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Everything posted by AZantlerhead

  1. AZantlerhead

    First coues 24A december tag filled

    Congrats- that's a great buck!! Cool litttle kicker on his left base
  2. AZantlerhead

    Jay's WOW FACTOR buck

  3. AZantlerhead

    Blizzard in Eagarville

    Bout a foot, cold as a witches... drifts of 2 or 3 in some spots...wind finally dying, stopped snowing after 22 hrs
  4. AZantlerhead

    Unit 23 Non-Burro Coues

    Heck yeah man! CONGRATS, a trophy for sure-23 non burro coues is slim pickins, you got it done and with style! Awesome!
  5. AZantlerhead

    Sadie Anderson got a nice one!

    Holly smokes talk about character!! love the color on that rack too, way to go!!
  6. AZantlerhead

    2010 Muzzleloader Coues

    Nice! details of the hunt?
  7. AZantlerhead

    Coues shed and lion kill

    Nice finds, it drives u crazy knowing the match is out there!!
  8. AZantlerhead

    I Want A Refund!!!

    + 1
  9. AZantlerhead

    anyone know this Idiot in 23

    how so? I seem to remember something in the regs about feeding wildlife is a no-no..I can't find it in this years copy though..tried calling but they are closed.. I may be wrong? It seems if it were ok, our woods would be filled with feeders like some other states..again I may be wrong.. I'm personally not against feeders but I just thought you werent spossed to have umm out there..the regular feeding of wildlife is a whole other factor i guess ?? I dunno...Why's i a- wroted that there sentance with a one them there question marx at the end I didn't mean for this to turn into a litter/ feeder topic...but the feeder stands out in the pic and crosses me as a maybe no-no...more so than the guy with a bow.
  10. AZantlerhead

    December desert bow bucks

    Great bucks, sounds like an awesome hunt!
  11. AZantlerhead

    Brothers dec. buck

    Dandy!! congrats to your bro and thx for sharin I dunno... 108?
  12. AZantlerhead

    Yote Hunting

    Sounds like an action packed day...the more I read these coyote hunts the more I wanna try it!! Thanx for sharin..yes I imagine that would be a little hard all thos misses and then your bud nails one with same gun... that's hunting
  13. AZantlerhead

    anyone know this Idiot in 23

    Time and again.............anyone caught on cam is labeled as a thief/poacher/idiot/no good.......with no proof.. At least the guys that get there cam stolen have a legitimate gripe... and that's morally wrong but not illegal..Lucky they didn't take your cam Wheres the proof they are doing anything wrong?? I guess if he was packin a buck and a bow in a closed unit that would be proof..but he's not...As long as theres a liscense in his pocket he is legal... Lot's of folks out for predators right now..maybe he has a generall tag and can carry whatever he wants?? Isn't the feeder bending the rules, are you incriminating yourself here?? Why did you set up right on a hikin trail?? Accusations and stipulations are just that...I guess if he did get busted for hunting the wrong unit for deer with an archery tag you could turn the pics in to the G&F to help with evidence.. or if he was packing a buck you could turn the pic in and get a reward if they ever did catch him?? Just trying to understand your reason for this thread... I use a muzzleloader usually and maybe a crossbow in the future for general tags, some guys use a pistol, shotgun or bow.. Also alot of fellas carry a bow only.......remember that I've seen lots guys carry a high powered scoped rifle in september for lions or yotes while scouting for deer/elk...I didn't accuse them of poachin though... That would be wrong..and maybe dangerous to ones health when face to face.. but you have your cam and the internet so the " idiots" won't get ya..still aint right to accuse.... If you did have evidence of anything wrong or illegal..more power to ya..... This however is " jumping the gun" .. Let's stick together..the guys in the pics have done nothing wrong as far as we know.....It does stink that they found your spot, ohh well, theres enough woods for everyone.. at least your cam is still yours.
  14. AZantlerhead

    my buck

    Yowza!! that's a brute 4 sure..great pics too..CONGRATS
  15. AZantlerhead

    Elk Sheds

    + 1 !! mas pics??
  16. AZantlerhead

    6x6 elk sheds

    Nice set man!! great pics too
  17. AZantlerhead

    giant coues deer

    I talked to the guy an hour after he shot it on ty's phone, and it is a understatement to say he was as stoked as one could get. He also knew exactly what he just shot. Some guys show it in diff ways. I was just where he shot it yesterday, and the hike he did to harvest this beast was a haul in anyones book. Congrats. I think my bro has some footage of that buck?? pm me the unit #...If it's the same unit and a couple miles in there, it could be same buck..... WHAT a HOG congrats!!
  18. AZantlerhead

    December Succes

    That's Awesome!! thx for sharin
  19. AZantlerhead

    Total Eclipse of the Moon

    It's looking awesome through the binos!!
  20. AZantlerhead

    Found A Few While Out Huntin

    Some bruisers for sure man. Great finds and welcome to the site
  21. AZantlerhead

    pops n I score on our late hunt

    A tough hunt, great bulls tagged, and sheds...a hunt you'll remember with your pop no doubt!
  22. AZantlerhead

    double shovel coues

    Don't know how I missed this.. Caribou Coues that ain't no lie-He sure is, great find!
  23. AZantlerhead

    Check out what I found

    frickin cool find!! My bro says that the buck is part Horny Toad