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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Leupold 3x9x50mm scope

    Sorry guys i bought the 25-06 and this scope.. just had quickest txting fingers yesterday.
  2. hoghntr

    NEW Nikon Monarch 5 10x42, only $200

    Me boughts themzzzzz! thx and good to meet you
  3. hoghntr

    Weatherby AC-500 pump 20 gage

    K im in n. phx where you?
  4. hoghntr

    Weatherby AC-500 pump 20 gage

    I am interested but need more specifics plz. barrel length for 1. 6024994136
  5. hoghntr

    Fishing (San DIego)

    I always use H & M Landing. always fun and on return hit Miguel's mexican food just accross street you will be hooked as i have been since boot camp 93. Calamari steak relleno w/jalapeno crem chz sauce.. SUPERB!
  6. hoghntr

    Ruger red label 12gage over/under stainless

    Mikey no need! sure is purdy but im a official full time 20 gauge guy now IMO this is nice price. this and and the english stock 20 that i recently sold will fetch $1600-$1750 come fall on G.B.
  7. hoghntr

    Ruger red label 12gage over/under stainless

    Nice! considered the all weather model correct? yes come duck season this is the #1 model of R.L. getting bid on and they sell for a bunch. It is 3" chambered. removeable chokes yes? and 26" barrels?? Gr8 guns!
  8. hoghntr

    Springfield XD 45 - SPF

    Gun + 6k and i got a ring for ya! :-) Seems like this 45 should have been bought by now.
  9. hoghntr

    Get in shape for that Elk tag!

    It's the beer. . . . +1 Just make sure if you try to hike it that you do it before you can fry eggs on ground.. would kinda suck to pass out from exertion and get 3rd degree burns from lovely az heck soil. my current cardio is at about a 90yr old level so think i will get to working also.. actually have a cycle just like one above waiting for me, just been trying to talk myself and new parts into it. ;~)
  10. hoghntr

    glue lams

    Good for hangin quarters! ;-)
  11. hoghntr

    Bass pro gift card

    For me i prefer places that give military discounts every day of the week.. active or retired or whatever we make quite a bit less so discounts nice.. bass pro, sportsman's, home depot, lowes, carls jr, jack in the crack, wherever but CABELA's only gives military discounts on the days it is hard to get out of not honoring vets and active military where the first places i mentioned all give daily discounts. So for me i wish B.P. WERE LITTLE CLOSER TO MY HOUSE.
  12. hoghntr

    12ga Reminton Wingmaster

    Right now if my piggy bank was for guns i would be smashing it for that browning pkg. Bump for sweet deal from what i see
  13. hoghntr

    They are starting to hit CC

    I miss the pink card or white envelope days! think that is how colors went.. back when mt. lion tags were $1.50
  14. hoghntr

    They are starting to hit CC

    You should be fine! but many yrs ago i called g & f after not receiving tag or refund check and they asked me to come to office on SOUTH side of greenway (back in the day) they asked my name and opened a file and handed me my UNOPENED elk application with reasoning being a bag of apps was skipped! :-() said they were gonna have a extra draw for those people.. L.O.L. *remember they gave me my unopened app back with money order inside..
  15. hoghntr

    They are starting to hit CC

    Ugh, you made me check mine one more time... image.jpg How's that for some luck! First time app, only the lifetime BP, 27 or 23N early archery bull!!!! Nce and real lucky! i lived in christopher creek and you will be hunting the land of big bulls and many bear. :-) Btw did you mean your hunter safety point? apply 5 yrs in a row and get your species loyalty point also just remember always at least buy bonus point.
  16. hoghntr

    They are starting to hit CC

    Still can't believe everyone missed the 4 new boxes on application... kind of them to lookout for all income levels.. box #4 $20 for a tag somewhere for something box #3 $100 2nd choice tag box #2 $250 1st choice tag box #1$1000 and baiting priviledges for 1 yr Well not that far off from future reality when we have high cost trophy hunts for guides and wealthy doctors who wanna have story to brag about. hey whatever keeps them new trucks gassed up!
  17. hoghntr

    They are starting to hit CC

    Just fyi... the money that dissapeared from my availabe balance like 4 days ago just finally posted as G & F hit on my acct so for you credit union guys...
  18. hoghntr

    Boat for sale $1,500 OBO

    Looks like all of us interested in the boat are all gettin married very very soon. suddenly my backyard wedding and cali honeymoon seem boring. Good luck on the boat sale 060785
  19. hoghntr

    They are starting to hit CC

    They are not done istill have 2 tags to be charged for. ;-) extra $20 in with app goes long ways!
  20. hoghntr

    They are starting to hit CC

    That happens to me all the time with my credit union. they took $270 outof available balance yesterday still not on transaction list though. often it goes to even right beforeposts for real.. good luck hope it were real!
  21. hoghntr

    Browning citori over and under 20 g Safford AZ

    Looks like 26" zooming in blue looks good wood have some scratches.. nice lookin gun.
  22. hoghntr

    Boat for sale $1,500 OBO

    I feel the same way! 7-7-14 is costing me this bargain beauty! If 7-7-14 is your wedding date that is cool.