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Everything posted by 323

  1. 323

    Monster Archery Buck *UPDATED*

    Well i was in the bathroom at Cableas and I heard it was scored 160.... Then he started complaining saying it was bigger so it was 170... You two need to grow up supposedly for not caring what it scores you guys are sure wrapped around the axles on i, you all keep saying it has been roller coaster ride wow is it really that stressfull is it now??? I shot a bruiser here on Ft Huachuca I haven't had it scored you know why cause I don't care.... I hate to say it but for being an @$$ you will probably never shoot another animal again sorry dude I have jinxed you but hey that is life....
  2. HMMM...that is a little upsetting he is a good bow technician. Do you know if he practiced under Ray when he was in business? By the way, was it about the same price? Ray was half the price of the winners choice. Sorry but Viscosity strings is back east... There was a guy that Ray help mentor I guess one can say. He makes strings and from what I heard they are pretty darn good but he lives in Colorado. I forget the name of the strings, if you want I can find out! Winner choice are overrated and to expensive you can get better strings for around 65 dollars and for a few dollars more you can get Halo serving done as well. I know Bucknasty strings have halo serving on request. The strings I had made were made under 400-500 lbs of pressure and guranteed no peep rotation or serving seperation!
  3. DITTO!! RAY WILL BUILD YOU THE BEST STRING YOU CAN FIND. AS WELL HE WILL STAND BEHIND IT IF THE PROBLEM PERSISTS. HAVE BEEN USING HIS PRODUCT EXCLUSIVELY FOR 8 YEARS.....ZERO PROBLEMS. NOT ONLY THAT BUT THE GUY KNOWS HOW TO THROW A TUNE ON A BOW AS WELL. Ray is retired no longer build strings talked to him about 2 months ago and he told me he sold off everything including his string making material and equipment. I use Viscosity strings now 1 year warranty and I put a set on my 82nd no peep rotation nothing. I was real happy threw the peep and went to shooting. Here is the number Viscosity Bowstrings 978 204 0878
  4. Here is the story. Anyhow I was watching that blow out of a football game the Packers-Seahawks. Well around 5:00 I decided I will head out and see if I see anything. I decide to head out to an area that has always been good for me T-3. As I turn on to the road heading up to woodcutters I see some deer I stop roll down the window all does. So I keep going and about a mile down the road I see another deer standing there. I roll the window down and it's a buck. So I come up with a plan I decide to drive down the road and go around the corner so he can't see my truck anymore. I get out my truck and he is still there not spooked at all. I grab my bow outof my truck and make my way to a little knob on the hill. I get there and I look and he is still standing there looking at road. I get my range finder out and it is giving me crazy reading because of the tall grass according to the range finder he was 12yds I know he is further than that at least 50plus yds. So now I start crawling on my hands and knees trying to close the distance and the whole time he stands there looking at the road and towards my direction, well I keep crawling and by then I gave up on the range finder every time I tried to range him it would read 10 yds ,15yds. So I stop crawling and I look up and now the deer is walking towards I was like know way. He goes down into a litte ravine so I get an arrow ready but he doesn't come straight up like I thought he would he comes in towards my right and still walking towards me at an angle by then I have my guardian at full draw and I decide he is at 40yds he stops I put the 40yd pin behind his shoulders and I let the arrow fly. I heard the arrow hit him, it was a loud thwump he spins around and starts running I see the arrow sticking out of him about 8 inches or so was hanging out him. Well I took off towards his direction I know a mistake I didn't see him so I calm myself go back to where I shot him and start walking the general route he ran there was no blood at all. I keep walking scanning left and right. I went about 100 yds and I was thinking to myself I need to go get some help, I keep walking and I looked to my right about 15yds I saw horns and my arrow sticking out him. This was probably one of the best moments ever becuase as I stated before this was my 1st archery kill and a nice one at that. The thing of it I missed earlier that morning at a much smaller one. That Guardian was so quiet he didn't jump the string. The rage 3 broad head performed like it was supposed to the entrance hole was a good 4inches wide and it was lodged in his left hind qtr that was the reason for no pass thru.
  5. 323

    1st Archery coues deer

    There is one bigger than this one in T-2 I saw him friday I wasn't hunting then I was just out looking. There is another one out in Unfiorm nothing wide but he is real tall horn wise. I have a buddy hunting out by cemetary canyon and he say there is a real nice 8 pointer or 4x4 western count out there and he is dumber than heck right now chasing does only problem can't really put a stock on him due to all the does hanging around him. Also there is a real bruiser hanging out in Victor it is a no hunting area but he is hanging out right on the boundary of V-1 so if he wanders into V-1 he is fair game as well. I tooka buddy out into Unfiorm and Pappa and T-3 saw nothing but does but it was late mornig so the bucks were probably bedding down for the afternoon. The best time to hunt T-1, T-2 and T-3 are in the evenings. get out there around 1600 and start glassing the hillsides!.
  6. 323

    1st Archery coues deer

    LOL yes it does hows it been going for you? family doing well I hope...