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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    What's this world coming to?

    Looks like a person or persons who need to do some time not just pay a fine. Gotta be 1 of the strangest things i have seen. Sure looks like real panic set in when they realized they were on candid camera. What the heck is up with the rope on deer? I would ad another $100 from my pocket if anyone knows who to contact to ad to reward $ this person needs to be in jail.
  2. hoghntr

    G1 deer hunt turned in wild hog hunt.

    We have them
  3. hoghntr

    camp verde proccessors

  4. hoghntr

    Wrong tag in 31

    Figures. nice pics
  5. hoghntr

    12a East muzzerloader buck

    Wow wow wow. Amazing deer Congratulations!
  6. hoghntr

    Cousin's Muley

    Very nice! Congrats
  7. hoghntr

    N.Az Halloween buck

    Heavvvvvvvy. Nice!
  8. hoghntr

    Veterans Day free or discounted grub!

    I gain 10 lbs every vaterans day. 😌
  9. hoghntr

    Double Bucks down

    Right on congrats!
  10. hoghntr

    A good Hunt

    Very nice! Your buddy should enjoy them coues steakers.
  11. hoghntr

    Any pop up trailers out there FS?

    3rd party places worth every penny which is not many pennies considering
  12. hoghntr

    WTS Sportsmans Warehouse Gift Card

    They might still be having no tax sale. ? Not sure if it was just weekend or thru Veterans day??
  13. i do love 1100's! If not for the 20gauge preference... Good luck with sale
  14. hoghntr

    daughters first tag ever

  15. hoghntr

    Considering OTC Deer in Dec

    thanks for the $.02... I will take it! why muleys? Cuz they always stop and look back of course. hey everything helps when starting out in archery. If you draw on 1 at 30 and he bails expect him to stop at 50-60yards, keep that bow at full draw.
  16. I'm in for a couple I won that little cooler now I need a bigger one :-)
  17. hoghntr

    Considering OTC Deer in Dec

    Lower country is nice during any rut activity.. Mucho easier to see bucks running around instead of just hearing them in heavy tree area so glass glass GLASS. thats 1 of my cents worth and im sticking to it. My 2nd cent worth is try muleys first with a bow.
  18. hoghntr


    Up close they look like a rabid baboon! 😧 They run in packs or troops or whatever they are called and they have big teeth! I let my young son, think he was 12 at time, try and see how close he could get to them and at 10 yards they started showing their teeth. 😬
  19. hoghntr

    26M Metro Tag for Dec 2015-Jan 2016

    They closed down all my favorite n.phx spots so has been bummer ever since. Seems like the southern parts of these units have much more open uninhabited areas open on this hunt. Absolutely no reason for my areas to be closed down whatsoever! Dang g&f! Slowly but surely we will lose it all even if houses dont take it over.
  20. hoghntr

    mass and trash

    Im not sure what to say. 👍😁😖😧😩😓😬😯😮😵😏😃 That is craaaaaaazy! Congrats!
  21. hoghntr


    If i had your attitude my garage would hold a car. as of now not even a tonka truck would fit
  22. hoghntr

    lazy slob hunters

    Seems that all things that would identify sex of deer have been removed. Hmmm
  23. hoghntr

    My Biggest Yet!!!!!

    Wow that is amazing! Congrats!!!!!!!
  24. hoghntr


    Dang you Goatsie!
  25. hoghntr

    RL22 (2 @ unopened 1# cans)

    Is this the same powder that you had to drive to the top of the hill to get reception to call to see if they had it for the guy and then you left early so that you can get down into the valley so you can pick it up for the guy before Bruno's closed? If so that's lame but an 8 month old time you're a nice guy