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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Piggy Success

    That is a gr8 looking javelina! heck side profile of his head looks like a ferrel
  2. hoghntr

    Moving sale/ updated w/more items*****

    That mower is electric start isnt it??
  3. hoghntr

    kenmore gas grill bnib / found a pic /sold sold

    Had me counting how many years old mine is.
  4. hoghntr

    FS Remington .222 Model 788 $450 or OBO.

    That's 1 sweet looking Blonde!
  5. hoghntr

    Looking for a 30-06

    Has anyone noticed the member who post this ad is pretty quiet. L.O.L. MAYBE WE HAVE TO MANY OPINIONS? Which of course I have 1.. opinion that is. dad thought I needed 30-06 at about 13 so I moved from 243 up to -06. funny how when I grew up I went straight back to .243! Good luck with your decision as long as it works for him none of us should matter.
  6. Good cuz I was getting very tempted by a pack I dont even need. gr8 looking pack!
  7. We have a Coues Whitetail Brother ( Bowhunter4life ) Mike who needs parayer for his whole family especially his son teen son Jared who is facing biopsy and test results for cancer. Please lift up Jared and his family and pray for healing of his awesome kiddo! MIke has had very similar scare in his life and God healed him 100% and we know the same can be done for his son Jared. In the name of jesus I pray for healing over this young man.. He who is in me is greater than he who is in this world.. amen **********Update is jared has been diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 3. please pray for healing and NO SIDE EFFECTS that will be life altering. *** MIke is quite busy right now and spending much time at hospital so I can tell you prayers are whats needed.. we are standing in faith knowing its already done.. healing will happen and Jared will be fine but this will be a long road for this young man so early in life so pray pray PRAY. thank you
  8. hoghntr

    Looking for a 30-06

    I think that would be a 770. You don't want one of those You really looking for an 30-06 for a youth hunter? That is what I shoot and my shoulder is not happy with me after a range trip. Have you considered 7mm-8? Rem 700 adl is the price he quoted
  9. Yes I do sell nice things that belong to me. you are breaking the rules and by doing so taking advantage of members on this site. craigslist would be nice comfortable place for you and your business. If your somehow implying I run a business on here with your peeing on tree comment.. well not sure what exactly to say to that.. L.O.L. your father in law is a wholesaler, you admit you are making $ which makes you a retailer, you are selling on a site that has rules strictly forbidding this unless you are a sponsor andif you are I believe they have their own section for advertising.. its not that difficult to figure out if you can read and such. How long after you became a member did you figure this racket your in out? some are here for good and some are here for other reasons entirely. which are you here for SINWAGON?
  10. L.O.L. ok bud move along. enjoy those glasses.
  11. Not sure what that is supposed to mean? please explain your stupidity. thx Sponsors mean everything to site like this. thx for helping jeprodize that.
  12. This forum is not for commercial dealers. Pretty simple. Also maybe call these guys and ask them about father inlaws business. Phone: (800) 426-0048 or (608) 664-9856 Email: info@vortexoptics.com
  13. This forum is not for commercial dealers. This is website rule. your father inlaw is a what??? a wholesaler.. you are making $ of them so that makes you a?? and that may be short lived if I remember vortex rules correctly. I dont blames suys for wanting to save money and buy from you BUT... YOUR BREAKING THE RULES OF THIS SITE AND I BELIEVE VORTEX.
  14. and if you all want to throw a guy under the bus for selling bow hangers that he makes on here I think you ought to get on board
  15. well I know everybody likes a good price on optics but why don't youask the sponsorshow they appreciate you selling new optics for under retail when they're paying for the site
  16. L.O.L. SO IS HE A SPONSOR OF COUESWHITETAIL.COM? I assume this will be ending very soon. You might wana just consider moving this business over to craigslist
  17. Keith the stories just are not matching up so well.
  18. All vortex has to be sold at certain price so im wondering how it is your dad is pulling this off? Im confused
  19. hoghntr

    SOLD. Nikon Prostaff 550

    Think I paid $100 or $120 from guy on here so $100 wife carried in pocket 1 time after I bought off this site she will never know I upgraded for her. You get what you see.