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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. So if you also find it disgusting that our Country allows the murder, butchering and sales of murdered baby parts please join the fight. http://landing.johnmccain.com/defund/2/az/ Not really a post for debate just click and take a seconds to put your name on list and if you don't agree push on to next item of interest. Thx
  2. hoghntr

    Petition to defund planned parenthood

    Amanda, I would say over on average 1/2 items in campfire have zero relation to hunting. I simply posted this to raise awareness since it is our tax dollars at work doing these things. I also posted "Not really a post for debate just click and take a seconds to put your name on list and if you don't agree push on to next item of interest. Thx" Certain members just can't help themselves they must talk trash no matter what. now I realize this topic can stir some emotions and make people say stupid things like Antis do when they relate elk to humans but it just ain't so folks. This Country is disgusting and for us to think we are better than anyone else is laughable! To think I served this country that murders babies is disgusting! Go to jail for murdering adult. Go to jail for murdering pregnant woman. But abort/murder a baby that is not wanted and all is good. Our money says "in God we trust" this is not true and people gotta quit thinking we are BLESSED.. Just aint so folks.. We are living in God's graces and I'm thinking that things are pretty close to getting real. How do you suppose that God we supposedly trust in feels about us chopping up babies? Ya not so happy I bet. Amanda I get not wanting people all worked up but really there was no reason for it. I posted a link for people to go sign petition or not sign petition. I find that there are many like minded people on here and a few that I'm not sure why they are allowed to keep on stirring things up ALWAYS! We all have difference of opinion that comes from God giving us free will. It does not take long on this site to see who could careless for anyone but themself so maybe start with removing them and see how much smoother this coues family participates with each other. The 1st person to disagree with this post was wildwoody, this is same guy that posted on my classified as how is wife cheated on him and gave away his rifle.. What the heck? Maybe if moderators would just do something about people like that who seem to have no filter this might not always be such a mess. So go ahead and shut this down but I ask why transmissions and football and every little thing is ok to post accept anything that might actually make us think... What is happening in this world? To all who feel as I do about original topic sign the petition, post on facenook, raise awareness.. At 43 I know that it is not just the baby that suffered I'm at a age where I realize every single woman who has gone thru this has serious damage psychologically so pray pray pray for healing for them. Thank you and remember stand up for Christ and what is right always no matter what.
  3. Hope these pics explain things better.
  4. hoghntr

    <<< SOLD >>> 2001 Toyota Sequoia 4x4 SR5 $4700

    Take all that stuff below body off and come install on my sequoia! Told you I was gonna get 1. good luck with sale!
  5. hoghntr

    Wts vortex 15x56 vulturs hd

    Good deal! Gr8 glass especially at 4 bills.
  6. I wanted to share a picture of the gift my wife and I found on porch the other night. Ty's mother made my wife and I a wreath and a thank you card. Ty is 1 lucky kiddo cuz sure seems like he has some great parents! And mama has some serious crafting skills and my wife immediately decided she wants to be best friends with her. yes I had some tears. Gonna have to meet these folks in person cuz they seem quite amazing! Ty we are praying for full recovery kiddo. Btw we are up to $1740 !!! 😄
  7. hoghntr


    Gone to Salvation Army.
  8. Ttt some fantastic goodies gonna be given away! Last report I had was Ty was cleared for lens replacement and was just waiting for doc to schedule. Praise God that eye is ready for renewal!
  9. hoghntr

    Wtt for a small carry gun

    I have heard the same. Someone offer up a nice .380 for his Wifey. that's a beauty edge
  10. hoghntr

    Wtb long range gun/rifle

    I stick by my offer on the 7-08 gun is ready to roll! But it's 0-500 yard gun as is. Did I mention it is immaculate. Have had few texts about it so thought I brag on it. good luck on the search!
  11. hoghntr

    Wtb long range gun/rifle

    I sent him a message with pic and details of a 7mm-08 pkg. quite ready to slay! Never mind He wants turrets to shoot 700 yards.
  12. hoghntr

    Wtb long range gun/rifle

    I sent him a message with pic and details of a 7mm-08 pkg. quite ready to slay!
  13. hoghntr

    Petition to defund planned parenthood

    Yes please shoot away it just takes few seconds. Of course then your transferred to contribution website which I did not do.! I know McCain's office well from Va issue and not really impressed but we gotta keep doing our part and not turning our heads even when our elected officials do.
  14. hoghntr

    Petition to defund planned parenthood

    Well where should it be burried wildwoody? So if someone had a issue with not being able to sell elk meat they butchered we should discuss here. If people are slaughtering innocent babies and selling their parts we should just let others deal with it and turn our backs? We are men and more should be expected from us.
  15. I would really like to see pics of some people standing over there critters with 1 of these rifles in hand or maybe VORTEX Talons around neck or the Ranger 1000! I know hunts are on but this family is still dealing with some big issues. My understanding is doc has given thumbs up for lens replacement and date is being set for the lens replacement surgery! Can't wait to see future hunt pics of Ty after he uses both eyes to glass his Future monster coues bucks. 😀
  16. hoghntr

    Cost of a shoulder mount for a javelina?

    I'm gonna say $550-$750 depending on mount. I have a few shoulder mts but for few bucks more had a pedestal mount done with gravel and brush and prickly pear cactus with real needles! Beautiful mount if ya have a flat surface for it
  17. hoghntr

    Mummy Bag

    A mummy gas sack for a $20 bill??? Crazy good dealio. Good luck sir
  18. hoghntr

    New here - rifle tag

    Congrats on a gr8 buck 100% bigger than mine.
  19. hoghntr

    AZ Speed Goat

  20. hoghntr


    I have never seen on thx for the pic
  21. I would really like to see pics of some people standing over there critters with 1 of these rifles in hand or maybe VORTEX Talons around neck or the Ranger 1000! I know hunts are on but this family is still dealing with some big issues. My understanding is doc has given thumbs up for lens replacement and date is being set for the lens replacement surgery! Can't wait to see future hunt pics of Ty after he uses both eyes to glass his Future monster coues bucks. 😀
  22. hoghntr

    Archery 27????

    Temps temps temps don't worry it will be cooler on day 12 or so. good luck with the kiddos.
  23. Bummer deal. and no doubt wonder how many Mile high birds we get this year??
  24. hoghntr

    First archery bull

    Ha ha! Awesome! Veerry cool freak bull. Seen many oddballs like that in 22, even 6 pts up and 6 pts down. CONGRATS!
  25. hoghntr

    Son's First Archery Bull

    A true bruiser! Gorgeous bull congrats guys