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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Processor Recommendation in Payson?

    Holy smokes man! what a gr8 tag for a 1st... I lived in Christopher Creek many years back and that is 1 heck of a big bull unit. good luck should be awesome RUT & HUNT
  2. hoghntr

    Crazy Buck!!

    Right! if ya really wanna make it fun try tossing dead lion on a non hunting horse.
  3. hoghntr

    Colorado Mule Deer Hunt

    Awesome awesome awesome!
  4. hoghntr

    My first bull

    I 2nd this! what a fantastic bull
  5. hoghntr

    Found dead bull in 4b

    Im just wondering how many guys call game and fish if they have shot & lost a animal? so does G & F have a lost in found for hunters?? gee i will have to remember that on my next bad shot. G & F must have been super busy rounding up lost elk this weekend and last cuz never saw them in my unit.. also did not see jerky forestry guys that I really wanted to tell them how I felt about their lovely map and all its mistakes. maybe forestry also has lost & found ?? If that 48hrs thing is correct that is CRAZY
  6. hoghntr

    Swarovski 15x56 HD

    So do we assume newer means NEWEST Model??
  7. hoghntr

    Found dead bull in 4b

    I know of a wounded cow once upon a time that was reported and few days later a g & f person showed up with rifle in hand and walked to wounded x3 days, cow and g & f guy allowed hunter/reporter to use his gun to shoot it then when hunter/reporter asked about meat the g & f person said leave it be. Out2hunt that is gr8 you have your kid pick up his own trash but this is not quite the same. if teaching your son that helping another hunter find his prize he may still be looking for is a crime then,, well,, ??? im confused about every single one of your comments. Kinda saddened that you would wanna hurt someone more who most likely already has broken heart from losing that bull. I really hope that you and your son never have this happen to you.
  8. hoghntr

    My first bull

    That looks like a absolute beast!
  9. hoghntr

    My First Elk

  10. hoghntr

    15x56 Swarovski SLC binos

    It is super easy to download pics on here! if using phone just click below the post box where it says full version and you will have more options
  11. hoghntr

    My 7E Archery Bull Elk

    Very nice! congrats on the bull!
  12. hoghntr

    Elk in Blythe, CA??

    Yes elk in cali but not near BLYTHE Correct?? I remember watching a hunt show that was on a military base in cali where they were killing elk they have. the other specie correct? Roosevelt? Hey all I know is cali has plants that will make your skin crack and bleed! Ran into a guy at balboa naval hospital that was absolutely jacked up from hog hunting vandenburg air force base and dealing with poison oak or poison sumac?? I cancelled my hunt it was that painful looking.
  13. hoghntr

    Elk in Blythe, CA??

    Riverside has hunt ranch that will special order whatever ya wanna kill!
  14. hoghntr


    Sent you a pm..
  15. hoghntr


    Ok now for real snakes everywhere and it is hot so watch where you walk but more where you sit to rest or glass. And yes just like javelina are darker Iin higher elevation to hold warmth so are snakes.. so beware of the black rattlesnake laying in the logs. As for elk they are very quiet where I am in 11m also it is just stinkin HOT! So try the little cooleys that form off fingers of ridges and from what I have seen the bulls are still near their preferred wallows and walking to them alone 2x daily just not full on wallowing yet. (Here, im not saying everywhere but always same in 6a when i hunt it) .. Good luck sounds like we are 30 min apart on squirley rds
  16. hoghntr

    the rut

    Thought you guys tagged out?? No we tagged mine but then had 3 guys start shooting at the elk that remained on feet. if they had not completely pooped on our hunt we would have had 2 down for certain.
  17. hoghntr

    the rut

    Quietest elk hunt ive ever been on! I have had years where I have had to move camp so I could sleep at night but this year absolute silence 99.99% of time. Actually it is so quiet and peacful it is kinda disturbing. I have heard 2 bulls bugle on this hunt and 1 was behind camp in wrong unit so yes I would say next week will be rockin for you guys with bull tags! as for my wifey with a cow tag guess were back to looking for tracks cutting rds to know where to hunt.
  18. Ttt What happened to all that interest? I assume hunts took priority. would be gr8 Christmas present for a teenager
  19. Used it maybe 3 or 4 times.. does not get along with my reconstructed shoulders.. Like new except 2 holes in seat from flying ninja dewalt battery. Replacement seat $29.10 $??? or pm trade offers Should have taken one of the lower offers in beginning I guess. 5 people have changed mind on trading or buying this without ever coming to see it, hopefullly #6 is the charm Unit runs 1k + tax Any and all trades considered.. any and all offers considered. **this unit has been in my living room never outside and not in garage etc.. Possible gun trades or just good old cash. thx Location N.phx 6024994136
  20. hoghntr

    Winchester Model 70 243 wssm

    I had alterior motives for selling a wssm to a friend who is a reloader. honestly the mod 70 243 wssm is a sweet little rifle and a carry and do all kinda weapon! I replaced it with a awseome little 243 wssm but honestly doesnt feel as good as the mod 70. simple & sweet!
  21. hoghntr

    guns for sale "added more guns"

    That 338 is a beauty!
  22. hoghntr

    Lots of bulls

    Yep yep yep..
  23. hoghntr

    Lots of bulls

    All awesome advice! Hard to chase down an elk so interception is key! if you hear fighting get up & get in there and being near water after a rumble is always a bonus. good luck and most of all enjoy!
  24. hoghntr

    *** no tag soup this year

    First off it requires permit form game & fish.. my crossbow is older model, a parker cyclone and the main feature I love is the adjustable stock like magpul or whatever ar-15 style. standing I extend and in blind I shorten up a bit. EVERY ANIMAL I HAVE AIMED IT AT HAS COME HOME WITH ME TO LIVE IN MY FREEZER. Many gr8 bows out there but I would suggest not getting compound so you can put new string on in field if need be and replace string period! not many shops in az can work on todays x-bows Thanks. Guy just posted in classifieds what your dad needs Yeah he is looking at getting the paper work from azgfd and his next annual Dr appointment having them check it out. Brian