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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    *** WTB 243 wsm ammo and or brass

    Can only hope they start making ammo again
  2. hoghntr


    Sorry about that-learn something new every day! Thanks! Good luck on your hunt buckmaster21. Same here! I started laughing when I read picacho peak.. good info to know. thx
  3. hoghntr

    ar 15 for sale

    Is it some sort of secret? o_O
  4. hoghntr

    ar 15 for sale

    Especially for free!
  5. Dad bougth this 1 for me the day I was born! verrrrry sweet little lever 22lr. it was my dove slayer when I was a kid. good luck with the sale and as he said they are SUPER SMOOTH and 42yrs of use and still smoooooth!
  6. hoghntr

    lots of deer,no piggies

    First, the increased pressure on metro unit pigs in December is a good thing. Most of these herds never get hunted and just end up causing problems. Second, allowing a double harvest just means that fewer of the draw tags made available go unused. Tag allotments assume a certain percentage of harvest. No more tags are issued that could have been issued under the old one-pig system. Tag allotments are based on biology, and never assumed that up to 50% of the tags for certain units would go unused. One of the primary factors in moving to a two pig quota was the fact that in some units there was severe underharvest of pigs. So, if the new rules increase success, its still within the biological guidelines. Ha! all about $. I understand the over counter close to town deal that is pretty easy to figure out.. well except that pigs closest to town were made illegal to hunt. O_O As for general hunts well clearly they will be making more $. Everyone is jumping for joy FOR NOW.
  7. hoghntr

    2014 OTC Urban Javelina

    Very good! got'r done
  8. hoghntr

    Couple of youth guns for sale (SOLD)

    Have you had recall work done on the 7-08?
  9. hoghntr

    Gun safe in garage??

    I have considered this also but safes in garage I know of are in climate controlled garages. and I would also like to make the thief work a bit harder! now days bad guys just pull vehicle into your garage and help themselves.. this is why I leave mine stacked to ceiling in gear/junk. I keep telling my wife it is latest in theft deterrant.
  10. hoghntr

    lots of deer,no piggies

    With 2 pig quota more people taking advantage of the over the counter along with left overs of course... EXPECT LESS PIGS! This way of raising funds will end up hurting our javi hunting
  11. hoghntr

    SOLD-SOLDRemington CDL 700 7MM Rem Mag SOLD-SOLD-SOLD

    I dropped check in mail for the ammo. thx and will connect with your buddy in phx just shoot me his # after you get my $ Bump for a nice lookin rifle
  12. hoghntr

    Leica Duovid 10+15X50 Binoculars- Mint

    Awesome glass good luck with sale steve
  13. hoghntr

    custom Remington 700 22-250

    Is it free?
  14. hoghntr


    Thx for the scopes Lance!
  15. hoghntr


    man I killed a lot of critters with one like that
  16. MERRY CHRISTMAS & enjoy! YOUR FIRST CHRISTMAS CARD Twas two months before Christmas When all through our land, Not a Christian was praying Nor taking a stand. Why the PC Police had taken away The reason for Christmas - no one could say. The children were told by their schools not to sing About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things. It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say December 25th is just a ' Holiday '. Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it! CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-Pod Something was changing, something quite odd! Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda. As Targets were hanging their trees upside down At Lowe's the word Christmas - was nowhere to be found. At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and SearsYou won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears. Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-is-ty Are words that were used to intimidate me. Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton ! At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter. And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded The reason for the season, stopped before it started. So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree' Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me. Choose your words carefully, choose what you say Shout MERRY CHRISTMAS,not Happy Holiday ! Please, all Christians join together and wish everyone you meet MERRY CHRISTMAS! Christ is The Reason for the Christ-mas Season! Wake up America
  17. hoghntr

    ** leather office chair

    just a chair.. willing to take a box of bullets or some such thing if ya need a chair. good solid chair.. big boys can sit in it.
  18. hoghntr

    BNIB, never fired Stainless Tikka T3 Lite

    Not bad considering Cabela's SALE price on a stainless tikka is $799 (normally $899) before tax! Bump!
  19. hoghntr

    17wsm for javalina?

    It's not the body type that would stop me from using a little bullet~ IT IS THEIR WILL TO LIVE! And know they dont have armor plates but make sure ya dont carry this thinking on to hogs and russians etc... an elks shoulder blade is nothing compared to the natural kevlar 1 of these beasts wears.
  20. Shoot for 600 I would forget its not a 20!
  21. hoghntr

    ** Merry Christmas yes CHRISTmas

    God is Goooooood! Lets just say I could not do what He has done for me. I am a firm believer and try my best to follow Christ but even as I type my best things rush thru my head pointing out how I could positively do better.. My goal is of course not to be Christ but to share His light with others and 1 cannot do so when in the darkness. **Some may know and others may have never looked at the end of The HOLY BIBLE where it says: Revelations 22: 18-19 And i solemnly declare to everyone who hears the words of prophecy written in this book if anyone adds anything to what is written here God will add to that person the plagues described in this book. And if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy, God will remove that person's share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book. Lets not be misled! many right here on coues are cussing while reading this but folks the devil has been master of deception since.... while you probably know the story.. do not ad or subtract from this book of prophecy! Merry Christmas everyone! Remember your last breath is YOUR LAST CHANCE! I for one dont wanna be guessing when mine wil be!
  22. hoghntr

    Ruger 10/22

    Gr8 deal for a real 10/22 all metal no plastEEk