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Everything posted by izquik72

  1. izquik72

    2 Brownells AR-15 mags for trade?

    Fair trade...just cant find any 22lr
  2. izquik72

    Good way to end the season

    Good on you. If you dont mind my asking, what are you using for bait?
  3. izquik72

    3 point score

    I dont think there is a database of just 3pt Bucks. But a 130+ 3pt is Huge!! Ill have to Plus 1 what casey said
  4. izquik72

    Rooster Sauce

    BBQ - Sweet baby Ray's and a good 2 second squirt of "Rooster" Fish or fries burgers - 1/2 catchup, 1/2 mayo small squirt of Rooster Wings - Honey, soysauce, cilantro, Rooster (very very tasty) Then when you are almost out add a touch of vinegar and oil to the bottle shake it really well and you have a nice salad dressing with kick
  5. izquik72

    Need some advice on a gun/bino trade

    Looks like everybody has the same opinion. Your Leica's are worth more than the guns+cash offered. Do you want a mini14 or an AK? Is he throwing in any ammo?
  6. izquik72

    unit 27 ram

    As has been stated already Huge congratulations on a fantastic ram!
  7. izquik72

    optics rentals

    A few years back I rented a Vortex spotter from Ross outdoors in PV off of Fain rd. They didnt have the ED glass one. So they sent it up from PHX the next day before I left on my hunt. The rates were great and I had a awesome experience with them.
  8. izquik72

    Help wanted! Opinions of this buck

    GREEEAAAATTT buck! My favorite picture is the Father son mirror photo. Very nice timing and a great find.
  9. Well here is a project I have piecing together for quite sometime. I finally have everything together and was able to take it for a break-in on Sunday (cold and Windy) Savage weather warrior, Shilen 24” in .260 Rem, Stockade Thumbhole, Zeiss 4.5-14 w/ RZ 800. ( Zeiss not pictured) My speeds are under 2600 shooting 140gr bergers and 41.5 gr IMR 4350. I was hoping to be near 2800-2850 for final development. I am extremely pleased with 1st results, the barrel still needs floated and it was very windy I am not having any pressure signs. Is it possible to get speeds near what I want using IMR 4350 and maxing out about 44.5 gr? Here is the first 10 shots. Shoot, Clean 5x then tried a group. The stock still needs finished and the barrel floated. I have to get a load devloped by the end of the month, So I can ship my scope to Kenton for a Retrofit and a new turret. (Zeiss deal)
  10. Looks like you did very well. Congrats
  11. izquik72

    Mexico 2013

    Very nice buck
  12. Jackpot!! The mass, the eyeguards, the extras, the green where he has been rubbing. There are way too many cool things on this absolute giant to compliment them all. Awesome deer Josh, just plain awesome. Looks like everybody had a great trip
  13. Guide fee proposed is $200 and Hunter is $60. No more summer P-dog trips
  14. izquik72

    Project rifle

    Stockade Rollover cheeck Thumbhole http://www.stockadegunstocks.com/3.html 123456 - Go to the Kenton site it was under promotions. I can scan in my copy of the paperwork and email it to you.
  15. izquik72

    Need help with 308

    You already have a 30 cal. Why are you set on the .308? I was looking at these for lightweight rifles: http://www.savagearms.com/firearms/model/11LH Savage offers the Model 11 Lightweight Hunter in .223 Rem., .243 Win., .260 Rem., 6.5 Creedmoor, 7 mm-08 Rem., and .308 Win., while the long-action Model 111 is available in 6.5 mm x .284 Norma, .270 Win. and .30-’06 Sprg. I went with a .260 although it is a bit heavier 9.5lb than a pack rifle due to barrel contour http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/37547-project-rifle/ There is plenty of information on the web to help you make a decision. Good luck
  16. izquik72

    300 rum loads???

    208 AMAX 90 gr H1000 (start lower) Mag length
  17. izquik72

    Archery bobcat

    That is the first Spot and stalk Archery cat I have ever heard of. Huge accomplishment, my hats off.
  18. izquik72

    Ben's late December buck

    Great Buck. Good scouting and a good friend paid off. Great job Tines and congrats to Ben on a great BUCK!
  19. izquik72

    1st elk - Wilbur Jr

    Congrats onyour bull great story. I am kinda in the same boat as you My only elk tag was in 96' and I am waiting on that special tag you just had!
  20. izquik72

    Project rifle

    Ron what kind of speeds are you seeing with the 123gr bullets? How long is your barrel? Pardon my ignorance but what would be considered an extreme powder? Yeah I feel pretty fortunate to live in a place we never get those Negative signs before the temp
  21. izquik72

    Project rifle

    Yeah that is what I was thinking it is just a bit slow. I have heard the speeds from RL 17 are great but I do not want to deal with a Temp sensative powder. That is why I am set on 4350 for now. Right now it is 30-50 degrees during the hunting seasons it is 15 to 100 degrees depending on locations I hunt
  22. superb story and timeline