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Everything posted by LCconvert

  1. LCconvert

    Take care of the meat guys!

    AMEN!! I tend to be more of a meat hunter anyway but those are some of the best memories!
  2. LCconvert

    Deer hunt success

    That is actually about what I got when I measured it, almost 104" gross. But I have almost NO experience doing this.
  3. LCconvert

    Deer hunt success

    He is a beautiful buck and I am glad to a have been there to see it all. It made the hike out that much more worth it.
  4. LCconvert

    Held at gunpoint

    I didn't read all the posts...so maybe it was mentioned already. I think the idea of sending these personal stories to the government leaders is a good idea but sometimes it feels like it falls on deaf ears. So I think we should also send these stories to the news networks, specifically FOX. I think shows like Glen Beck and the Factor are more likely to pay attention to this kind of stuff. Just my .2
  5. LCconvert

    Outdoorsmans medium length tripod

    what about mine?
  6. LCconvert

    Outdoorsmans medium length tripod

    As for trading, would you be interested in other pistol calibers?
  7. LCconvert

    Theyre up!!!!!!!

    23 WT DECEMBER baby! and my wife got her first carp tag on the rim!!
  8. LCconvert

    Draw results

    Are you serious? Where did you hear this?
  9. LCconvert

    Nikon Fieldscope and Marlin .22 Mag

    I am interested in the scope. PM sent.
  10. LCconvert

    lonely pop-trailers on National Forest land

    I think it should be "first come first serve". I don't think it is fair to take a spot you are not using. If you want it that bad then go up early! Also there are other people other than hunters that like to use our forests.
  11. LCconvert

    zeiss conquest reticle

    Well I decided on the 4.5-14x44mm with the normal reticle. I wanted the 44mm and I will add target turrets later. I really didn't want the BDC reticle if I was going with turrets. Thanks for all you help! Now to find a good bullet and load...but that is another thread.
  12. I don't post much but I have been lurking for a long time before I signed up. So I guess I have been taking much more than I have been contributing... I really think this is a great site with a lot of great people! After reading alot of opinions about the various scopes I was about sold on buying the zeiss conquest 4.5-14 44mm rapid-z 800 scope until I found out the reticle wasn't necessarily designed for a .270 (at least according to their website). They call out the rapid-z 600 for the 270 which is only available in the 3.5-10 conquest. I have a leupold 3-9 now and have been pleased but I really liked the idea of a 14x for those farther shots. So is there any one that has used the rapid-z 800 reticle on a 270 or similar caliber? And if so, what did you think? I don't think the trajectory for the 270 is much different than the calibers they do recommend for it so maybe it wont make a difference. The other option is to get the zeiss conquest 4.5-14 44mm with a "normal" reticle (z-plex) or get the 3.5-10. thanks!
  13. LCconvert

    zeiss conquest reticle

    Are you saying that you used Burris med height rings for the 50mm scope? I was wondering how high I might have to go with a 50mm scope.
  14. LCconvert

    zeiss conquest reticle

    Maybe I will take a look at the 4.5-14 50mm. Now the only issue is mounting a big scope like that on my gun without having to go too high with the rings. The things I'll do for a shot I might not ever take...
  15. LCconvert

    zeiss conquest reticle

    thanks RR, I am really liking the idea of turrets now but I can't seem to find any model that specifically comes with turrets instead of rapid z. I am really ignorant when it comes to how turrets are used too -- are the turrets built in with the elevation and windage knobs? How exactly are they used?
  16. LCconvert

    zeiss conquest reticle

    firstcoueswas80, what model and power did you buy that had turrets? Do you perfer the turrets to the BDC reticles? Maybe this is a silly question but you have one or the other not both, right? So in other words, if I wanted turrets than I would look for a 4.5-14 conquest with zplex and turrets. thanks for all your help.
  17. LCconvert

    zeiss conquest reticle

    I have no intention of even practicing at 800 yards let alone shooting at an aminal at that distance. I just think the higher magnification will help in shooting distance like 400 yards or so. Like I said I don't want or need the rapid z 800, I would rather have the rapid z 600 but they don't offer it in the 4.5-14. And I don't really want to spend that kind of money to see if it works with the 270 and have it not I really don't know alot about turrets but it does sound nice. Can you buy a conquest with turrets? I am very comfortable with a normal duplex reticle but I thought it might be fun to have a fancy BDC reticle if I am upgrading my scope anyway. Thanks
  18. LCconvert

    hunting gear

    PM sent...
  19. LCconvert

    Misl items for sale

    PM sent.
  20. LCconvert

    Stuff for sale

    PM sent!