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Everything posted by 25-06

  1. 25-06

    Loyalty point

    Maybe the g&f just don't like your kind....lol
  2. 25-06

    Loyalty point

    The BPs are for DEER period with no subspecies designation. You can apply for Coues one year and mule deer the next one. Points will go to the same total and the loyalty and/or HE point is tacked onto the total. Don't apply for one year or have an app rejected for content or payment, the loyalty point goes to heaven. bps.jpg Well dang, just goes to show maybe I don't know everything. Tony looks like your due for a elk tag.
  3. I figured you were related. I grow up on that pizza. Use to eat everyday back when you guys were at the Tucson bowl. You for sure have my vote.
  4. Are you Ray or is Ray you brother?
  5. 25-06

    Crossbow use during acrchery season?

    You gotta get a note from a doctor stating that your somewhat disabled.
  6. 25-06

    Loyalty point

    5 years in a row for coues or 5 years in a row for muledeer. You cant bounce around with the two. Jeeze what a bonehead.
  7. 25-06

    drew a Dec tag

    Right on dude. Hope you and your pappy the best.
  8. 25-06

    Mt lion meat?

    Bobcat is also really good eatin.
  9. cracka=cracker nigga=xxxx
  10. 25-06

    2013 draw results ?

    Just got off the phone with the lady at the g&f office. She said the results will be out by Friday. She also said they are still running the credit cards.
  11. 25-06

    Treating a dog for a rattlesnake bite?

    Give her a couple Benadryl tabs. She should be fine.
  12. Cuz "birds of a feather flock together"
  13. 25-06

    Happy Birthday Casey

    So are you hitting them crown-n-cokes yet Happy Birthday
  14. 25-06


    I got one too. My buddy says its free cuz I drew a bull elk tag. Page 14 has a cool story about Devin's (aka Becker) 127" coues
  15. 25-06

    Good Areas South of Tucson

    Southwest of nogales is pretty much mexico.
  16. 25-06

    Brass & Die Sets

    Got any 44 mag brass?
  17. 25-06

    Lion In a Hole....

    Looking good, killer video. Them your hounds? They looked kinda plump to be desert hounds. lol
  18. 25-06

    My Trip to South Africa

    Dang, Lee looks like you killed about every critter there except elephant and lion. Did you get to bring any of the meat home? Big Congrats, Terry
  19. +1 He just gave you some good solid advice. Also remember at 8 months hes still a pup and sometimes you just gotta let him play.
  20. 25-06

    Who's the oldest hunter you know?

    Anyone know if Lark is still around?
  21. 25-06

    So, I'm awake all night

    Wayne's was the best brisket ever. I am sure yours will be just fine. Happy 4th bro.
  22. 25-06

    So, I'm awake all night

    What time should I show up? Hope you have plenty of cold beer for me....
  23. 25-06


    It was caused by lightening and it happened around 6pm last night. The area that is burning doesn't have that much vegetation so hopefully it should be easy to contain.
  24. 25-06

    WTB left handed deer rifle

    I posted this for a buddy of mine and I haven't heard back from him yet. He works nights and sleeps during the day. Anyhow I think what you have sounds like a fair deal and I will let him know that. Thanks, Terry