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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. Sa-weet! Dang got my answer before even getting to say my first petty please to wifey.
  2. hoghntr

    Obama is PO'ed

    Clearly we need the opposite of what all those idiots suggest! I say armed guards/soldiers everywhere not sure they have noticed but America is under attack by foreigners and people Native to our soil. Arm good guys and shoot bad guys the end. Keep our people safe.
  3. Stephen b. it is not unusual for a buyer to look for some local feedback on a buyer before sending them large amount of money. I'm sure if the two buyers of your optics off coueswhitetail see this post of mine I'm sure they will feel comfortable letting me or anybody else know that they have no problems. I like the Cabelas instinct line and eager to hear from other buyers. Thanks
  4. That's cool I'm just waiting to see if any Arizona Living coeswhitetail members say they purchased from you but thanks for clarifying now its only two people out of the 4 items that bought from here. That's a lot of really nice optics you tried out in your backyard in the Pacific Northwest so hopefully somebody on here can let me know how awesome their glasses are they got from you because I like those Cabela's instincts Thx
  5. Yes but I'd still be interested local feedback thank you
  6. Maybe someone who bought one of your other 4 out of state optics could post up that transaction went well? It might help the deal. I jilust remember somebody saying they wanted them then you said you sold to someone else. Thx
  7. hoghntr

    Deer meat

    +1 few gr8 foods out there and vets always say give them venison as if you can buy at Safeway. I had a sharpei that had same skin allergy and was cured with vegetarian diet before days of all these awesome foods available. Good luck!
  8. Ttt! Couple guys on here have been super generous and just want you to know I'm verrry thankful! The 3-9x50 Burris scope was DELIVERED to me and it is quite nice. A member offered few of his items for sale at a discount for $ donation made to Ty and 1 of those alone got us $160 closer to goal. Thanks guys were gettin there. https://www.youcaring.com/ty-bennett-397177 Text me or send pm and let me know $ amount donated in multiples of $20 Thx 6024994136 mike
  9. Ttt! Couple guys on here have been super generous and just want you to know I'm verrry thankful! The 3-9x50 Burris scope was DELIVERED to me and it is quite nice. A member offered few of his items for sale at a discount for $ donation made to Ty and 1 of those alone got us $160 closer to goal. Thanks guys were gettin there. https://www.youcaring.com/ty-bennett-397177 Text me or send pm and let me know $ amount donated in multiples of $20 Thx 6024994136 mike
  10. hoghntr

    Kaibab HD 15x56 Binos for sale $800

    Jim is good dude buy with confidence!
  11. hoghntr

    Ruger 10/22 Magazines - SOLD

    L.O.L. dang... Thought he and I were buds. oh accept I forgot his name 😮 from last meeting of 3 items I purchased cuz guys wanted them for free. Which by the way I donated 1 of them 30-06 with muzzlebreak..
  12. hoghntr

    Snake River Browns (and a few other)

    Dang nice fish!
  13. hoghntr

    Ruger 10/22 Magazines - SOLD

    Tell ya what I won't buy anything for 1 whole week or 2 or 3 you choose. That will be my punishent for getting that item talked about. ;] This seller posted my grocery list of items I have been meaning to pick up and I know where the money is going and happy to pay.
  14. hoghntr

    A Few Safe Queens

    Jim give me a call when ready. Thank you
  15. hoghntr

    Video of a 340" bull

    hard not to shoot when you know he carries back straps with him L.O.L. right
  16. hoghntr

    anyone else have problems in 6a?

    I have shot javelina at 90. Bummer deal on the branch.
  17. hoghntr

    Video of a 340" bull

    Looks like a 500 to me on the "how many burgers could I get from him system" I would never make much of a trophy hunter guy cuz that sucker would have been dead at 1st glance. :] steak-burger-roast-$ausage Cool video, love the up close encounters
  18. hoghntr

    My sons 1 st bull..... With a muzzleloader!

    Congrats to both of you! Good looking bull
  19. hoghntr

    My buddies muzzy elk

    Very nice!
  20. hoghntr

    Looking for 223 wssm Ammo

    We all need to raise a stink and get our wssm ammo back!
  21. hoghntr


    Very nice! Man someone could hunt piggys in style in spring
  22. hoghntr


    Thanks to both of you for helping out with ty!
  23. hoghntr

    Cabelas Binocular Harness - SOLD

    I'll take them
  24. hoghntr

    Ruger 10/22 Magazines - SOLD

    I'll take them