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Everything posted by wfh

  1. Hello Guys, How bout some thoughts on rifle scopes used in long range shooting. It seems that shots at a Coues deer occur at distances of 300 yard or greater more often that not. What seems to be a good scope to handle this and greater yardages? I am comfortable out to about 300 with my Leopold 3x9 on the range, but have trouble in the field with it. Would a long range target scope be a better way to go? What do folks that have been doing this very sucessfully use? Thoughts? Thanks!
  2. wfh

    Long Range Rifle Scope

    All, Thanks a million for the excellent responses. I'm currently researching the scopes mentioned and will let you know which way I go. Brings up another question. What are turrets or a turret set-up? Also, thoughts a a Savage 300 remington ultra-mag to mount under the scope I chose? As you can tell, I am a newbie at this.