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Everything posted by 25-06

  1. 25-06

    Post Kill Traditions

    I hope I experienced this when I finally wack a toad.
  2. 25-06

    Hillary Has Two Coughing Fits Today

    She ain't dead, she's alive and crazier than ever. Just give her a little time to shed her skin is all.
  3. 25-06

    Hillary Has Two Coughing Fits Today

    Disgusting nasty old crazy hag. DB I didn't need to see that.
  4. 25-06

    Post Kill Traditions

    Most people over cook the backstrap (or any piece of meet), which makes it chewy. It's completely safe to eat a rare cooked piece of meat, off a freshly killed deer or elk (if handled correctly). I always try to seek a nice sear on the outside with nice grille marks, with a 1" rare center. No one will ever call these backstraps chewy. But they may call for more. Lol. that's how I like mine, slightly browned and warm in the middle.
  5. 25-06

    Post Kill Traditions

    What is Jeremiah weed? It is a 100 proof Bourbon Liqueur. I got ya, looks good.
  6. 25-06

    Post Kill Traditions

    What is Jeremiah weed?
  7. 25-06

    Hillary Has Two Coughing Fits Today

    Heck for that matter Keith Richards looks to be in better shape than her.
  8. 25-06

    I am deplorable

    https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fzgazda66%2Fstatus%2F774993814025011200&h=5AQE-PY4E yep looks like to much purple drank.
  9. 25-06

    Post Kill Traditions

    Gut it and haul a$$ back to camp and crack open a few to many cold ones.
  10. 25-06

    I am deplorable

    The witch just fainted at the 911 memorial. Or maybe she just forgot how to walk.
  11. 25-06

    Is the legal

    I would have just cut it.
  12. 25-06

    Where am I (9/9/16)

    I am surprised that I didn't recognize the pic. That place has about 30 years worth of boot leather all over it from me. And about 30 years of good memories as well.
  13. 25-06

    Where is this?

  14. 25-06

    Had to share

    Nowadays I like dogs more than most people. And cats ain't good for nothing.
  15. 25-06

    Now where was this?

    Dang shame it ain't there anymore.
  16. 25-06

    Now where was this?

    20+ years ago it still had two bunks and a pot belly stove in it.
  17. 25-06

    Now where was this?

    Bingo, and I don't drink that natty light sh!t. Years ago Leroy showed me this spot. We've had a lot of good times back in there. To bad the illegals burned it down.
  18. 25-06

    Now where was this?

    not sure of the name of the shack itself but it's in a pretty popular canyon south of I10.
  19. 25-06

    Now where was this?

    I don't know.
  20. 25-06

    Now where was this?

    But if you guess it right you'll get a night of drinking beer with me as long as you'll buy.
  21. 25-06

    Where is this?

    5 months are you sh!ttin me? That truck wouldn't last 5 days like that around the tucson area.
  22. 25-06

    Where is this?

    Somewhere on a rez.
  23. 25-06

    Meat Donation Tucson or nearby areas

    If it's elk I'll take it.
  24. Just ask muledeerarea33, I am pretty sure that is part of his diet. He really likes road kill crow and hard boiled vulture eegs for breakfast. And he can't get enough of fried possum uterus and javilena milk fer lunch. Anyways he'd be the one to ask.