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Everything posted by loco4coues

  1. loco4coues

    You guys won't believe this..........

    We also hunted in very thick country in southern mexico this year.(7 hours driving south of the border) The ranches we were hunting on belong to the mx gov. and are set aside for jag research. we were the first to hunt the ranches.
  2. We were in mexico during the week of the 21st. We had a great time! We had a tough hunt(like all coues deer hunts). The ranch that we were on is very thick brush, amazing country, just hard to hunt it. The weather was also against us, it rained everyday and we didn't see the sun until we had all filled our tags. Terry with his buck. The shot kind of happened fast(50 yd shot) and we didn't notice the broken main beams until after. He scores 92 as is and an estimated 98 after repairing the main beams. Jared with his buck. It was my first time in mexico, I "held out" until thursday at noon, it was raining, etc and this was the 2nd biggest buck we'd seen. I shot him at 517 yds. He scores 90. Ron with his buck. It was Rons first mexico hunt and also first coues deer hunt. He held out until Friday morning and shot his buck at 75yds in the fog. Ron's buck scores 91 1/2. We only had 3 1/2 days (due to work, etc.) to hunt but we had a great time, the ranch house was neat and comfortable and memories were created. Now that we got the first experience under our belts, we can go again and hopefully bring out some bigger deer next year!
  3. loco4coues

    My 2007 AZ Coues Hunt

    Great buck and congrats on an awesome hunt and a great deer. I also enjoyed your telling of the story.
  4. loco4coues

    First timer hunting mexico

    I checked with my friend, and i had misunderstood him, he did have his capes frozen when he crossed. Thank you for the info, it was very helpful.
  5. I'm heading down to Mexico next monday(the 21st). In regards to bringing the antlers and cape back into the US: I've been reading that the skull has to be boiled out and the cape has to be completely frozen...However, a friend who went down last year, said that he simply boiled and dried the skull, then scraped and used salt to dry the inner side of the cape, but that it was not frozen and he got over with no problems. Has anyone else done this? did he just get lucky? would it be safer to freeze the cape?
  6. loco4coues

    hunting mexico last week.

    great buck! Hey, where did you cross the border? What do you do if you're trying to come out on a saturday and the mexico game and fish is closed on weekends?
  7. loco4coues


    WOW! what a great buck, and an awesome shot. I have to back up the endorsement for the scopes with the target turrets, no more "hold over" or guessing, it makes for a lot better shooting and increases (with lots of practice) your long range abilities.