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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Top Notch Tile Installer**pictures added***

    Looks gr8 Gary Hopefully i will be having him come to my house very soon
  2. Great article for all of us http://www.outdoorlife.com/blogs/out-there/why-some-hunters-disparage-other-hunters%E2%80%94and-why-its-dangerous-all-us?src=SOC&dom=fb
  3. hoghntr

    Where's the Ladies HAM Hunt Report? UPDATED W/PICS

    Holy shoot that is a ancient piggy!!!!!! Measure it up sometimes them oldies are goodies
  4. hoghntr

    My boys Javelina mount

    Verry nice! Congrats to your boy
  5. hoghntr

    Need A Longer Pole...

    That was pretty cool! I also wondered about the 2nd guy L.O.L. never seen a grown man move that quick
  6. hoghntr

    Rio down! The busy spring continues...

    Im super jealous! My daughter gave me the boot guess she is to grown up for me or somethin. Congrats and have a blast
  7. hoghntr

    Unit 33 Goulds

    I bumped into birds down on river below san manuel 1 very dry pig season.
  8. hoghntr

    If I want meat?

    So this is 1st big game hunt? Very cool, and in your own backyard 19aYep, first big game hunt ever for me. the cool thing is I fly helicopters all over 19a about 4 to 5 hours a week. I'm gonna be scoutin big time from the air.Just remember no flying over it for 48 hrs prior i believe is the law. Good luck!!! Better clarify that with someone with the proper knowledge
  9. hoghntr

    If I want meat?

    So this is 1st big game hunt? Very cool, and in your own backyard 19a
  10. hoghntr

    Top Notch Tile Installer**pictures added***

    I would use him but he would be on time and wake me up. Martin is good people
  11. Gr8 bow. Awesome dealio for somebody
  12. hoghntr

    The Hit is ON!!!!

    Let me know if you need help! L.O.L. you know not what you offer
  13. hoghntr

    The Hit is ON!!!!

    Paps and his girlfriend got 7 west bull or cow
  14. hoghntr

    Lamp shades

  15. hoghntr

    The Hit is ON!!!!

    Dang i remember when i would do money orders and wait for pink slip or that beautiful white tag envelope in mail.😁
  16. hoghntr

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    I was told a while back by a game and fish rep that ALL charges and submitted to the bank at the same time. Call your banks and see if there is a pending charge. My card dosent show a hit but i called and there is one pending. I was also told the only hits that come later are ones with Card issues. Other than that it is just how quickly the banks report it This has been my experience as well. My Chase cards shows hit immediately, but Desert Schools takes a while. I've given up on the app that had the Chase card, but I'm holding out hope for BofA and Desert Schools until I hear people are getting hits show up from those two. With dsfcu you just have to do the math with balance and available $
  17. hoghntr

    The Hit is ON!!!!

    Your gonna love it!!!
  18. hoghntr

    The Hit is ON!!!!

  19. hoghntr


    Nice brown
  20. hoghntr

    Draw is on

    Desert schools takes a day to show up so make sure you do the math
  21. hoghntr

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    I was hunting same time chasing bull in my avatar but we never connected.
  22. hoghntr

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Welcome djumann Most use a gps but i still bet some have lost cams. I know i hung a cam for paps and then had pretty bad accident and had some surgeries and by time i recovered i never went back for that camera. :]
  23. hoghntr

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Bc777 Im glad you got caught im betting it made you a better man. We all gotta deal with consequences caught in the act or not. Good luck with everything and remember the whole "do unto others as you want done unto you"