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Everything posted by loco4coues

  1. loco4coues

    Oct. 2011 Coues

    great buck, thanks for sharing. Hard to tell but he looks better than 50".
  2. loco4coues

    Forum upgrade coming soon

    Thanks for the heads up Amanda and thanks for working so hard on maintaining such a great site!
  3. loco4coues

    New Zealand Adventure

    Congrats on a great trip and on all the trophies! Thanks for sharing it with us, so cool.
  4. loco4coues

    Stop doing business with BofA

    I didn't know about costco either. What is their stance?
  5. loco4coues


    Nathaniel Hale 1755-1776 A successful school teacher, he became part of a select fighting group known as the Rangers after capturing a supply loaded ship. He volunteered to accept Washington's request to obtain information on the British position. Dressed in civilian clothes, he obtained the information, but was captured on his return. Since he was out of uniform, he was condemned to hang as a spy. He is famous for his courage and calm in the face of death and for his last words, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." He was 21 years old when he died.
  6. loco4coues

    Hunters Safety Course

    Made a quick video of Tanner's field day yesterday. He was able to go on the same day as his cousin, Bailee. They both did great and had a good time. I'm getting more and more excited as his first hunt grows closer. Hopefully he draws a deer tag and his first hunt is this year!
  7. loco4coues

    Our first girl!

    thanks everyone, keep them coming!
  8. loco4coues

    Shooting Balloons

    I've been getting my boy Tanner out shooting a lot since the beginning of this year. He put a few hundred rounds through the .22. We then got him behind the .22-250. Now, he is shooting the .270 out to 100 yards. Shooting paper was getting boring so we put up some balloons. I made a quick video, sorry for the shakiness. We are going to work him out to longer distances over the coming weeks. He turns 10 in May. Looks like we didn't get drawn for elk but the deer draw is coming up. He really is doing well and enjoys it.
  9. loco4coues

    Shooting Balloons

    Hmm, when I click the link it takes me to the balloon video...
  10. loco4coues

    Our first girl!

    @ Pine Donkey: I couldn't agree more, just lookin for ideas at this point. My wife says the pregnancy hasn't been to rough, we are super excited!
  11. loco4coues

    CCW Permit

    i took the hunters safety course 16 years ago. Is there a way to order or print a copy of my completion certificate?
  12. A lot of info from guys shooting these at longerangehunting.com. I've been wanting to try them out as well.
  13. loco4coues

    Elk/Antelope results

    Good thing you updated or you'd have been screwed. I read somewhere on the site that specifically said even if you drew a tag and reults were posted it would be void if the credit card didn't go through. That would really suck to get results online only to find out it got rejected. Don't they usually charge the card before they post draw results? I understand your card can be rejected if the info. is wrong, etc. but I didn't think you could see draw results and then have your card be rejected. Does anyone know if they are still charging cards after the draw results have been posted?
  14. loco4coues

    A few pictures

  15. loco4coues

    Guess the Date and Time Contest

    March 29. 1:35 pm
  16. loco4coues

    Kaibab Beauty!

    bummer! Sometimes you loose out even when you are not trying to get the shot on video. I was getting ready to shoot a bull on the 22N late rifle hunt when someone else did. They are on this site too and made a heck of a shot and we had front row seats. Thanks for sharing pics and the video!
  17. loco4coues

    First bobcat on the last day

    cool! thanks for sharing
  18. loco4coues

    2011 Coues Deer

    great job! thanks for sharing.
  19. just awesome! thanks for sharing.
  20. loco4coues


    Within the constitution there are very few enumerated powers to the President (executive), the congress (legislative) and the supreme court (judicial). VERY FEW. I think in total it is 32 powers with most of those being in the congress. The executive branch has something like 6 enumerated powers within the constitution. There are hundreds of things the President Obama "can't" do that he has already done and no one did anything to stop him. This last week alone he made an "announcement" (aka- a new law), that forces insurance companies to provide contraceptive services to women for FREE. Days earlier it the "announcement" aka law, was that the companies were going to be forced to do it. Of course after the back lash,etc. He changed his "announcement" aka law to say that the burden would be on the insurance companies. As president, he "CAN'T" do any of that, but he did. In a second term, any back lash will mean nothing to him, he will do whatever he wants and whatever we allow him to do. "the president can't abolish the second amendment" , per the constitution, I agree. Will he try? Probably. My only hope is that when the edict comes out that guns are illegal that Americans won't line up in the hundreds of thousands (like in England and Australia) and hand their guns to the government. I know that would not happen here and I think Obama knows that that wouldn't happen here either. We just have to be a lot more involved and vigilant. The president, congress and judicial "can't " do a lot of things. In fact they are only able to do very few and specific things, per the constitution. But we all know that everyday they do a lot of whatever the heck they want. In an interview at CPAC, Daniel Hannan, Member of the European Parliament, warned Americans not to follow the same path Europe has taken, and urged Americans to "make your rulers remember they are not rulers but representatives." He could not be more right.
  21. loco4coues


    Obama's first term = do as much as he could get away with, without sacrificing his chances to get re-elected Obamas 2nd term (if we allow it) = do whatever he wants because he won't have to worry about being re-elected. If he gets relected, make no mistake, things are going to get A LOT worse than his first go around.
  22. loco4coues

    Online Draw

    bought licenses, bonus points and put my soon to be 10 year old in for some hunts, no issues at all. Very clean and simple system.
  23. loco4coues

    What Church do you attend?

    Gateway Ward, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
  24. loco4coues

    giant coues deer

    great buck! thanks for sharing.