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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. Man i put more miles on my boots chasing quail when i was a youngster than i probably will chasing any other critter from now till the end. Good stuff getting them out there.
  2. hoghntr

    SD Pheasants

    Aweaome! Looks like a blast
  3. hoghntr

    Vortex Viper HS 6-24x50

    I just got 1 of these in LR version and it is a awesome scope! Good guy and good scope!
  4. hoghntr

    bullets for sale

    Mike i will take the Noslers
  5. hoghntr


    Cool looking ride. Good luck with sale
  6. hoghntr

    Any Hits for Bison?

    Im waiting..... Hit for pigs but no big $ hit yet
  7. IMHO I recently collected up a few pairs for comparisons and although edge quality was better on minox 15x58 ed than the vortex vulture 15x56- overall for what we want LIGHT AND CLARITY i would go with $500 vultures all day long over the minox ed. Now if ya save few more dollars the new NOT MADE IN CHINA minox made in Germany that is worth doing cux they stomp all over the old ed 15x58. Fact is some of the newer cheaper models with hd are beating some of the old glass.
  8. hoghntr

    Cc hits

    My house all tagged for piggy
  9. hoghntr

    Marlin x7vh bull barrel 22-250 fs ft

    Oh man my 20ga would work for ya! reviews say these marlins are good shooters!
  10. hoghntr

    2007 Weekend Warrior 28' Superlight Toy Hauler

    That is a cool trailer
  11. hoghntr


    Hows the scouting been going?
  12. hoghntr

    2015 sheep season

    Good luck on the hunt hopefully all will pan out.
  13. Mike asked me to post his pics. The hunt went something like this...
  14. Many fantastic options out there now so just start trying them out and then if you can wait try and find used. I have not looked thru a bad pair of current model leupolds of any size. Clearly vortex has great warranty and glass for any budget. Nikon has some real nice glass. And my favorite sleeper is weaver but no 12's or 15's but the 8' and 10's super slams are the bomb!
  15. hoghntr

    Mature Coues Cape for sale.

    I am in north Phx but work in Camp Verde thorugh most of the week. I split the front legs. I can be reached at 6025745663 You have your commute backwards..
  16. hoghntr

    2 Late Bulls Arrowed!

    Congrats guys
  17. hoghntr

    1st muzzleloader elk.

    Wow great bull congratulations!
  18. hoghntr

    A Disgusting 40%

    .270 i hear ya trust me i miss the days when they would drop by camp and have some coffee with me and dad when i was a kid. But i am firm believer in them busting poachers anyway they can. It is sad how often it is a dad teaching his kid wrong and yes i do know all about that. Besides the g&f officer that about ran over me in 44a last weekend on the 71 (i was driving slow looking for dirt rd and he was doing around 85) i dont recall last g&f i saw in field.. Wait yes i do it was the interns stalking people along shoreline of black canyon lake handing out citations after glassing people fishing tbey would go check licenses, yep 10 people 1 pole that everyone touches you know the ones. L.O.L. 270 we are not all that far off in some of our thinking. i do not agree with muxh ofbtbe crud they have done lately either! I always used to defend them but no longer can i. But im still down with them busting the folks that set out to steal from you and i.
  19. hoghntr

    A Disgusting 40%

    But leaving the poachers to be caught by the 1 agent in charge of HOW MANY SQUARE MILES is not gonna get the bad guys out of the field. I dont really agree with the weak moment theory, although i know that covers a few, most these people have it in their head exactly what they are willing to do that day. Biology is biology and law enforcement is law enforcement we need some of both i'd say. It is not that hard to grab a gun and step off of a roadway so not much reason to shoot from a vehicle unless of course breaking a law is exactly what intentions were.
  20. hoghntr

    Rocky Mountain MD in AZ

    unit 1 is all Rocky, as is 27 i would think. when i think of a true desert buck, i see a really low desert deer. under 2,500' elevation or so. their bodies are usually a lot smaller and their antlers USUALLY lack the mass that rockys get. genetically, i doubt if there is any difference at all in the two subspecies. the desert deer probably just lack body size and antler mass due to nutrition. there is a lot more to eat and a lot more water in higher elevations there was a big deer, 296", taken down in the kofas. pictures of the ones i see taken in mexico are good body size also. it seems there are several sub species , gene pools. I wanna shoot a 296! Heck i will even drop hammer on a 290
  21. hoghntr

    12x50 Euro HD $950

    Good cuz as i was just sitting here using my 12's looking for deer i was wondering if yours would find them. They would have. You missed out. Only deer i have seen in 44a almost stuck to my bumper last night and that was technically 42 i guess since she wasn't over yellow line. Awesome glass the new owner gonna be stoked
  22. hoghntr


    Good cuz i needed them gone before i returned from hunt. Enjoy they are awesome glass!
  23. hoghntr


    Sorry got lost in the reply readin so here is my w cents Yes swaros are the bomb! Cabela's euro HD binoculars are quite amazing and well worth the $ Im currently using nikon monarch 12's & 16's cuz thats what i could afford at time and they are very good for the $. You can buy many 8's and 10's now that are very nice for low $ but 12power and up still requires some coin for qualty glass that does not strain eyes.
  24. Im glad im not your BUDDY. L.O.L.