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Everything posted by loco4coues

  1. @ Casey: the VLD worked exactly as advertised. At just under 400 yards for both shots the bullets were still running pretty fast on impact. Both entered about 2 inches and then came apart, tuned everything to mush. Both made about quarter size exit wounds as well. I'm going to keep using them.
  2. Nice! Very cool contest. I liked the Facebook page and sent 5 pictures using the form. Pick me! haha.
  3. loco4coues

    Tanner's first hunt

    Thanks everyone! We really did have a great time. Tanner learned a lot and he did really well hiking around and glassing. They thought killing the coyote was the coolest thing. Good luck to everyone who still has tags!
  4. loco4coues

    Tick Tock...

    Work until 2 AM tonight, then back for another 12 hour shift at 10 am tomorrow. Leaving right after work to meet my brother and dad at camp. Hopefully, I can get a few hours of sleep before opening morning. Can't wait!
  5. loco4coues

    Had a big day last Thursday

    Congrats! My wife had a 5 year old boy when we got married and we had a new baby 10 months later. Everyday is a new adventure, thanks for sharing some pictures from this awesome day.
  6. loco4coues

    San Carlos buck

    Great buck! Thanks for sharing, looks like a young face on that buck.
  7. loco4coues

    2b New Mexico...done!

    Nice buck! Did you have to stalk closer? How far was the shot? What is your rifle set up? Thanks for sharing!
  8. loco4coues

    Bendall Boys Bonanza!

    Cool! Thanks for sharing and congrats on the success.
  9. loco4coues

    Find the buck!

    Found him! Nice pic
  10. loco4coues

    what do ya'll think of this guy?

    He is wide! Good body on him too. Thanks for sharing.
  11. loco4coues

    1996 VW Cabrio

    Selling my car. Shoot me a PM if you are interested. http://phoenix.craig...3338193815.html
  12. loco4coues

    .270 Effective Range

    I'm shooting the 150 grain Berger VLD out of my .270, 57.8 grains of RL 22, 2950 fps. I'm getting 3 shots touching each other at 100 yards, and sub 2 inch groups at 300. It works well for me. Good job on working up an effective load for your rifle and then taking the time to get out and shoot to find out what your limitations are. Good luck on your hunt!
  13. loco4coues

    Paul Ryan -code name Bowhunter

    Unfortunately you may be right. I'm hearing more and more comments this year from conservatives and moderates about voting third party Might as well cast a vote for Obama then.
  14. loco4coues

    Shout out to Game and Fish

    Glad to hear. Hope your cousin tags out. We have had that problem with PETA in areas we were hunting in the past.
  15. loco4coues

    Scouting report

    Ive got a tag for that hunt as well. Mind helping a brother out? Sent you a PM
  16. loco4coues

    Jadyn's first buck

    great shot! way cool that he was still in velvet. Thanks for sharing and congrats.
  17. loco4coues


    Bump for a good rifle. I shot a Winchester model 70 black shadow chambered in .300 ultra mag for quite a few years. Hope you sell it quick.
  18. loco4coues

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    This is the email that I received back: "Thank you for your message. Your comment will be shared with the rulemaking team and the Commission. The team will review all comments received in regards to the proposed rule and generate recommendations for the Commission. The Department anticipates presenting the final rulemaking to the Commission at the January 11, 2013 Commission Meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance. Thank you again for your comment on the proposed rules. Sincerely, Celeste Cook" There is a process. You can make your opinion known. Sending an email or multiple emails will do more good than arguing with each other on this forum.
  19. loco4coues

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Thanks JLW. Email sent
  20. We know where we are going for the junior hunt this weekend. We found a spot with good whitetail and mule deer numbers. Several bucks of both species. Haven't narrowed it down yet for the general hunt. Have a couple spots that we are thinking about, still need to get into one of them to check it out. You never know when a big buck will step out...whether you have seen him before or not. That's the beauty of it.
  21. loco4coues

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Is there a link to the Game and Fish website where this issue is discussed? Also, is there a specific email address that our comments need to be sent to? Any of this information would be appreciated. Thanks
  22. loco4coues

    Successful Scouting Trip

    nice! that buck is tall. good luck on the upcoming hunt and thanks for sharing.
  23. loco4coues

    Who's ready?

    We are all set. Gun is dialed in and ready to go, we have been shooting several times each month. Scouting several times each month as well. My 10 year old has his first hunt starting next Friday and then my hunt in 3 weeks! Hopefully, it will all come together. We are going to try to get something on video as well. Good luck to all, can't wait to see all the pics and success stories come rolling in.