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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    WTB 300 win mag ammo

    I will tke a look at sportsmans but think my safe only stocked with 200grain
  2. hoghntr

    WTB 300 win mag ammo

    Are the store shelves running low??
  3. hoghntr

    Leice range master 900

    Sa-weeeeeet! someone just saved me $225
  4. the twelves I have are the original Nikon monarchs so I'm really curious about the 5's in the 16x56
  5. So I traded a guy on here nikon for nikon and what I got was 12x56 monarch and absolutely love the glass so wondering if anyone uses the next size up??? 16x56.. and if so give your opinions plz.. thx
  6. hoghntr

    WTB Vortex Razor HD 12X50 Binos

    I should do the same.. I only looked thru the euro's the 1st or 2nd yr they made them and my leupold green ring mojaves 10x42's walked all over them and mine were $400 and believe euros were double that from bargain cave so sure hope they got better.
  7. hoghntr

    ** Alpen 788 20-60x80

    Ya im cool with it at range but I also have never used a spotter so it all feels foreign to me hopefully she works good in the sticks for you.
  8. hoghntr

    ** Alpen 788 20-60x80

    Well I was looking for a spotter for the range and checked costco and they have $100 off right now on this Alpen.. I did some research and found all positive reviews and even few awards one so for $322 tmd figured could not go wrong. so far just checked out on mtns around house but looks very sweet. Anybody else have 1 of these?
  9. hoghntr

    WTB Vortex Razor HD 12X50 Binos

    As I told you already... CANNNNNNNNOT GO WRONG WITH 2013 & NEWER 12x50 RAZOR.... the clarity you pick up makes up for little magnification loss from your kaibabs and razors are sO lightweight.. dang why did I buy your kaibabs again??? just kidding.. good luck joe but my vote Iis just buy them cuz they are realllly nice! my 12x50 razors went to member cramerhunts
  10. I bought 1 but have not used it yet.. yes she is leica clear! lightweight and compact but as for the function not sure yet, sorry
  11. Very cool! I have found few that do military discount also.
  12. hoghntr

    Leice range master 900

    Unbelievably good price! someone who needs 1 plz buy
  13. hoghntr

    guns guns guns

    I think you have few to many shotguns in that safe so maybe sell that 1 on far left. Or maybe the rem 1100 20ga beside it??
  14. Luv ya bud but I draw the line at weavers! this is where friendshps are tested... just kiddin but nice to see I made you a believer. weavers rock!
  15. hoghntr

    Leica Rangefiner

    Holy cow im about to sell my non scanner 800 and buy yours for the wifey.. these things are more clear than everything else my eyes have looked thru EXCEPT new leice which honestly seem about the same just smaller
  16. If for any reason whitey does not take scope I will.
  17. hoghntr

    2014 G5 Prime Impact. 60-70. 29.5

    http://www.g5prime.com/model_detail/402 This looks like a sweet bow and a gr8 price.
  18. hoghntr

    Leice range master 900

    I have not looked thru every range finder but I can tell you from the ones I have looked thru the leica beats them hands down for clarity! I just bought a new leica but my old 1 like this without the scan feature this 1 has is just as clear as my new 1. cant go wrong with leica! top notch glass!
  19. hoghntr

    WTS Vortex Kaibabs HD 15X56 $850.00

    Thx joe & good meeting you
  20. hoghntr

    20b Help

    everything I could research on the web about the Unit said it's pretty weak for deer, The above statement is kinda funny. plenty of deer and some big deer. drop tines, non typicals, and well every kind of muley except in my experience not very heavy antlered.. seen tall, seen wide, not so much heavy. good luck!
  21. hoghntr

    Lost and found

    Verrrrrry cool.
  22. hoghntr

    Guy on a Buffalo- Just to break up the day.

    Yes I also liked the cougar punch. strangest thing I have ever clicked the little play arrow on.
  23. hoghntr

    Noah's First Cow Elk
