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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Winchester Model 70 Featherweight 270 WSM.

    Man I sure love the looks of the featherweight stocks.
  2. Btw the tranny work was just done few weeks ago and has 12month warranty and july 2nd 2 new tires and allignment was done This was more than 4k total. car runs awesome! she just wanted new.
  3. Cleared out some messages and you can txt or call 6024994136
  4. hoghntr

    SOLD-SOLDBrowning shotgun for sale-SOLD-SOLD

    3 inch only correct? be a heck of good looking turkey & duck gun
  5. is it standard or bull barrel
  6. Me really needs the stock. pm sent
  7. hoghntr

    WTB. 15x56 swaros or kiababs

    New kaibabs have the RAZOR COATING. if they made 15x56 razors everybody would quit using swaros! as clear as swaro and way light weight. 12x50 2013 model and newer razors are amazing... not sure if razor coating has made kaibabs better but sure couldnt have hurt!
  8. hoghntr

    Finally got a bear!

    Good job and gr8 bear! congrats and I believe I also can recall some fear walking up to expired bear.
  9. hoghntr

    Upright Walking Bear Vid

    That is super crazy.. can you imagine calling that 1 in.
  10. hoghntr

    Browning A bolt Medallion 308 550obo

    Man all these rifles I would like to own!
  11. hoghntr

    REMINGTON .270 700 BDL

    no doubt!
  12. I hope not she has WAY TOO MANY!
  13. hoghntr

    Nikon prostaff 550 range finder

    I bought this few days ago
  14. Man I love the looks of that carbon fiber stock.
  15. Ha its always the same few guys that drool over the birdin guns! we have issues gentlemen. THIS IS A GORGEOUS SHOTGUN!
  16. hoghntr

    Franchi 48AL 28 gauge deluxe SOLD

    I have 1 of these in 20ga.. nice gun wish I had the coin.
  17. hoghntr

    Attn. Elk Hunters

    Ha! I have called in no less than 40 bulls with them.. up to a 7x7 probably 380ish, that session left 5 various size bulls from 5yards to 25yards then my cow came screaming in... lost cow call works gr8 on cow hunts they come a runnnnnnnin! just cannot over use them, in the hands of a total novice and call is dangerous! if ya dont know the critter than ya sure dont know their vocals. if I didnt have 15 of these I would probably buy them.
  18. hoghntr

    marlin 12 gauge over/under SOLD!!!!

    Full & mod, asked him few days ago.
  19. hoghntr

    New Butler Bag ***SOLD***

    may I plz just go sit beside you at some banquets???
  20. It is just such a darn nice caliber and capable of most things ya ask of it. I cant get over how the stock looks like old rem 700 adls from same period
  21. Nice! since im such a 243 fan maybe you should text your sales directly to me..
  22. The seat will cost 29.10 to order plus shipping. I have changed price to obo or best trade.. what you think its worth to you period the end.. 5 guys have changed mind on this so hope this helps out. thx