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Everything posted by AZantlerhead

  1. AZantlerhead

    1st coues hunt

    +1, Awesome!!
  2. AZantlerhead

    !!!!!!! Fobbed Giant 132 4/8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is one Serious coues buck, Much congrats. An Absolute giant. As for the Commonly accepted BS saying that " Bowhunting is harder". You guys have thrown that out the window this season with all the giant coues. General tag holders will be hard pressed to keep up in the scoreing department. Those Fobbs are interesting to say the least, and obviously they work.
  3. AZantlerhead

    Angie gets it done!!!

    That's a great feat you have concured in your first Archery deer season, Congratulations!!!
  4. AZantlerhead

    My son

    Srry this is belated, I don't know you, or your family, but after watching the video I feel like I do. Seems he lived and loved to the fullest extent he knew how. As I've said before it's not trajic to pass on while doing what you love. I feel the same frustrations of wanting to be with " the one" that I lost,and have a family of my own. So I know how your son felt. This maybe, why people like I and your son like pushing it to the limits doing what we love, Because we know deep down It's better on the other side where theres no pain and only love. You will be together again someday. This is fact. I'm sure he looks in from time to time on his beloved family and all I can say is I'm sorry you lost him for the time being and my prayers are with you. This especially hit home, because when returning last night after another frustrateing day with my bow, I allmost had a head on. (locked umm up and swerved into the ditch avoiding rails and posts and nearly rolling my pick up) but avoided a very messy accident somehow wich would have been my fault. I didn't tell my father but was pretty shook up and still am(sometimes I really question myself) . He never really says I love you but I know he would be devasted if I passed on, and I him( actually it's my worst fear in life, I hope I go first). Somehow, we Rugged hunters are just big wimps when it comes to stuff like this. Brett had a heart of gold I'm sure, and for this on judgement day, Jesus will tell the heavenly father so and he shall dwell in the house of the lord, for ever and ever, amen. But don't be afraid to speak out loud to him sometimes, he just might be listening. I'm sorry , God Bless.
  5. AZantlerhead

    Bear human fight over salmon

    I've watched that ten times awhile back, and just busted a gut watching it again. HILLARIOUS to say the least.!!!
  6. AZantlerhead


    As you know Brian, I've visited the memorial. It was heart wrenching and I felt the presence of their great spirits and THE great spirit when I was there. Also re-stacked the antlers in a nice fashion around the plaque since the animals had them strown about. God bless Dave and Gary. Ohh the 5x5 elk head had ben dragged half way down the hill, I brought it back up there for ya . There was some remnants of some real gagger coues sheds too! I glassed up the sheds and was aww struck by what I found at the saddle when I got over there.. Beyond a cool thing to do. I hope my spirit wanders the same places some day, It would be so much easier to float around in that country to locate the horns and animals ya know, lol.
  7. AZantlerhead


    You and your father are class acts buddy. I hope to be so lucky to be rememberd as fondly as him. Next time I'm down there I will pray my hellos to his fine spirit. Thanks for shareing. BTW, he's still around- without a shadow of a dought, from someone who's seen concrete proof of life after death. He is still with you, especially when you visit the places you hold dear to your hearts. . And yes, it's never trajic to pass on to the next life while doing what you love, it's an honor and heaven sent.
  8. AZantlerhead


    Congrats to the fullest. Got yourself a true trophy there.
  9. AZantlerhead

    Pack weight

    Hmmm NEVER set your pack down in thick, rugged country.Unless you know EXACTLY where to find it again. I've learned that the hard way and spent hours trying to locate My gear before sun down. Instead of precious time spent finding what your really looking for. When Is your hunt?
  10. AZantlerhead

    Pack weight

    Finally, a question i'm a semi expert on Boyscouts are required to carry 50% of their own body wieght throughout a day,weekend or week. This will tell you if you are in shape or not. If not, you are asking for bad times attempting a " backcountry pack trip". Allways assume you will have to survive for three days and pack accordingly. A rigid, external frame pack is the way to go if you are serious about getting a backcountry bruiser without horses or mules. I just picked up a- Swiss gear, "Bruin" Load hauler and highly recomend it. It will carry your daypack, a Rifle, Sleeping gear, And elk Quarters as needed, also has a blaze orange rain sack to keep you from getting shot, and keep your gear dry.. The added rigidness and suspension makes for allot of comfort, and has an adjustable folding "shelf" to help keep your gear from rideing on your butt. The extra five pounds of this Framepack compared to a "daypack" makes a world of difference in comfort and your ability to stay out for the duration of your hunt. It feels like an extension of your body instead of a regular jansport or something full of rocks. . Even with 20lbs of gear and 50 lbs of sheds or what not. Even for a 150lb man. Most do not understand this untill they try it. But I know what 30lbs can feel like in a book bag and it's not comfy. On the other hand 80lbs on a pack frame ain't so bad. You can pick up the model I'm talking about for 100 bucks at sportsmans warehouse. It is the most comfortable and versatile pack on the market that I know of!! AZantlerenthusiast has a custom framepack made of 1 inch box steel tubeing and it ways 20 something pounds empty. The one I'm speeking of (wich replaces my old one)is a nice alternative and Jason said on our last trip he's very impressed by my new one and wants one. If you are serious about Backpacking for game/sheds even if for daytrips in and out over a weeklong hunt, an external frame pack is the ONLY way to go. Even if your only packing 30lbs. You are thinking of leaving behind weight allready and that is a threat to your life when it comes down to it. A good day pack with the goods to survive in emergency should way about 30lbs . Allot more comfortable with a quality external frame pack( feels like 10lbs.
  11. AZantlerhead

    **UPDATE!! * i need some prayers please *

    I will take time, right now, to pray for you. Even fully able bodied men need help, so don't feel bad. And I've seen Quadrapalegic men take fine animals. You are somewhere in between it seems. Your heart wich sounds as big as Texas and the great spirit, will pull you through. In God we trust. Going to sit on the swing and pray now...............
  12. AZantlerhead

    elk and the rut

    +1, all are the reasons. If your in the woods enough you'll here bugles from Aug 1st to mid nov. Maybe even sooner or later, later and sooner? Prime activity sep-oct of course
  13. AZantlerhead

    Ground blinds and photo radar

    LMAO, good one. Bet Friar tuck said the same thing. Hey, chicken sounds good tonight< thaws chicken
  14. AZantlerhead

    Fobbed Antelope.

    God broke the mold with that one. HOLLY MASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amen. Sounds like Self discipline and dedication played a factor . And a tuff hunter, mentally. Congrats to the Hunter.
  15. AZantlerhead

    Archery Antelope

    That's flippin BAD A**!!!!! you got size and character on that one!!! Way to go!!!!
  16. AZantlerhead

    which scope and why?

    One that works, Because you can see better than through iron sights .
  17. AZantlerhead

    2009 Archery Pronghorn

    You faired better than most, and have defied the odds, great job!!
  18. AZantlerhead

    Goat down

    That's a Super fine buck, congrats.
  19. AZantlerhead

    Hey Gamehauler

    I'll never sell my speed bag!!!! Had it 16 years , it aint goin nowhere. I could use a new full body bag though. lost it in a bet at 20yrs. What would he buy with the money anyway, a couple arrows?
  20. AZantlerhead

    Ground blinds and photo radar

    I was just listening to Charlie Daniels' " what this world needs is a few more rednecks, Just a coincidence . I'll reply to this Debate not in an essay as i usually do but in Gamehaulers form of short, blunt statements. Stealing is wrong. I wish I had cameras. Cameras take work too, Ol' fashioned hunting is harder. Camera pics are like shopping for bucks online. Trail cam pics are cool. Anything left in the woods, assume it will get stolen. So basically I wish I had cams but can do without. I'm starting to use a stand and blind, patience given. Hey what's better, a Chevy or Ford? , CHEVY BABY!!! lol
  21. AZantlerhead

    Finally met a member!!!

    Thanks for the compliments, I think. yes I rarely check my spelling. I'm glad we can see eye to eye for the greater cause. And somehow I'm honored I ruffled your feathers enough to coment on something else besides the classifieds. And no it doesnt matter when you joined. And compareing me to a comic book hero, . Thanks about the buck, my first Coues. 117 7/8, 113ish net? I've been known to underscore antlers though . I drew the same Oct hunt this year and I'm hopeing for something similar with the old smoke pole. What about some pics and #'s for yours? Maybe a story? You have just made a friend. Dustin, my name means= Valiant Warrior. I'm trying to get in the Marines as we speak. What's your name bud? Psalms 108:13
  22. AZantlerhead

    In the Mode for a Tear Jerker

    Good one Mike. I lost Ol' Boy recently and this hit the spot no doubt. Ol' Boy had/has helped me through some tuff times in my mind and life. That's why Dog spelled backwards is God. I read Where the red fern grows about 15 times from 10 years old through my teens. And watch Old Yeller often. I'm still copeing with the loss of the most loyal commpanion I've ever had or will have. Chokeing umm back as i type........... Thanks again.
  23. AZantlerhead

    Finally met a member!!!

    This guy? You just don't know me yet. What's Prozac? Must be a good guide named Zack? . And yes, I take on subjects most are too ignorant or conservative to discuss and I do appreciate a good conversation about a topic most will " normally not get involved in". . But you are right , I should have started a new topic. I can see some may get confused when what they are reading transfers too another subject. Sorry I derailed your mind bud. It's so easy to be a "nuetral" and just follow the croud. I am a leader type, take on hard topics and don't beat around the bush, especially about who I'm speaking of.. Most are shocked when someone speaks the truth, and most can't handle it. Well from " this guy" Welcome to the site. Theres all kinds of great people here, with all kinds of personalities, makeing it a great melting pot of different hunters and conversations. "One thing I have allways liked" , just how long have you ben visiteing? Seems you have about 25 posts? Maybe you've ben on the sidlines judgeing everyone a while more without commenting or what? Glad too see you off the bench for a couple plays. See, I have a sense of humor as well, are you haveing fun yet? It was all about respect, my posts, it's no fun when theres no respect. You see? All kidding aside though, welcome to the site and feel free to chime in more often , NEWBIE!!! BTW, your Avatar is some great bucks. Wheres the posts? And again welcome.
  24. AZantlerhead

    Finally met a member!!!

    Well, theres no gray area for me, hunting is just to sacred of a thing. Never did care for the belittleing and namecalling thing, either in disrespect of a hunter or his quarry. If you did this in my circle you might lose respect by not showing any........... And I was the kid in school that beat up the bullies. But I can see where you guys who are good friends might kid around a little, so you do have a point. But keep it in the pms. Yes, this is Coues Whitetail.com , not Mule deer bashing .com or Bash so&so .com And I hope that RutnHard.com does not become a Coues bashing site. The web site I'm working on will not be tolerateing any of this disrespect. or "teaseing" as some might call it. I mean I don't see umm bashing Muleys on Buckmasters or Bashing Blacktails on Monster muleys, right? This respect is what will seperate the smaller web sites from the More successful ones, or drive a succefull one like this downhill. This Awesome forum will only suffer with the more and more dissrespect I'm seeing . Just like some fear, it will become as viscous as some of the others and only be stuck with a few regulars who just never have anything nice to say. Just showing concern for this forum because it is my favorite place on the net , even next to my new site!! Goodnight and thanks for the talk GameHauler.