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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Excalibur Axiom Crossbow - Aluminum

    Nice x-bow! for those in need I would say in arizona this recurve is the way to go cuz very difficult finding anybody who knows how to work on them or has a press for most modern x-bows with crazy short ATA
  2. hoghntr

    *** no tag soup this year

    First off it requires permit form game & fish.. my crossbow is older model, a parker cyclone and the main feature I love is the adjustable stock like magpul or whatever ar-15 style. standing I extend and in blind I shorten up a bit. EVERY ANIMAL I HAVE AIMED IT AT HAS COME HOME WITH ME TO LIVE IN MY FREEZER. Many gr8 bows out there but I would suggest not getting compound so you can put new string on in field if need be and replace string period! not many shops in az can work on todays x-bows
  3. hoghntr

    My first bull.

    Might need to do some editing towards the end for this family friendly site but beside that very cool and congrats!
  4. hoghntr

    Swarovski 8x30 SLC NEU / CZ Mini Ringneck 28 gauge

    In my book these are the best and most usefull glasses available! absolute perfection!
  5. Use to see them on the feeder all the time in 22. Problem I saw was they use lookouts like quail and will fly if a mouse farts! Good luck! water seems like best bet. I would like to elaborate more... THESE BIRDS ARE FREAKS! Watched for many hours while on coues stands and not 1x did I ever understand why they would freak out and fly! maybe where ghillie suit while hiding in a blind and eating bird seed and ya might have some luck seeing them but as for shooting some.. forget about it....
  6. I live at I-17 & dynamite and headed to Flagstaff Friday if you guys need any help with transaction. mike
  7. hoghntr

    My Dads Bull

  8. hoghntr

    Fighting elk

    Nice! thx
  9. hoghntr

    Little eye candy for all the elk hunters

    Looks way bigger than 388! gr8 looking bull
  10. hoghntr

    Bulls shut down like a light switch

    Yep temps pretty high! I know I was cold sleeping friday night and last night I was hot. so... yep things got kinda quiet. pray for cooler weather cuz them bulls dont wanna do any of their business and be gettin a heat stroke while doin it
  11. hoghntr

    Finally My Turn!

    Wow! holy smokes what a dandy!
  12. hoghntr

    *** no tag soup this year

    She was bedded @ 55yds problem was 3 others cows looking at me so couldnt really pull wife in front to shoot. after shot other big cow was walking toward wife but the cow didnt want leave then suddenly jumped and ran a bit. I had heard a ranger on rd below stop and turns out 3 other guys were also closing in on same elk and 1 shot at the 1 walking toward my wife and he missed. The 3 guys proceeded to shoot 8 more arrows1 of which was over wife and my head while we were praying beside my down elk. they proceeded to call the young cow/6months back half dz times and shoot and miss. Very unique experience and hope I dont deal with those guys again. 55yards with crossbow while she was in her bed. they were only 100yards off a rd but considering my body is jacked up and you can not drive off rd for big game recovery in 11m a member that offered help on here was nice enough to come save me few walks up the hill and back thx Brian aka iaborn
  13. hoghntr

    Arizona elk hunters

    Still sucks! I have already run into many big camps that are camped in no camping zones and its funny cuz many areas designated camping have never seen tire tracks. or 1 designated camp area is right on 6a & 11m border and not only unused but in meadow in an intersection with houses quite near, gee that sounds fun!
  14. hoghntr

    S&W M&P15 ORC

    Hello Blade my name is mike and im going to be your grief counselor for today.. selling your M & P ar will probably not bring your red label back to you, im sorry Blade she may be gone forever! sometimes we just dont dont know what we have till it's gonearooooni. Bump for a cool m & p, I now own 1 but have not shot yet..
  15. hoghntr

    350 bull down

    Saweeeeet! the wifey and I just need couple cows so the task seems easier now seeing this dude on the ground! congrats
  16. Wanna get a price on a gun to be coated 6024994136
  17. hoghntr

    WTB 28 gauge 4 or 5 shot ammo

    Found bunch of 6 shot! dicks I 17 & happy valley
  18. hoghntr

    looking to barrow an Outdoorsman adaptor????

    Stud or actual adapter?
  19. hoghntr

    Never Forgotten

    Many do forget about that just like they ignore the fact that we still have Americans dying for us! I was behind a truck the other day that had a magnet on back with picture of his soldier son with born on and death date.. HE WAS ONLY 21yrs old. The fact is if our currency was correct and in God we truly did trust than like the walls of Jericho we could topple our enemys without even a fight. if United we stand was correct well then our veterans wouldnt be fighting for their lives all alone! I for one and looking forward to Jesus and His next visit! but I fear many have forgottem Him just as they have so quickly forgotten 9/11
  20. hoghntr

    ** still have HELMET..

    Correction 1 helmet
  21. hoghntr

    ** still have HELMET..

    *sz is adult XXL*asking $80* was $140 something OTDRaider MX Full-Face ATV Helmet CamoFull-face modelMade with lightweight, thermoplastic shellsDepartment of Transportation approvedNonslip goggle-strap holdersNo one should ride an ATV without the added protection of a helmet. The Full-Face MX-style camo model is available in adult sizes. Made with lightweight, thermoplastic shells. Full-Face helmets have nonslip goggle-strap holders and are completely covered with a concealing camo pattern. Department of Transportation approved.Camo pattern: Realtree Hardwoods HD® Grey.
  22. hoghntr

    ** still have HELMET..

    Ttt for vowell