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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr


    Still clicking hells together and saying I wish I wish I wish... good looking rig! Cool color I would like a 4 door tundra painted to match please
  2. hoghntr

    WTB Left Handed Rifle

    Pm sent on some things ive bumped into lately
  3. Heck I would take in faith knowing little one on the way in near future but since I usually end up on by butt when hiking the idea of carrying my blessings on my back kinda freaks me out ! Way cool giveaway Naturegirl
  4. This is 1 of those vehicles not practical for me & my needs but sure looks like it would be fun to have use of for a weekend, or even few hours! good luck on sale
  5. hoghntr

    holy snap second hand store gold

    Dustin that is a good lookin tent buddy.. it is always good to know what gear your friends aquire. :-)
  6. hoghntr

    holy snap second hand store gold

    Where Did ya get the scabbard from? I donated 1 cuz buyer on coues bailed on me so I donated to goodwill (Happy valley) or salvation army can remember which. within last 3 months for sure Congrats on the great tent!
  7. hoghntr

    Ranger 800 crew cab 4x4

    Well ya didn't take my payment plan so wasn't me.. L.O.L. someone got themselves a sweet buggy
  8. hoghntr

    Ranger 800 crew cab 4x4

    My dream family hunting scooter! how about $100 a month payments for EVER Sweet ride buddy of mine says he just dropped 28k on a racey looking 1000 so this sounds like sweet deal for someone.
  9. hoghntr

    Cleaning out the Garage.

    I bought the stove couple months back when he posted this.. he is gr8 guy so buy whatever he is selling with cofidence..
  10. hoghntr

    need 6mm remington brass

    Dang 6mm guys.. sherman ya need new friends
  11. hoghntr

    Leica Duovid Binoculars

    Awesome! man I have always wanted some of these. good luck on sales
  12. hoghntr

    12x56 Nikon monarch atb

    Right on deerdawg just got the 12x56 from usps mail lady! you should have the 10s today also! Thx and always good meeting good honest people
  13. hoghntr

    What scale do you like?

    I have been picking up gear to start reloading and just got a OHAUS also off ebay but spent quite a bit less (Sorry Vowell) Not quite ready to load but soooooon
  14. hoghntr

    Kimber Mountain Ascent 280 Ack Imp BNIB

    Wow! nice
  15. hoghntr

    Ultimate Predator

  16. hoghntr


  17. hoghntr

    SOLD Please Delete

    I know nothing about them but it sure looks sweet!
  18. hoghntr

    Remington 788 .243 Youth

    Wernt me guys still waiting for my future 788 .243I
  19. hoghntr

    Remington 788 .243 Youth

    Mssg & txt sent
  20. Very pretty young lady so I would say big mistake on Loreals part.. Models are always saying stupid things so probably the dead critter pic that squashed her potentially quite lucrative career. seems like every time I turn around another young woman or a big executive is getting in trouble for hunting. We live in a country where people lose jobs for hunting and animal abuse is jail time yet aborting a human life is legal.. makes no sense at all folks
  21. hoghntr

    1987 Chevy Suburban 4x4 6" lift 350TBI

    BEASTLY! wife did say we needed a SUV but not sure this 1 fits the gas mileage requirements she put in place. man it would be fun to dirty them there wheels!
  22. hoghntr

    12x56 Nikon monarch atb

    Daniel, They are boxed up and headed your way! she should enjoy these and yours sure should help me out this fall. Happy Hunting, Mike
  23. Hoghntr, did you draw an Elk tag? Congrats man! x2 elk wife and I and x2 on deer.. this pkg deal would be nice
  24. Never before wished I had 8k sitting around like I do now. if they dont sell you can rent them to me come september 12th