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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. Dont worry she has been getting the best! bow and guns top shelf maybe some of hers now better than mine. and im bettng all the clothes I end up getting her will be better than mine also im just kinda puting the feelers out incase anyone has good line on quality affordable. she wont be wering makeup with camos so pretty sure she doesnt need stylish clothes but clothes that fir properly would be a bonus. fit without flare should equal little break on my wallet. thx for the input keep it coming.
  2. hoghntr

    FS Ruger Mini 14

    Im betting my ranch rifle is much older but I tell ya it functions flawlessly always! man gotta remind yourself to clean it cuz im pretty sure she would keep going no matter what.
  3. hoghntr

    Helicopter rental?

    Thats it buy an ultralight and be done! In the long run it would be cheaper than the bird for any amount of time then you could rent it to me.
  4. hoghntr

    WTB 270 WSM

    Yes yes we know your kids are tougher than average but do they shoot the 270 wsm over and over at range or just once at animal? when you hunt are they set up on 2 tripods as I see most 10yr olds now when shooting large calibers at 200 to 600 yards? I would say these would be recoil reducing factors. I personally would never EVER hand my 10 yr old a 270 wsm or a 300wm in fear of separated shoulder or breaking clavicle but thats just my personal common sense factored in. now as for adults if they really wanna have a uncomfortable day at range or just like to say they shoot a big gun then this is another dandy to put behind seat of their big lifted truck. gr8 bullet with gr8 ballistics but my experience with it says not worth it. fun how this guys wtb tread turned into caliber debate. whitey you saying how easy they were to shoot is what convinced me to try 1 and that was a big fail. now to be fare it was in a boyds stock with a crappy boyds recoil pad. the end
  5. hoghntr

    WTB 270 WSM

    Yeah 1st hunt video I watched after my painful 2 shots was a chick smokin a big bull with a 270wsm.... oh well. maybe its all in the stock? me dont know or care she is gone. but I would suggest whoever wants 1 to shoot a few first. I would have another if it had a break and that is the only way. just look at the bullet it will explain everything
  6. hoghntr

    WTB 270 WSM

    I asked like 6 people that owned them before I bought 1 and I now know they are all LIARS .
  7. hoghntr

    WTB 270 WSM

    I have box of ammo you can buy when you get the gun.. my shoulder did not like the 270 wsm very much.. not much at all! 2 shots and I traded her away. dont shoot 1 of these dudes 4 months after a shoulder reconstruction. :'(
  8. hoghntr

    2006 Honda Foreman

    I had a old camaro in this color... yes the quad looks much cooler than that car did. ;-)
  9. hoghntr


    We will be back in 22lr within 6 months and possibly even cheaper do to the hording that has happened I believe the prices will fall below the $25 a brick to wher we will see $17 sales. IMO
  10. hoghntr


    Gr8 gun! you can try the reduced recoil 270s thru it
  11. hoghntr


    Pretty sure it is not SPF it might be more like H2T having 2nd thoughts.
  12. hoghntr


    Walmart has it for little less than midway every morning at 7am but same handful of guys buy it every day. I spoke with a guy recently about buying some dies then I saw bricks of 22lr in his truck and he said $60 each mentioned how he just drove to Texas to pick up a shipment im thinking a Gander Mountain Monday delivery. Some places selling 50,000 rnds at a time they held to nickel & Dime us now some have realized they better bail out of their backstock I CHOSE NOT TO PURCHASE THE DIES OR PRESS THE GUY HAD FOR SALE.
  13. hoghntr

    new shotgun for sale, semi-auto 28"

    I have never owned a semi auto tristar but have had 2 over & unders and they both did the job! pretty hard to get a semi auto with much lower price than this
  14. hoghntr

    Youth mod .243

    Im so glad! my safe is half 243 but I was thinkin maybe it needed another. such a awesome caliber and im betting Whitey has this thing fine tuned for his kiddos. dang nice deal now get to killin!
  15. hoghntr

    WTB Left Handed Rifle

    Eye dominance aint it a turd I met a father and son 2 yrs ago in in 6a and while talking to the father finally asked how he could see with a i voted sticker on the lens and he said I'M blind. This was after he told me he had already harvested his der. ???? they then showed me how dad has pistol scope on rifle and son sits behind dad and becomes his fathers eyes for him! to me this was an amazing accomplishment especially considering I never did bag a buck. Bump for the lefty! nice remmy 708 in 308 on b.p. the other day not sure if I sent you pm on that 1
  16. hoghntr

    Savage 11 LRH 6.5 creedmoor w/Valdada

    Nice im gonna have to look into that type. nice rig
  17. hoghntr

    custom engraved 20 ga

    Shoot with work like that how about start with my truck! We will talk and I will have to start saving/hiding my pennies
  18. hoghntr

    custom engraved 20 ga

    Tell ya what I just might have some work for you! dang man that is sweet
  19. hoghntr

    Youth mod .243

    Such a sweet little pkg deal.
  20. hoghntr

    Home Depoo

    Just made me L.O.L. Made me think of the movie WILD HOGS and Dudley the poop bagger I LOVE THE TOILET PAPER ON THE HANDLE!!! The wife just said lets make 1.. good job, think we will cut bottom out.
  21. hoghntr

    My idea of a bad day

    Ok im super sad I killed that gorgeous stock but have purchased a hogue overmold and think it is pretty sweet! I understand the b.c. is sweet but not in this guys budget right now says the wifey.
  22. hoghntr

    Savage 11 LRH 6.5 creedmoor w/Valdada

    Open close muzzlebreak? so ya just twist open & Closed??
  23. King's Desert Shadow / Hidden Mesa Pants and shirt both really long like *tall size but windproof coat seems regular im 6'2" and long on me coat is normal on me for length SOLD*3 xl~Long sleeve ventilated shirt many pockets SOLD*2xl~Windproof jacket 44reg-cargo pants ***Woodland camo BDU fatigues i have no idea for price so?? have all sizes and want all gone will post sizes as i find in boxes How about $15 each?? $15 top $15 bottom some are like new faded some go $10 each piece Winter weight fatigue top Tops so far 1 MEDIUM long 3 med reg Bottom summers 2 med long $10 each