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Everything posted by rugerman

  1. rugerman

    Varmit hunting

    Not only do I want to shoot every coyote I see, I swerve with my truck too!
  2. rugerman

    hunting trip for 50th birthday

    I'd like to go to Africa for plains game for my 50th
  3. rugerman


    Seems a little late to still be on the teat What's the latest you seen fawns nursing?
  4. rugerman

    6A success

    I had also seen this buck in Sept. and was on the other side of the hill when he shot it. I had met buglethemin the evening before and we talked a bit about where we would be hunting the next day. We both admitted to seeing bucks in the area, but neither of us let on that we had seen this caliber of buck. I passed him on the road later that afternoon and got a brief look at that buck. It is a toad! Congratulations to you and it was good to meet you and your buddies. Where did that scuff on his ear come from??
  5. rugerman

    The Lucky Bean

    RR, Great pics of some beautiful country!
  6. Swarovskis are so good they can find deer when no one is manning them
  7. rugerman

    Rica Gets Her Goat

    Nice buck Doug! Who's doing the taxidermy work? More info on being run out of the one area????
  8. rugerman

    customer service

    Good week for me.. Busted the threaded insert in the base of my Swaro tripod mount. My buddy and I were carrying out a mule deer spike tied up on my monopod and the bonehead was holding the tripod mount. Anyways I called Swaro and the nice lady says "I'll send you a couple of em - no charge" Next I finally get around to taking off the recoil pad on my Remington Ti. It was the Limbsaver that had the wrong mixture and was disintegrating into a sticky gummy mess. Remington called me today and said they don't have any pads for me so are sending a whole stock. Thats a $275 Bell and Carlson Kevlar stock!! Count me as a satisfied customer on both counts!!!!
  9. rugerman

    Muzzleloader Antelope

    right on, nice buck. I'll trade my 14 points for an hour like that
  10. rugerman

    Palin killing Alaska's wolves from airplanes...

    obvious tree hugger drivel.... notice how the article brings up creationism??? sounds like she wanted to set up a G&F Commission like we have here. The article doesn't go into detail about how it would work. It seems the only "scientists" opinion that would be worth a crap would be those of the Alaska Dept. of G&F who actually work up there.
  11. rugerman

    Sarah Palin

    J, Believe me I had/have my concerns over McCain on the 2ndA. His selection of Palin has somewhat eased that for me. Have you read her letter asserting the state's right to manage wildlife?? palinletter.pdf What is it about the Dem platform that attracts you?
  12. rugerman

    Sarah Palin

    If you value your 2nd Amendment rights, I believe you have no choice but vote for McCain /Palin. You won't like the CHANGE that comes from Obama appointees.
  13. rugerman

    custom knives

    I was wondering if anyone else has a soft spot for high end knives. If so I'd like to see them. This one is pretty much it for me. D'Holder I plan to use it when I finally draw that early bull tag
  14. rugerman

    custom knives

    Haven't heard of em....but I want to see one
  15. rugerman

    custom knives

    That is a score, I haven't seen one of those before. Here's a Jim Ort- Oz Custom giraffe bone and a sword my dad brought back from Okinawa in the 50's
  16. rugerman

    custom knives

    Now we got rolling... SBD, that Laplander blade is way cool.....I bet someone was hacking up elk quarters with that saw. AG you gotta post up a pic of those elk antler blades DB I hear you my pack knives are a Schrade and a Gerber Gator oneshot that Randall is a beauty..... what's the story behind that Bowie? How did you come about getting it? Casey do you use that Bark River? Also did you sell that blade you bought and had instant buyer's remorse?
  17. rugerman

    New Member

    Howdy and welcome. Try to shoot only the big bears
  18. here you go http://www.land.state.az.us/news/2008/072208_news.htm I believe the hunting license still covers us for now. I bet it won't be too long before they end that loophole. Alot of offroad people are already figuring out that a hunting license is cheaper.
  19. As of August first the price of a State Land permit is increasing from $15 to $50. Buy the permit and then get banned from the land. Nappy is trying to balance the budget and keep the desert pristine right up until they cover it with tile roofs.
  20. rugerman


    I was turkey hunting in Calf Pen in '05. Got home and saw on the news that they found a big farm in there. Lucky I didn't stumble into it.
  21. maybe we outta kill him for killin a rattler :lol: just tryin to lighten it up around here with all the snake discourse
  22. rugerman

    Hannah Montanna

    Mine are still on Oswald and Wonder Pets. I'll prolly have to deal with the next after the next pop icon Hannah Montana ain't so bad...it's her old man who sucks
  23. I hate snakes.......I think I wet myself :o
  24. rugerman

    Name this snake!!

    If I'm out hunting or otherwise on their turf I'll let em be. Too close to my kids, dogs, house.........BANG!!!!!!!!
  25. rugerman

    Bears in the pears!

    casey must be smoochin' el chupacabra right now or he'd be all over ya