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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    You be stoopid

    2x.. pretty sure his left shin and right bicep/tricep/shoulder were out of commission for while.. DUMB DUMB DUMB IS WHAT HE IS
  2. hoghntr

    You be stoopid

    I wanna see the aftermath
  3. hoghntr

    270 Win - Savage 110

    Bill if you would like to buy this rifle to replace yours I have a 30-06 in wood stock and I would be glad to trade you for the hogue and that youth stock he has. my stock is pretty clean and I like hogue and dont wanna cut this one for wife. Yes it is late or early however you look at it, just got back from lake with wife and son.
  4. hoghntr

    Dog owners

    Costco healthy weight. heck now that I see people only give 2 cups total a day maybe that's why mine need weight management food!
  5. hoghntr

    Anyone have a cabin rental up north of payson?

    Sent you a pm. thx
  6. We wanna take my mom up for her birthday next weekend 2 nights july 31st & aug 1st Kohls ranch prices bit steep so might just be taking her up for the day 602-499-4136
  7. hoghntr

    BLACKBERRIES ripe yet???

    Yes I have now heard I should have gone up saturday by a few guys. L.O.L.
  8. hoghntr

    Ultralight 50 bmg

    Prarie dogs.. reason enough?
  9. hoghntr

    Operation Desert Storm

    I wasn't there till jan 94 and it all stil sucked! and physically I have never been the same. 1 auto imune disorder after another followed by surgery after surgery.. thanks for serving!
  10. hoghntr

    (Non hunting but please read)1941 John Deere B

    It gave me a good reason to quit pushing my 6 yr old on slip & slide! thought slip & slide was a self propelled game?? o_O
  11. This is the deal we have all warned our ladies might happen! or secretly hoped for in silence.
  12. Met a few of the guys that have donated while I was at nwtf banquet last night.. funny I had 1 guy txt me at banquet and his name popped up and he was like "how did you have my my name in your phone"?? L.O.L. Azhuntnut good to meet you sir! that raffle was rigged cuz I didn't win squat. And Darrin from Dca good to meet you sir! Im sure more were there but since I dont walk around with a hat that says HOGHNTR wellll ya know... GOD BLESS All and thanks for the support! Jared hopefully only has 2 radiation treeatments left.
  13. hoghntr

    BLACKBERRIES ripe yet???

    This intrigues me.
  14. hoghntr

    Anyone have a cabin rental up north of payson?

    Trying to take myself+wife+son+daughter+aunt+grandma so 6 that's why I was shooting for a cabin. I have 2 possibilities im working on today.
  15. hoghntr

    Anyone have a cabin rental up north of payson?

    I actually checked on that one on 1 of the above mentioned sites and it said $140 a night and I checked 2 nights and then wanted me to pay $580 ?? maybe $300 security deposit? anyways these dang rental sites are confusing!Yeah I think he has a $200 deposit.It is confusing cuz found another and it said $140 a night all the way up to checkout and suddenly it was $250 a night for weekend nights which aint happenin unless they have a cook on premises for us. also some dont even tell you exactly where located? such as 1 in sitgreaves forest and that is as much as they give you and ask if your ready to rent. wonder how many people sign up for cabin and later find they needed a gps and 4x4 to get to it. L.O.L. clearly they are makin $$$ cuz most everything booked solid. I think when I move up North I will be buying a 2nd place for a rental property.
  16. hoghntr

    Anyone have a cabin rental up north of payson?

    I actually checked on that one on 1 of the above mentioned sites and it said $140 a night and I checked 2 nights and then wanted me to pay $580 ?? maybe $300 security deposit? anyways these dang rental sites are confusing!
  17. hoghntr

    Anyone have a cabin rental up north of payson?

    I dont wanna down load a app to rent a cabin. funny I googled ponderosa cabins and almost reserved a cabin in NEW MEXICO. :0
  18. Ttt friday we will have names of gift getters and who is gonna be bear hunting
  19. Gift getters will be known july 31st cuz gonna end this at 6pm 7/31/15 thanks http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/57701-not-too-late-jared-strong-guided-bear-hunt-vortex-12x50s-22lr-ammo-a-vortex-monocular/
  20. Next friday we will have some gift getters! Ttt for last week of opportunity for this guided bear hunt with gr8 guide and dogs