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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Open country roaster

    Heck ya you could probably get a whole boned out Javelina in that baby!
  2. hoghntr

    Dead head pick up question

    ??? When the ML deer season was Sept. 10-20th here I killed bucks still in velvet. Never took the antlers, except 1 I had mounted, to the taxidermist and 20 years later they still have the velvet on them and haven't rotted. Taxis freeze dry and or use a chemical on them for preservation
  3. hoghntr

    Perfect for dove season

    I want 1in 20ga for $300. :]
  4. hoghntr


    Sweeeeet. Some dislike dove meat but pretty sure all kids like shooting at them.
  5. http://www.youcaring.com/ty-bennett-397177 I dont use words like "raffle" and "lottery" and "Luck" or at least I try not to for a reason.. since this is not a non proffit organization it gets sticky. I simply wanna help out a family and you donate to them directly They had started you caring before we got involved.$1, 030 Is from this post and included in our goodies that will be given away. 6024994136 txt me or send pm
  6. hoghntr

    Unreal as it lay

  7. hoghntr

    33 junior late hunt

    I was driving down dirt rd when 2 big but young 4x4 stepped out of canyon beside rd I stopped looked for camera on seat and when I looked back a rack appeared directly behind them that was wider than both of them together. I will remember forever. Biggest non typ I ever saw was in 22 and also etched into memory forever
  8. hoghntr

    My daughters buck finally mounted

    Beautiful she did well!
  9. hoghntr

    Safe location

    Dont do it! Safe+guns+ammo+your weight as you stand infront of it.. deflection of?? Leave it on concrete.
  10. hoghntr

    must be dinner time

  11. hoghntr

    How much $$$ to find one?

    If I gad a big tag and cash in hand Coues 'n' Sheep Is who I would want on my team.. is he everyones cup of tea? Probably not but he does live it and does have a certain balance. Gino once helped me haul a forkie mulie off a mtn and I remember his smile as he said he has never seen someone smile so big over a fork horn carp. He also called me a Nancy another time and has called me a idiot for chasing wounded deer when I should be waiting. :] but who do I txt blood trail pics to?? Yep still Gino a man whos expertise I highly respect. Someday I will learn to wait after the shot. I do not agree with all the methods used by all guides but I also dont believe they should all be looked at as the same. If I were a business man with $ and not much time and had passion for hunting... WE DONT ALL HAVE TO SEE EYE TO EYE
  12. hoghntr

    Invalid tag

    A duplicate tag is just that it's a duplicate of what you already have. Duplicate is not the answer you have to go back to the store and have to cancel it out which they're not going to like because I believe they have to pay for it. But ultimately you're the hunter so it's your responsibility to have the correct paperwork and tags so believe you me G&F would give you a ticket
  13. hoghntr


  14. hoghntr

    2011 Toyota Tacoma 4x4 PRICED TO SELL $25,500

    He is probably like me and lost it when he got his windshield replaced :-(
  15. hoghntr

    Any traffic lawyer on cw?

    Okay how fast were you going on the dirt road???
  16. hoghntr

    Outer Limits 2 day Aug 4-6

  17. hoghntr

    For all those lucky tag holders

    That was so cool! Congrats to the youngin
  18. hoghntr

    NIB Remington 700 Classic

    Weren't you located in vegas?
  19. hoghntr

    Face-to-Face with a Mountain Lion

    Very cool! Thx for sharing story & pics
  20. hoghntr


    44b n helped furnish my gr8 room. Not the biggest but I love it! Congrats on the tag
  21. hoghntr

    33 junior late hunt

    Biggest live typical muley I have ever seen was in 33. Possibly largest javi I have harvested came from 33.
  22. hoghntr

    What do Coues deer taste like?

    I just ate dinner and now hungry again
  23. hoghntr

    Toyota Tundra

    Must have 4x4. Toyotas will climb anything! Miss my 2001 but really enjoying my Seuuoia.