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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Mossberg 20ga Barrel

    Takes screw in chokes or is it fixed choke? if fixed what is it?
  2. hoghntr


  3. hoghntr

    Father's Day Sale! It's not too late!

    For $500 you could not hang a better pair of optics around your neck. im not saying good or bad price just sayin WEAVER SUPER SLAM is fantastic glass!
  4. And I will be adding pineapple! my mental taste buds just watered when I read that. thx
  5. hoghntr

    Spring Fishing

    Wow wow wow
  6. hoghntr

    mead stripers with capt don

    If ya use 2 poles you may end up with only 1. Good job guys! awesome eatin fish right there
  7. hoghntr

    2007 Superlite weekend warrior

    I really liked the interior of this trailer.. the inside looked like a trailer your wife would not fight you on buying.. very nice congrats on sale and kitten giveaway.
  8. L.O.L. You guys are killin me it is June 16th. The hunt WILL be given away and someone will hunt bear this October with Coop.
  9. Oh more donations will come! God is good! remember the PSE DNA was won by a brand new member from New Mexico who donated quite a bit and he didn't even know any of us.. God is good and Jared will live to share the message of salvation to many and many will be reached just from this silly little donation dealio. donations stalled out during spring app deadline also. ok my 1st fathers day flag day was good hope everybodys real fathers day coming this weekend is Blessed!
  10. Im not willing to end it with guys squeaking in at last minute and giving away after only $500 donated ya know.. so if anything I could set a dollar amount that once we hit it we would set end date. I have been trying to do so once giveaway item is paid for basically. hunt ran $2500 last I checked so seems like we should be able to raise that much. I just don't wanna treat it like Ebay, the cause is real and most of who have donated have truly looked at the gifts just as a small bonus the incentive is the sick kid and family in need. Flat out someone is gonna be super happy! thx for the input
  11. Just little update.. since this posted with bear hunt I have had 18 guys txt or pm me that they have donated with a total of $1,080 raised from this giveaway so we have a ways to go before the lucky people get text from me. I would like to get'r rolling so the hunt can get all planed out ya know. hopefully the draw being over wil help and if we must wait till results are out that is fine.. whatever it takes to get those few coins donated. thanks every one for the support! please keep the Ornoski family in your prayers. MIke
  12. hoghntr

    WTT RanchHand Bumpers for Stock

    Does that buger grinder come with some freezer paper???
  13. Ttt Ttt thx for the continued support! a very special thanks to the individuals who they or their business has helped keep this going with donations for Jared!
  14. hoghntr

    Minn Kota Maxxum 101 Pro

    Could hook that up on my 12' sea nymph and ski!
  15. hoghntr

    SOLD Franchi 48AL Deluxe 28 gauge

    I wanna see a pic! I looked it up on here from when he bought it but pics were gone. ok post pics when you shoot some birds with it. and im not much of a hunterof hogs anymore. maybe SIRNAPALOT might be better. Im glad You got it! enjoy sep 1st
  16. hoghntr

    SOLD Franchi 48AL Deluxe 28 gauge

    I remember this gun was a looker!
  17. hoghntr

    .270 for sale

    Since pictures sell! no scope
  18. Yes I hear ya there! fishin fishin fishin! yeeeeee~ha! Your kayak adventure looked fun
  19. hoghntr

    Horse drawn doctors buggy

    Here she be!
  20. hoghntr

    WTB Benelli super black hawk 2

    I had sbe1 and sprung for the mercury recoil reducer you put in stock and a good recoil pad of course.. sbe1 can be bought for $500-$700 less not sure about lefty. good luck, I was sad my sbe would not eject low brass dove rounds since often jumping stock ponds was during late dove season.
  21. That's my favorite way to cook them too. A fresh jalapeno is also good instead of the green chili. And ad little pepper jack cheese! Make it a dove jalapeno popper. yummmmmmm
  22. hoghntr

    Horse drawn doctors buggy

    Ha... ya I have helped tom few times already. 604994136