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Everything posted by rugerman

  1. rugerman

    mule deer

    got back my 2012 muzzy buck from Chris Krueger.
  2. rugerman

    My Buck!!!

    sweet! more pics?
  3. rugerman

    My COPD SHEEP IS HOME!-- New Photos Added

    The mount came out great, I can't wait to get my deer back!
  4. rugerman


    I'll take the broadheads and scale. PM when you will be in the surprise area
  5. rugerman


  6. rugerman


    Quads sold trailer needs to go 2006 Zieman quad trailer. 6' x 8' holds 2 quads side mount. Ramps pictured mount to tongue. permanent tags, comes with a brand new spare and a 2 takeoffs for extra rims $700
  7. rugerman


  8. rugerman

    Quad and trailer for sale

    For sale 2005 Polaris 800 Sportsman Anniversary Edition 1148 miles/ 142 hours super clean quad $4500 2006 Zeiman 6x8 quad trailer holds 2 quads side mount $700 Package deal $5k/ won't sell trailer until quad is gone Private message or call 623-229-1051
  9. rugerman

    Quad and trailer for sale

    price lowered to $4800 for package. Includes battery tender, cabelas cover and synthetic oil/filter for next service. Trailer comes with several spare tires.
  10. rugerman

    S&W 686-4 .357 for sale-SPF

    S&W 686-4 Adj rear sight front orange blade black rubber original S&W grips 8 3/8" barrel I bought it from the original owner who fired it very little, I have not fired it SUPER CLEAN!!!!! $550 Please PM if interested Thanks for looking
  11. rugerman

    Quad and trailer for sale

    May be interested in high end 40 or 45 in trade as well
  12. rugerman

    Quad and trailer for sale

    Thanks! Up for a few more days here. Would be great for scouting or transporting elk quarters!
  13. rugerman

    Quad and trailer for sale

    Thanks AKA, glad you are enjoying it. I'd like to see someone here grab this Polaris, it's got less than 200 miles a year! I know it'll go on craigslist.
  14. While I did email both senators this afternoon, I refrained from telling them to rot in heck. As a matter of fact, I visited both of their Facebook pages and was disgusted with many of the comments left for them. Seems as if many on our side have lost the ability to phrase their thoughts without insults, threats and vulgarity. These are tactics straight from the leftist playbook. Please contact them with rational arguments rather than emotional responses.
  15. rugerman

    17 points or more?

    I knew my 16 points wouldn't get me into the bonus for 23N early or 9 muzzy, but I had to take the chance of getting lucky. It's hard waiting when you know you could have any archery tag you wanted. I just cannot take the full 2 weeks for the archery hunt off. So I wait.......how many folks have 17 or more points and are in my shoes and feel the pain?
  16. rugerman

    17 points or more?

    wow I would have thought you would of drawn that 3B tag 2nd choice this year????
  17. rugerman

    17 points or more?

    This is the plan. Didn't start out that way though. Couple of years of no cow tag.....maybe I'll put in for a bull tag......couple years of that maybe I'll put in for a better unit for bull......couple more years maybe I could draw this muzzy tag......hey now I'm in it for the duration...... I should post pics of my hair color from when I started the process until now
  18. rugerman

    17 points or more?

    oh and good luck to you lucky ones
  19. rugerman

    Introducing the newest cwt member

  20. rugerman

    270 ammo, brass

    I tried to Pm but your box is full??
  21. rugerman

    270 ammo, brass

    I'll take the 06 ammo. I'll Pm you
  22. rugerman

    ruger 1911

    Ruger is introducing a commander-sized SR1911 (4.25") http://www.ruger.com/products/sr1911/models.html Also some other neat stuff such as American rifles in 7-08 and .22-250 and compact versions in 243 and 7-08. Threaded barrels for the take-down 10-22 etc........
  23. rugerman

    7 mag ammo

    price lowered to $40
  24. rugerman

    7 mag ammo

    for sale- 7MM 28 rounds Remington Premiere 140 gr PTP SP Boattail 31 rounds mixed factory loaded Remington/Federal/PMC (bullet weight unknown no boxes) 13 once fired brass I'm keeping the cordura cartridge carrier pictured $40 FTF westside PHX PM if interested and we'll set something up