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Brush Buster

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About Brush Buster

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  1. Brush Buster

    Adios amigos!

    Sent you a PM. I was on the same ranch a week ealrier. Also had a great time!
  2. Brush Buster

    Back from Mexico

    Jed was our guide. He brought his Ranger and that was really nice getting around the roads down there. No, these bucks came from differnt areas. I did hunt around the pride rock and saw some nice bucks there too.
  3. Brush Buster

    Back from Mexico

    I along with 5 freinds recently returned from Mexico. We were hunting with Cola Blanca Outfitters. We saw a lot of deer on the ranches we were on. I killed two bucks. We glassed the first one up over a mile away and put a real good stalk on him. I shot him accross a canyon in some thick cat claw. He had 5 long points on his left (including eyeguards) but had broken off his main beam just past the g-2 on his right. He would have been a B&C buck if he was complete. On the last evening after all my friends had killed bucks I found a real cool looking palmated buck. I watched him feed for a while then he bedded down. After looking him over I decided I wanted to try and kill him. One of my buddies kept and eye on him through the spotting scope as I snuck in range. I made it to just over 300 yards, the only shot I had was through a small bush. It was getting dark so I decided to go for it. Luckily the bullet went through the bush and killed him in his bed. The buck was cooler looking than I thought. His main beams were real heavy and palmated and he had an inside spread of 16 1/2 inches. He grosses 106 1/8. None of us killed any b&C bucks but we all saw a lot of deer and had a great time in old mexico.
  4. Brush Buster

    NM Lion Pic

    Birddog, No this is not the garmin astro, just a regular telemetry collar. I have not used the astro gps collar. I love the idea of them but I think the battery life and range is too short for most western big game hunting?
  5. Brush Buster

    NM Lion Pic

    GilaMan I don't know if he can learn much from me. I realy don't know what the heck I am doing most of the time. Every once in a while I get lucky. Send me A PM on how to contact you and maybe we can get him out. Hey Fatfoot. Well if it was later in the year I probably would have smoked him too, last year I killed a tom in dec. Then I did not have a tag to hunt the rest of the year, luckily I had some good freinds with lion tags that I hunted with. Here is the one I killed in dec. 2007.
  6. Brush Buster

    NM Lion Pic

    Thanks guys, mountian lions are awesome animals and very fun and challenging to hunt in the desert southwest. This was an average tom nothing huge but mature. The blood is from one of my dogs feet, they just get a little sore from running on hard frozen ground nothing a couple days of rest won't cure.
  7. Brush Buster

    NM Lion Pic

    Here are a couple pictures from yesterday. My dogs and I chased this tom for several miles accross some NM coues country. He tried to give us the slip into some real nasty bluffs. This old tom almost got away from us but the dogs were able to located him in a serries small cave's. I passed on this one for now, to early in the season to use my tag and I was alone. Had a fun time catching him maybe we will cross paths again someday.
  8. Brush Buster

    NM Game and Fish Proc is out

    I was going to hunt again today but, I caught the flu from my boys. Those lions will have to wait untill I feel better. Seams to be a healthy number of them around this year for sure. Later
  9. Brush Buster

    NM Game and Fish Proc is out

    The "no back to back quality tag deal" does not start until 2010-2011 season right? The way I read it is if we drew a quality tag in 2008-2009 we can still apply for a quality tag one more year (2009-2010)? I assume they are refering to a "licene year" April 1-Mar 31? So don't make your plans yet, you may draw those back to back tags yet • Anyone applying for a 2010 Q or HD elk license, may NOT have received a Q or HD public draw elk license in 2009. • Anyone applying for a 2010 Q or HD deer permit may NOT have received a Q or HD public draw deer permit in 2009. • Anyone applying for any pronghorn hunt in 2010, may NOT have drawn a public pronghorn license in 2009.
  10. Brush Buster

    Oryx Pic.

    Thanks, are you talking about Josh Jensen? I think his brothers name is Jordon but I do not know him. Josh is a great taxidermsit and a great person too, I have known him for a few years now. Yes I stoped by his stand for a visit, he watched my camera for me while I was hunting in the "camera free" missle range.
  11. Brush Buster

    Oryx Pic.

    I shot this bull a couple days ago on my once in a lifetime hunt on the Rhodes Canyon unit. This was my first time to hunt Oryx, it was differnt but worthwhile. I had a good time hunting them. It was very windy with blowing dust, making glassing tough. We ended up hiking a couple miles into the foothills to get out of the wind, that is were we found the majority of the animals. We ended up seeing around 100 head on the hunt. This bull seamed to stand out from anything we saw. He was a little over 36 in.
  12. Recently we completed and antelope hunt here in southwest NM. The hunt took place on my ranch as well as a couple neighboring ranches. Foundry Man and Crazyabout coues helped me on the hunt and did a great job! All together we saw over 50 differnt bucks, many of them very nice, we filled 6 out of 7 hunters, all six of the bucks killed grossed over 83 inches, all but one should make B&C after deductions and drying period. Thought some of you would enjoy the pictures. Foundry Man took this pictures a few minutes before his hunter killed this buck. Here is the buck down. He had very good mass and nice prongs. Here is a buck that we have been watching for a couple years. Several hunters wanted to harvest him and we finally were able to make it happen this year. Here is a buck I called Haystack. I had been watching him all summer. Here is another buck we harvested on the hunt. I will post some of the other bucks as soon as I get the pictures from Crazyboutcoues and another hunter.
  13. Brush Buster

    Unit 32

    I also have a tag for az unit 32 this year. I chose to apply in this unit because access was an issue. Was hoping I could go into places others would not be willing to. These kind of places usually produce more game than areas with roads and public access everywhere. I plan to use one of the few legal access points to enter the public land. Once on public I will stay on public and travle cross country to wherever I want. There still seams like plenty of ways to get anywhere in the unit to me. It just might have to be on foot or horseback.
  14. Brush Buster

    Scouting for Bighorn Sheep

    Glad to hear you got a sheep tag! I do not know anything about your unit, but I just completed a self guided Rocky Mnt. Sheep hunt a few weeks ago here in NM. All I can say is research and talk to everyone you can about what to except on the hunt. Keep in mind the sheep outfitters are pretty limited with their advice, more so to self guided hunters. I would contact as many of the actual hunters as possible and listen to what they have to offer. I think most will tell you how it is and what to expect. Sounds like you are on the right track with your research. Your research should lead you to likley areas for large rams for your unit. Check out as many of these areas as possible and don't spend to much time in one spot at first. If time is limited, spend your first trips learning the country and how to get around, look for sign, but don't waste a lot of time glassing for sheep. I think it is criticle to have as many backup areas as possible. Google earth is a great tool to go over the areas while you are at home. I think the most important time to find rams is the week before the hunt starts. If at all possible I would take this time off and spend it finding the ram you want. Once you find some shooter keep tabs on them and try to kill on opening morning. Not sure how it is other places, but here in NM most of the big sheep are prescouted and killed on the first couple days of the hunt. Actually, the most important advise I can offer is to enjoy being out in sheep country and relax a little if possible.
  15. Brush Buster

    Archery mule deer success

    That is a nice buck! It sounds like you guys earned him. Once again hard work and a lot of scouting paid off. Awesome!