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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    2006 Dodge Megacab 5.9 diesel 4x4 6 speed manual

    Just cuz it is so popular at its current pricing!
  2. hoghntr

    wts lowrance elite 4x hdi fish finder

    This belongs on my boat! We will work out details after hunt. thx
  3. hoghntr

    Old Time Meat Grinder/ DEAL OF THE DAY!

    That is a gr8 looking desk!
  4. hoghntr

    Piggy Success

    Seriously unusual! very cool! dont let mama chuck the skull next time Wait.... did you shoot him between the eyes?? this may account for the swell :]
  5. hoghntr

    2012 Polaris 800 Crew *Price Updated

    I wanna see it go 120mph like speedometer says. I would love to have 1 of these but considering it costs probably 3+ times what my every day driver is worth right now it is probably out of question for me. L.O.L.
  6. You looking for Synthetic or wood? if wood which wood pattern or just happy if you find 1?
  7. hoghntr

    Piggy Success

    Ok for real gotta get that skull measured! he looks like a javelina/ferrel/russian boar/wolf/angry pitbull mix! honestly that is one of the coolest javelina I have ever seen, like a lifesize mount kinda pig with gr8 coloring. true trophy gr8 job Yoshi
  8. hoghntr

    My first Javelina! 37A

    Very nice! nice of your wife to let you get 1 this year.
  9. hoghntr

    Windy Day in 19A

  10. hoghntr

    Pigapalooza 2015 (9 javelina, one taken on video)

    Please sir take my username, I bow to your greatness. Awesome job to all and I do believe YOU HOOKED THOMAS!
  11. hoghntr

    4 for 4 2015

    Awesome Especially the smile on lil guy Iin middle. ))
  12. hoghntr

    ***CoNgRaTs WKLMAN!

    Yes sir! the website below is how you can donate.. if your talkin another way just shoot me a pm. ys my 6yr old step-son has been illin and I fel horrible watching him suffer so I cannot imagine something of this severity. this is a God fearing God loving family but stillllllllll. thx http://www.gofundme.com/jznbaw This is pic of jared rocking his new haircut and holding his new shotgun.
  13. hoghntr


    Good dealio!
  14. hoghntr

    Sold-Sold-17 HMR ammo for sale-Sold-Sold

    Gr8 price! glad your not my neighbor I probably have enough if it does not sell to someone in need then im possibly your guy.
  15. hoghntr

    WTB Ruger #1 .220 swift

    Oh your killin me! sounds fun
  16. hoghntr

    Outdoorsman's Rifle Rest

    some day I will get 1. maybe next one up...
  17. hoghntr

    WTB kids saddle

    My daughters 1st saddle was so tiny yet I still had to build her some blocks to put in sirrups for her feet to rest on.. still tiny 14yrs after her 3yr old riding days but no blocks required. Good luck and maybe what size saddle is needed?
  18. hoghntr

    Toybox trailer

    Jim is an amazing taxidermist and with his attention to detail and the way he and his wife used to keep house im betting this trailer is in VERY GOOD CONDITION! Bump for a gr8 looking trailer and a REALLY GOOD GUY!
  19. Just by chance were you using a bipod? they no likey bipods or resting them on anything under forward piece of wood.
  20. hoghntr

    Looking for GSP or Vizsla puppy

    Dang the dog what human can shoot that many ducks in az?? and a bobcat for mixed bag.. dang he is my hero! Hey gonna shoot you a pm with phn number of guy I know with some pretty impressive GSP's and im sure he could steer you in direction he went. good luck!
  21. hoghntr

    Outdoorsman's Rifle Rest

    Ok, c'mon, you can tell us... how many critters died from this rest?? I love these things! supppper lightweight! wanted to buy 1 for wife and kiddos, ok for me. :] still have 1 of these on my wishlist I think.
  22. hoghntr

    M&P VTAC

    I LOVE THE GREEN & BLACK! also love the feel of the 21's Bump!
  23. hoghntr

    Kenetrek mountain extremes NI-$100

    Some places grind down to midsole and glue other soles to them.. molded soles must be done at factory so local shops will cheat a little for probably $65
  24. hoghntr

    NEW designs for 2015

    ?? realllllly The average age of a guy that has said something like that lately is between 25-30yrs old.. seems you are 2 yrs into the wiser category so act accordingly. you like this site? than protect it!