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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Kids Bow FS: SOLD

    Brian im pretty sure my 7yr old needs this.
  2. hoghntr

    12 Gauge Remington 870 with Extras

    I just bought a 870 and just ordered exact same stock... Dang man why did you not post 1 week earlier?
  3. hoghntr

    any tile floor installers here?

    Mike, you've only been working on that tile job a few years. Give it some time, give it a chance.... Lol I have had tile stacked on the side of my house for my kitchen for about 8 years :-)
  4. hoghntr

    First Archery Deer

    Great buck!
  5. hoghntr

    Marlin Model 60

    This is/was tempting! I keep seeing these and wanting 1. I have no exp with marlins.
  6. hoghntr

    any tile floor installers here?

    When your done with 5 guys i also need some done
  7. hoghntr

    Canvas cook shack free

    When is the cook out?
  8. hoghntr

    ***Quail Forever Raffle***

    I better get a call when i win this time
  9. hoghntr

    My first custom

    I love it! Mikey wants 1 just like that!!!👍
  10. hoghntr

    Canvas cook shack free

    I feel left out not saying i will take it.. So i will take it!
  11. hoghntr

    Swarovski SLC NEU 15x56

    Dealio of the week!
  12. hoghntr

    pre 64,Zeiss,Leica APO,Ruger 77/50,Nikon LXL

    and it's a FW And a 243!!!!
  13. Lived my 06 alley! She put so much game in the dirt i feel bad i ever sold her.
  14. hoghntr

    Looking for English Lab puppy

    No minimum time limit to post pics i dont think.. You just gotta know how. Start with taking it off mobile site and go to full site (you can do this just below the "add reply" it says full version, once on full version at bottom right corner of your reply or of your thread it gives option for adding pictures.good luck
  15. hoghntr

    PSE Tac 10

    Quit tempting me! My older parker cyclone still killin
  16. hoghntr

    Ltt for o/us shotgun

    Lets find my buddy a o/u! Before i get him to buy a ar15.
  17. Dang i was gonna bump this up and stare at it some more but she sold.
  18. hoghntr

    Browning A-5 - SOLD

    Well whatever it is it's a beauty you don't usually see these so well preserved that is about the blackest bluing I've seen ever on an a5.. Usually some gray or redish on that rcvr and half the scroll work is worn off from years of carry Good luck with the sale
  19. hoghntr

    WTB Savage long action

  20. hoghntr


  21. hoghntr


    I think you might need to tell details of what comes with your offer in order for anyone to reply. If they wanna offer up ar and what level ar to offer. Pics work well here. Good luck with trade
  22. hoghntr

    Browning A-5 - SOLD

    Does it cycle 2 3/4 or only 3"?