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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Girl power!!!

    Please adopt me for 1 Muley season. 😀 Congrats!
  2. hoghntr

    Tough buck.

    Very cool congrats!
  3. hoghntr

    WTB Upright Freezer

    I just had to replace 1 and figured out they are always on sale and sales very every few weeks.. $900 1 day $500 the next. Costco has smaller ones but chestt style not stand up
  4. hoghntr

    Manfrotto tripod

    I think since this is not business (cabela's) most of us hold things for buyers until day we agreed to meet them. But even cabela s will hold items.
  5. hoghntr

    14' Aluminum boat and trailer

    Boat and trailer and the 8hp you have would sell for $2500 in spring maybe little more. Someone must have nice spot to put this thing.
  6. hoghntr

    All loaded ready to go in the morning.

    I wanna see. hopefully 1 of the bucks you posted pics of.
  7. hoghntr


    Tie up couple below your standard bucks for wife and I in 19a were not choosy! Good luck!
  8. Congrats! I love it painted face wearing a blinged out belt.
  9. hoghntr

    14' Aluminum boat and trailer

    This is such a silly low price between this and your motor price I have to sit here and tell my self over and over how I already have a boat.
  10. hoghntr

    1988 Johnson 8hp Outboard

    Pretty dang good deal if you take look at craigslist prices folks!
  11. hoghntr

    Quail season

    When I get down there we will strap a collar and snake guards on James and he can be our bird dog! do not tell my wife I just posted that...shhh
  12. hoghntr

    Ruger Red Label 20 gauge. $725

    Gun stayed with me. Still for sale
  13. Sold to a friend and he decided he really needs removeable chokes for what he does.. He travels and hunts woodcock, grouse, pheasant, chill at etc... These perfect dove and gambles chokes don't work for him. 80's model blues rcvr 26" fixed mod and fixed full barrels with barrel selector switch and safety goes on every load gr8 for hunting! Gr8 for youngsters! I already have same gun and don't need another. $800 >>$750>> $725 last chance! n. Phx. Gun is used has some marks on stock and some Blueing wear bottom edges of receiver small repaired crack on bottom forend but then again price is not $1200
  14. hoghntr

    Quail season

    The really Crappy part is wife needs a shotgun for pics with girls at the wedding since it is a country themed wedding in black canyon city.. I saw few nice covey of quail on road when I was heading into place to drop off cake yesterday. Gonna be very hard taking red label and no shells! Good luck with the birds ladies and gents!
  15. hoghntr

    Quail season

    Dang dang dang why did I have to go to a wedding today??????????
  16. hoghntr

    Sold please delete

    no no no but looks cool and is the best ever caliber.
  17. hoghntr

    Sold please delete

    That looks like a good pig poker!
  18. ood news! We broke $2,000 and on way to $2500! *** We are currently at $2,120 😮😀 when dangerously close to $2500 or at I will post a 48hr warning to give guys with tags last opportunity but wanna reach the $2500 goal. If you donated little goodies and we haven't hooked up yet I will be giving you a call soon sorry been doctor filled month or 2 or 100 for me.. (think 2 bricks 22 outstanding) my bad.. L.o.L. . Thanks everyone! 42 people have donated
  19. Good news! We broke $2,000 and on way to $2500! *** We are currently at $2,120 😮😀 when dangerously close to $2500 or at I will post a 48hr warning to give guys with tags last opportunity but wanna reach the $2500 goal. Of you donated little goodies and we haven't hooked up yet I will be giving you a call soon sorry been doctor filled month or 2 or 100 for me.. (think 2 bricks 22 outstanding) my bad.. L.o.L. . Thanks everyone! 42 people have donated.
  20. Honestly I asked for anyone interested not just myself. I know this member had 4 nice items for sale that Sold so little feedback gonna help his sale to me or others. Nobody ever wants to speak up and ask but I can handle the ridicule. avg Joe says Stephen b good to go and says his 12's are awesone! We lack the ability of verifying good and bad before sending cash and we have all Seen few had out of state dudes pop up on here that were not legit. Thanks Stephen b for being legit and a dang sure have good taste in optics. And sts45 your ridiculous. Hoghntr
  21. I'm just curious are you willing to drive anywhere in AZ to do a face to face? You seem to be pretty worried about a out of state seller, but AZ is a big place too. That might be twisting the issue a bit wouldn't. You. Say? Asked if anyone had actually bought from him. Didn't ask for him to drive to me or me drive to him. Asked. If anyone had sent him Big money and rcvd their item thanks for taking it sideways Vegas.
  22. hoghntr

    Obama is PO'ed

    thats coming but it will be round us up for the camps. 1 thing I'm certain of is it will get worse, that is a promise. Myself being a follower of Jesus I'm way encouraged by at least 1 true Christian fighting for office even if he is soft spoken.. I know the power of a man allowing The Holy Spirit to guide his decisions is huge especially if he were leading this Country of ours. Christian movies in theatres.. Sounds like a chance/opportunity/invitation to that lathe that leads to the narrow hate. My heart aches for the families and friends of those who perished and for those who will wear the scars physically and emotionally for many years if not forever. Sorry for slight derailment. Trphyhntr is is nice to agree on few things I think if I remember correctly we did not use to agree much. Not saying you believe in all I just wrote. good meeting you sir let's see if we can keep it up!
  23. Let's put it this way some people must have must have a heck of a lot more money than I do if they don't care lol
  24. You know why does somebody get called The CW police because they inquire on something before they send $700 that makes no sense at all vowell