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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Son's first coues

    Holy smokes! Congrats on a beauty
  2. hoghntr

    Looking to buy or trade for tripod legs

    How much I might be able to get it picked up Dustin he And i are neighbors
  3. hoghntr


    And i must admit i love rattlesnakes! Had 4 in aquarium in apartment at 18yrs old (6 locks on top) had a 6ft black rattler with 18 beads when i was 20 living in Christopher Creek, guy i worked with showed up one night at 2am banging on my door carring a sleeping bag all curled up so i figured he had fight with his mom.. No that was not the case! As i was still waking up this knucklehead unfolded sleeping bag and down in bottom was this massive black rattler he found while out camping with friends so naturally he dexided bringing it into my living room alive was the best idea. 😮 so of course i kept it.. They are amazing to watch feeding.
  4. hoghntr


    This lil dude was in middle of nowhere. My strikes came from area where when n.phx started building up and snakes were displaced so instead of 1 per quail day you would see 4-6 per day. I do kill them if in neighborhoods its eith that ir again they get displaced and over populated where they get moved to. I know some guys kill every one of them that just is not me but i also would not throw 1 in your backyard instead of mine.
  5. hoghntr


    I moved this snake off the road 6feet before it rattled. It struck at me a dozen times before it rattled. Guys please do not count on a rattle. I have been struck 2x, 1 before leg guards and 1 after and neither rattled till shortly after the strike.
  6. hoghntr

    Camp Navajo strikes again.

    As far as my hunt went i 100% gurantee it was all crooked. **I have military id in my pocket and am aware of how bases sometimes must raise security alert and such or have a training suddenly.. But when i was drawn the Date on antelope tags were wrong and not the same days as in regs. deer hunt ended day before and on 2nd day the guy in charge of tags on base said he would extend deer season for us to hunt so i bought the base tag under the impression they set their own rules on base and i hunted deer and almost brought home a nice buck which would have been poaching. They shut down half the perimeter hunt are and would not allow us in and like i said only active guard with elk tags went in OH AND A RETURED FULL BURD WAS ALOUD IN TO HUNT. I was told i was not allowed to shoot a bobcat on base and was given deer tag out of season and told to enjoy.. Camp navajo uses the civilian sector with tags to herd the animals into areas only guard are permitted to hunt. I was there i know what happened. As for why they cancelled cactusjacks hunt ??
  7. hoghntr

    Camp Navajo strikes again.

    This is nice to see they now actually consult with g & f before extending a season. Long story but years back they really socked it to me and i could have ended up in big trouble. Also they claimed live fire exercises on west side of base yet the only vehicles that entered with guardsmen with bows in hand.. Camp Navajo is pretty crooked folks and i would not suggest hunting there EVER.
  8. hoghntr

    Swarovski 12x50 EL

    Im kinda jealous i like the orange addition!
  9. hoghntr

    AES 10 Canyon coolers

    Just google aes raffle
  10. hoghntr

    AES 10 Canyon coolers

    Same here...
  11. hoghntr

    Stolen F250

    That is insane! I dont think i would have wanted that bloody truck back no matter what, no matter how fast she was.. Clearly those boys had some enemies
  12. ***opportunity to get in on gifts is over. Im hoping everyone is accepting of this. I am getting nothing out of this and I do not touch the money. Ok guys 9 yr old Ty who is the son of a coueswhitetail.com member "wmathern" took a stick to the eye while playing with homemade crossbow and 2 surgeries later still needs lens replacement. I grew up a desert rat and believe you me this sure could have been me as a kid. I do not personally know this family beside texts messages checking status of ty's healing.. I feel led to do this and have time and connections to help out so I appreciate your help if able and prayers if you are a believer. thx *Vortex Optics* has given me few items to raise $ quick for his family to ease financial burden $20 gets you a chance at getting sweet gift of: ***all gifts getters will have option of what they want in order names are chosen/drawn*** 1.NIB pair Vortex Talon HD 10x42 2.NIB Vortex Ranger 1000 3.**In honor of vortex donating Im donating 1 of these 2 rifles *Savage 110 30-06 with muzzlebreak and (talley?) rings Very clean! OR *257 weatherby with rings 2box brass & dies 4. $500 gift certificate for legal services from bpursell (will, legal advice, gun trust etc) 5. NIB BURRIS FULLFIELD 3-9x50 6&7.- 2-Bricks of 22lr (so 2 winners) 8-13 . 6 chances at vortex baseball cap Black with silver letters **When you click on the donation link and see the total dollar amount don't worry not all of those people I trying to win binoculars. When we have raised $2,500 then we'll find out who gets the binoculars the range finder and gun legal services the ammo and the hats** http://www.youcaring.com/ty-bennett-397177 Mike 6024994136 text me with amount donated or send via pm
  13. Nope! Just God telling that buck to run like ....
  14. hoghntr


    The new anti venom used by hospitals is called Crofab and is 60k per dose, an average sized male human will require 2 doses. Right now, I dont think it is covered by any insurance. So you will be out of pocket Here is my favorite snake pic I've taken. He came over a dead branch 1.5 yards away from me when I was sitting in the ground during a coyote stand. His 5 foot skin looks nice on the wall image.jpeg That is a sweet rattle. I had a live black rattler with 18 beads living in aquarium in my place when i lived n. Of Payson. of course when i was younger and more reckless. And yes possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars for treatment unless obamer covers for ya. I heard if you get bit sneaking into the U,S, coverage is free and you can then sue for damages and get green card.
  15. hoghntr

    Wifes First Archery Elk

    Just outstanding! Thank you for sharing. I pray my wife sticks with hunting cuz i sure enjoy the time with her by my side in Gods Country.
  16. hoghntr

    Swaro Problems

    Clearly the best glass! at least in its class, and i have no knowledge of the higher class. I have had good luck with swaro and a affordable lens replacement. If this happened recntly i will tell you that they are differnt company when in middle of high customer repairs due to fall hunt schedules. i get where your coming from that it should be better adapter BUT pretty much every thing out there has some similar downfall now days so im just glad swaros not suddenltly assembled in china but maybe adaptor is! L.O.L. i think this is qhy many sacrifice a little quality and get lifetime warranty on other glass.
  17. Ok 257 has gone to 223varminter, ranger to QCCHEVY, Talons to Wellhead, Scope to shuller70, hat and broadheads mailed to whtmtnman, 22lr ammo meetings going to happen for #6 & #7, #9-#10-#11 i owe you Vortex hats after my hunts! Thank you all who have donated and all who are keeping Jared and Ty in their prayers. THANK YOU VORTEX OPTICS AND ALL THE GUYS ON HERE THAT DONATED ITEMS TO HELP RAISE MONEY. Hoghntr-Mike
  18. hoghntr

    Lets See Them Kids

    Ha! I love it
  19. No id's yet Mark? Seems like someone might know their faces. I bet a few pics shown locally would do the trick.
  20. hoghntr

    Any CW members going to Silver Creek tomorrow?

    I wanna go! That is ridiculous they are huge.
  21. hoghntr

    CO high country

    Great pics! Looks like a blast
  22. hoghntr

    Got my buck

    Nice buck! Congrats Dan
  23. Myself and wife have peaks hunt Friday hoping for 2 lost/dumb/deaf/blind/crippled or... cows. good luck to your kiddo