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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Winchester gun safe

    Seems like decent price especially considering safes do not seem to depreciate much. Good price+ Tax free and no shipping $. Sorry for your loss and if your in phx area and buyer needs extra hands for loading i will be willing to break back helping. Good luck with selling
  2. hoghntr

    Winchester model 70 .243 wssm- sold

    And if this is still available... AMMUNITION IS NOW AVAILABLE!!! Midway usa, cabela's. $39.99 *hope those turkeys on gunbroker selling for $6-$8 a round... Well you know.
  3. hoghntr


    Thats pretty good dealio! For that price i usually only see older 101's with fixed chokes. If it were a 20 i would probably be scrambling for some $ Bump👆
  4. hoghntr

    Nikon monarch 5 10x42

    Yes. I was seconds away from upgrading my older model monarch 10's . Good luck to your niece hope she loves her 1st hunt.
  5. hoghntr

    Nikon monarch 5 10x42

    Excellent glass! I have 10's & 12's in original monarch and 16's and 20's in monarch 5. For this kinda $ you scored!!!
  6. hoghntr

    WTS Bighorn Gun Safe

    I have looked at these million times they are pretty nice
  7. hoghntr

    Swarovski 8×30 LRF

    Why did you post this after my shopping spree? Hope you get'r sold! Before i sell my pistol.
  8. hoghntr

    Sold (please delete)

    Wrk2Hnt is good people! Kind of has sick fascination with scorpions but beside that he is ok.
  9. hoghntr


    Last price drop. $500 for gun and holster and $575 for everything. If she no sell she goes into the trade drawer or i just buy a couple of extended pinky mags and then wonder why i did not do that before buying a full size 45 L.O.L. 😕 Gun is in excellent condition Holster is new Gunn'r tactical has nice leather belly or back protector/sweat shield. Again holster is NEW i bought same day the G21 appeared for sale. Either barrel works with the holster. 2 barrels and buffer springs 1 spring is reduced recoil 2 mags (2nd mag not in pick cuz it was hiding in glove box) Glock tupperware included $575 cash for everything Or $500 stock barrel and 2 mags and holster. No trades unless it is a s&w shield 9mm, possibly a glock 17, 223 or 5.56 bulk ammo, and im in north phoenix This is gr8 gun i also had the original 30 but have decided to go with a full size 21 i just bought for field carry and a smaller concealed carry weapon (shield or g43)
  10. hoghntr

    Ar forsale

    SsssssOOOOO TEMPTING. Glad you do not live closer to me and some dirt where we could shoot it.
  11. hoghntr

    Winchester model 70 .243 wssm- sold

    http://www.hillbillybrass.com/ *I have just heard about them i have not bought from them.
  12. hoghntr

    Ground Blind

    Awesome blinds! I think i shot bowhunter4lifes l.o.l. sorry
  13. Ok so who do we need to speak with? My son's class field trip wagon ride at pioneer Natural History Museum went wrong! So Pioneer put a woman on a tractor to tow this wagon that had never driven the tractor before. So while the woman was towing or the trailer wagon she hit creosote bushes twice not just brush the edges but literally drove through the center of thick mature creosote so all the trees smack the kids and press them into the side of the trailer to where they can get away not once but twice. So all these things happened I screamed for her to stop and the lady talking on the microphone said that there was actually no brakes on the tractor. To top it off once we thought we were safe and we were trying to Dr the children's scratched legs then she drove over a fence back by the office of the museum coming very close to seriously injuring a half a dozen boys that were sitting on the side of the trailer. How do we report this? Who would be in charge of busting people for unsafe business? I called city they said call leo then leo said att general. Is there not a office within city of phoenix safety that would investigate such things so it does not happen again? I did Rush Straight From The Scene to the main office and politely scream at the manager or whoever was wearing a red shirt and carrying a radio and tell her and insist she not let that lady Drive the next class so she did speak to Two Gentlemen working there and had one of the guys go drive it. But I mean what the heck if they're towing our kids around shouldn't then maybe take some kind of lesson or have to have some kind of certification to be able to tow this big trailer??? Please if you have a number for me to call shoot me a text. Thanks i wanna make sure this does not happen again 6024994136 mike
  14. Always amazes me what guys will wanna argue about. Dissapointed as always when asking for lil bit of decency on coueswhitetail.com. Looking for phone number of someone who might give a crap about a possibly life threatening danger at a place that gives tours to children, tours in the form of a multi thousand pound ride with no breaks and a unskilled driver. Gee who woulda thunk the typical dipwads would think that is a bad idea. Coueswhitetail.com has gotten so classless im ashamed to continue to associate with them. To you good guys it has been great and to you insane people i will pray for your sanity i guess. To the folks who get mad at the guy who steals things and mad at the guy who preaches ethics maybe you should not defend illegal actions like smoking dope cuz well ethical law breaking just makes you sound like idiots.
  15. Im just gonna assume you work there. Thanks for your input i guess.
  16. Again Ringer you were not there. Thanks and glad to know you dont care about anyone elses kids. Im sure a few guys on here work in places that may have some knowledge of who to contact to preserve future lives passing thru there.
  17. In the works. Not looking to sue anyone, well at least not me but then again my kid was not in back where myself and another guy were rescuing kids. Just looking for some safety practices to be put in place for future paying customers of that death trap. Side note, We also did not see 1 rattlesnake warning sign out there which was very suprising at a place that caters to tourists and elementary schools.
  18. If it were 1 of your children and if you were there you might understand the severity of the issue.
  19. It was a mess! And Yes it was a old trike.
  20. Waiting for return call from a woman at az public safety now, she is looking into it to see who can help prevent tragedy. L.O.L. she gave me number for people that do inspections on trucks and school buses. Well guess there is actually no public safety in az.
  21. Just spoke with federal osha they said sorry not us. Also fcic, c.o.p. pd, c.o.p. safety, att general and anyone else i forgot to mention. Crazy if that lady driver felt unsafe from the kids she would have a complaint but i guess "we the people" got no leg to stand on
  22. No serious injuries just bunch of scratches but dont want this to happen again. This was verrrrry near a real bad situation
  23. Yeah I won't be doing that, that's just not cool at all. You would be suprised how many in uniform chosse this route.