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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Who do you side with

    I voted Cruz. Im seriously bummed about where our Country is headed. Was really hoping we could get a president back in office with at least an ounce of morals or little integrity.
  2. hoghntr

    My Wife's Buck

  3. hoghntr

    Cleaning out Reloading shed(updated count)

    Pm sent on sst
  4. hoghntr

    Pending New Record Archery Coues

    Beautiful buck! Congrats to the hunter
  5. hoghntr

    Nikon monarch 12×56

    Everybody that i have ever spoke to that has owned 12x56 monarchs have loved them. Short of a pair of euro 12x50's i would not sell my Monarch 12x56 but then again i would still probably keep them as back up pair.
  6. hoghntr

    M&P Shield 9mm

    3 days.. If i had not put pistol buying money in bank 3 days ago! I like these shields even with my big paws. Bump
  7. hoghntr

    Last Day to Update Credit Cards!!!

    Nope just said deadline was at midnight last night to update but not to freak out cuz if i draw i will get a call. Had just noticed $20 hits each month from random named companies in Ohio all with same address. Dang scammers
  8. hoghntr

    Last Day to Update Credit Cards!!!

    I called g&f and she said no. Said no worries cuz they still call each individual who draws and has card rejected i guess. L.O.L.
  9. hoghntr

    Last Day to Update Credit Cards!!!

    Yep and my card just got scammed and had to cancel it. Grrrrrrr8
  10. hoghntr


    Those pentax and a $20 tripod could get a youngster glassin!
  11. hoghntr

    shopping for used truck

    Loved Loved Loved my Tundra! Sequoia now but if i could have afforded a new Tundra i would have never changed
  12. hoghntr

    Will I have any friends ?

    Were good i do not do football but if ya quit fishing WE GOTS ISSUES CONGRATS!!!
  13. hoghntr

    DPMS Prairie Panther in King Desert Shadow Camo 223

    Rimza rentals maybe?? 👀 Good looking rifle
  14. Rigid coil nailer and full box of nails 7200pcs Gun used on 3 roofs $200 cash no trades just posting for dad Sorry he puts a white spot on all his tools.
  15. hoghntr

    2002 honda 400ex for sale great price

    After 6 attempts i got it for ya
  16. hoghntr

    ISE Show Who is going to be there?

    Ok so does anybody remember when they held this at civic center and every booth had t-shirts? I miss my hunt shirts from the expo!!! On Sunday all booths would have t-shirt deals and i would buy 1 from everybody. Now as mentioned overpriced jerky is all they have. let me know if it ever goes back to t-shirt good
  17. hoghntr

    M2 Benelli 20ga.

    And would run ya $1300 +tax for new m2 20ga Nice gun somebody will be happy
  18. hoghntr

    What will PETA freaks say?

    They do not care if lion kills human there but the koala death should get them to re-think lion hunt ban. I guess koala dont taste so good. ??
  19. hoghntr

    ruger old model single six

    Buy them both to remove temptation for others. 😕
  20. hoghntr

    Great Backpage Deal

    Funny i txt him earlier this eve. It is heavy barrel
  21. hoghntr

    Concerned about the upcoming generation...

    Well said! And thanks for being different.
  22. hoghntr

    Rigid roofing coil nailer & some nails

    Yes sorry guess the fitting doen't show very well