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Everything posted by 25-06

  1. 25-06


    I would have had a good laugh at him and went about my buisiness.
  2. 25-06


    My buddy has a colt ar with a bunch of 30 round mags and a bunch of ammo and some cash. he wants you to give him a call. (520) 275-6442 George
  3. 25-06

    Heads UP - Colt LE6920's in Stock!

    That most be the goverment prices.
  4. 25-06

    22 ammo for kids

    One more thing Hoss, T.J. wants to know if yer givin 5.56 ammo to "YOUNG ADULTS"
  5. 25-06

    22 ammo for kids

    What the heck Hoss, now you know I got a couple youngins that likes there 22s........Well I mean youngins as they are younger than me of course. Anyways bro, This is pretty cool of you doing this for the future hunters.
  6. 25-06

    Can't fina an AR-15 anywhere.

    If you dont mind me askin what did it cost and is it a 556 or a 223? Thanks
  7. Thanks for the birthday wishes yall.
  8. 25-06

    Daughter's buck

    Way to go Jenna....Tell her big congrats from the Lambeth's.
  9. 25-06

    WTB: Ruger M77 30MM Scope Rings

    I have a set of the low rings. Give me a call at 298-8558 Thanks, Terry
  10. 25-06

    WTB: Ford Excursion V10 4x4

    Just talked to him and he said he's still not sure if he wants to sale it just yet. I'll let you know when he decides what to do with it.
  11. 25-06

    WTB: Ford Excursion V10 4x4

    My buddy has one that he has been thinking about putting up for sale. I'll get ahoud of him later tonight and get back to you. Terry
  12. 25-06

    YOU TELL ME!!!

    I know were that spaceship drinker is, do I win a prize?lol
  13. 25-06

    FS: Colt Combat Commander

    My buddy wants to talk to you about getting this pistol, give me a call and I'll give you his number. Thanks, Terry 298-8558
  14. 25-06

    tall and wide

    This guy still has 2+ months of growth left. Think I might just have to sharpin the ol broadheads up.
  15. 25-06

    tall and wide

    and another
  16. 25-06

    tall and wide

    Here are the pics
  17. 25-06

    Taurus 357

    Give me a call at (520) 298-8558Thanks, Terry
  18. 25-06

    Time line of a kitten

    Freakin cool pics bro.
  19. 25-06

    Teach 'em young Mama

    Right on Andy
  20. 25-06

    it starts today!!!>>>

    They DO set a date. It's in the regulations on page 12. It says: 'Hunt permit-tags and refund warrants mailed out by: April 20, 2012' In all seriousness though, for anyone who knows anything about computers (specifically as it pertains to large 'batch' processing), it is hard to determine the exact day/time that a process that is run once a year will complete. It's easy to play armchair quarter back, but there are things like server space/capacity, database size, etc. that come into play. Many people get VERY antsy this time of year, but the bottom line is that we'll all know when we know...... You have to figure that G&F isn't trying to keep us waiting on purpose. They are just trying to get it right and final with no errors. Remember the days of waiting for the white or pink slips in the mail???? Patience my friends! S. Having worked in IT for a long time as an architect and DBA for financial and government institutions it is a laughable to suggest that the draw is resource intensive application. Storage is most certainly not an issue. CPU cycles are cheap and providing indices and stored procedures are optimized, storedprocs execute in short order for each "round." It is a mystery is to the timing or delay of the draw but to suggest it is because of technology constraints is baseless in my opinion. Is this the first time they have done a on-line app since they started the early elk draw? Iam not sure but if it is with all the cretit cards being used then maybe thats whats takin so long. Also I cant remember them ever sending e-mails saying the draw will be posted in a week or two
  21. 25-06

    Guess the Date and Time Contest

    March 28, 11:15 am
  22. Thought you were gunna use tug?
  23. 25-06

    Wanted Shooters!

    sounds like fun.