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Everything posted by 25-06

  1. 25-06

    need boot advise

    Danners all the way...Just get the danners and you'll never look back...
  2. I sure hope the donkey was ok...
  3. 25-06

    Youth Deer hunt

    Great looking buck, congrats
  4. 25-06

    Happy BDay

    Hey Bro, Hope you are out havin the best Birthday ever...Happy Birthday
  5. 25-06

    Unit 32

    Well the last word in your post was very grown up as well. I understand why you lock your gates. I was raised right in the middle of 32,34,30b area. and have seen most sreas worth hunting closed down do to hunters as well as ranchers. The ranch i hunt in unit 34B is locked off as well. you have to call the rancher and he will give you the combo to the gate. This is done after he takes the info he needs before you cross the cattle gaurd. It is not always sportsman shooting tanks either. I have seen a 2 wheel drive truck drive into an area shoot up a tank and drop the gate to the ground and drive off. They drove right out of the ranch and on to the highway.I later gave the discription of the truck to the game warden. He said yep that is the same truck the rancher identafied in the ranch down the highway. They caught them and they were not even hunters. just out to cause problems. + 1
  6. I would like to see em...Please
  7. Glad to have you back, and you better get ta typing if your gunna catch up with Casey
  8. 25-06

    Big mountain lion

    Here is a pic of a lion that weighs 227 pounds...To me this lion looks more like just about as big as they get.
  9. I aint been out scouting since July 14, but my boys and I are hittin the hills this weekend. Hopefully we will locate that droptine again... Terry
  10. I agree big time that Ernesto C. NEEDS TO GET BACK ON THE FORUM.....And I hope that what ever happened in the past can be forgivin and find it in his heart to join us once again...Terry Lambeth
  11. 25-06

    4 Ford 3/4 Ton Aluminum Rims

    What size are the rims?
  12. Bill, I hope you are having a wonderful Birthday.
  13. 25-06

    Unit 32

    Just found out today from the AZGFD that last year a lot of the Ranchers were letting 25 people go through there land to hunt as long as you paid a $25 fee. (That is why last year I was able to go places that I cant this year) Found out this year an Outfitter went to all of these ranches in 32 and made a deal with them to put up gates and locks for X amount of dollars. The only way you can go through this private property now is if you book a hunt with this Outfitter group which is $1000. Mercer Ranch and other ranches will not let you through this year. GF didn't give me the name of the Outfitter group. This is the case on the east and west side of the Galiuro Mtns. GF said they are working with the state and federal government to build roads around these private properties but will take several years. So good luck to anybody that has a 32 tag! If that's true, it's a prime example of why i don't care much for some of these outfitters. GF told you this?? Big time bummer guys...$$$$Kinda wonder what it will be like in a few more years
  14. 25-06


    Rattler is real good fried up like chicken, just aint much meat on em.
  15. Couple buddys of mine will be there camping and hunting.
  16. 25-06

    Rica Gets Her Goat

    Right on Doug, Congrats
  17. 25-06

    Carlisle AT 489 Quad tires

    P.M. sent
  18. 25-06

    Newest addition a la GRONG orange.....

    Did they ever baby sit him when he was a youngin?
  19. Can someone please P.M. a little info on were a guy can find a few bucks in this unit? Thanks, Terry
  20. 25-06

    Some mule deer pics

    Those are some killer pics.