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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. Ok obviously I could sell somewhere for few bucks but that is not my preference so pleeeeeease only if you or family memeber or friend is in need and having difficult time with insurance. I have a walker with tags on it wheelchair used a bit for 4 or 5 maybe 6 surgeries but good shape with leg dealys and all. Please only if you could use or mom or dad, grandpa, grandma, neighbor, church etc Thx
  2. hoghntr


    I would mount a gun rack for a quad on her.
  3. hoghntr

    SOLD. Nikon Prostaff 550

    Super lightweight and functions flawlessly! still has same battery as when I got from the guy and with full charge.
  4. hoghntr

    Winchester Model 70 30-06 Post 64

    Ttt for the guy looking for 30-06 for his kiddo
  5. hoghntr

    HP inkjet print cartridges - 88XL anyone need some?

    Amanda could you shoot me a pm on how to donate to site. plz and thx..
  6. hoghntr


    He works in chandler and live in Qc vest is size large **i dont know him just posting pics for him. looks like a bass catchin, duck thumpin son of a gun!
  7. hoghntr


    Sounds fun but im sure I once in boat I may never be able to get back out! post some pics! go to full version down below post and click on it if your on a cell then bottom right of ad will have "more options" or "edit" etc. Welcome!
  8. hoghntr

    Wtb A2 buffer tube

  9. hoghntr

    Retumbo, H4350, 7STW Brass, 180 Accubonds

    Thx for holding the h43350 and yes I will take it
  10. hoghntr

    Leupold scope 3x9

    Dang sure a beautiful rig.
  11. hoghntr

    WTB RCBS Charge Master Combo

    Yeppers. a member on here gave me the older model to try and see if she works before I pay him so that is SUPER COOL! Gonn try that route before I go spending 3 bills but 3 bills sounds WAY BETTER THAN 4 BILLS
  12. So soon I wil be reloading BUT arthritis hitting hands pretty bad now and I THINK this might help me out. Plz send pm if you have 1 for sale and feel free to post comments pros/cons
  13. hoghntr

    WTB RCBS Charge Master Combo

    ya just saw same unit for $379 @ sportsmans
  14. hoghntr

    Kuiu icon 1850 vias

    So no frame at all correct?
  15. hoghntr


    Wel then order from phone or tablet!
  16. hoghntr

    Moving sale/ updated w/more items*****

    Man the gun cleaning dealy bob is sweet! thx. Adam I hope you have good insurance!
  17. hoghntr


    The walker & wheelchair will go to More D whos sister works accross border providing much needed medical care to peoples whos Government could care less about them.. oh wait sounds familiar..... still worse there! Much respect for this woman! I spent some time in Kenya and Sommalia etc... and I was having things shipped to me like pen lights to give to doctors who had no supplies to treat locals but president had big palace on hill. **If anyone happens to be traveling from phx to tucson and wants to transport give me a shout
  18. hoghntr


    you don't have to be destitute just in need or know someone in need.its all good you already helped pay for these
  19. hoghntr

    Moving sale/ updated w/more items*****

    Im liking the gun cleaning dealy bob Txt sent I will take it per our agreement! looks nice.. now dont let me buy the knives I dont need. L.O.L.
  20. hoghntr

    WTB RCBS Charge Master Combo

    Nice! Some days my hands just as clumbsy as could be so figure little electronic help might be nice. thx for the input
  21. hoghntr


    $1400 with doubler? danggggggggg sweet
  22. Looks like a nice pack! looks like it would carry more than my back is capable of.
  23. hoghntr


    You mean im not supposed to hang bow on rusty piece of reebar over neighbors wall?? O_o These look quite nice
  24. hoghntr

    243 AR-10 for trade

    Yikes I don't have 1 of these 243's! Looks fun