fall off and hit the ground. Absolutely gorgeous weapon!