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About horseremover

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  1. horseremover

    Aspen Lodge issues

    Conservation groups have been working diligently with the Apache National Forest to remove the feral livestock that has been inundating much of the forest. Sadly, the horse advocates have been working just as hard to stop the removal of said livestock. Photos by the contractor show the advocates opening locked gates to let captured horses free, cutting fences and causing havoc with the contractor. Over the past 14 months the contractor has removed over 350 horses and now has financing to remove even more. Conservation groups in Arizona have contributed over $100,000 to remove the remainder of these horses. Part of the issue is that the horse advocates refuse to accept science and biology as well as a Federal judgement that these horses are "stray", feral, or just plain livestock. I am writing this only to inform those who do not have the time or inclination to follow the drama. Many of us will be elk hunting this fall and we need to be aware of who our "Friends" are and those who only care about horses. It should be noted that the Aspen Lodge in Alpine is the hub of the Alpine Wild horse advocacy. The recent California transplants that purchased the Alpine Lodge have made the determination that these horses should be free and unencumbered by science. Where you spend your money this fall matters. If you are a horse advocate, spend your $$ at the Aspen Lodge. If you want a forest that has only natural wildlife..... then think twice about where you spend your $$. Once the Apache has all horses removed, the Sitgreaves Forest is next for a massive reduction of the invasive horses that came over from the Rodeo Chedeski fire. The White Mountain Apache Tribe has accepted back their cattle that strayed over into the forest, but politely declined to accept horses. The future of hunting units across Arizona need the support of all sportsmen to make sure biology and science rule how wildlife is handled.... and livestock have no place in the forests.