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Everything posted by 25-06

  1. 25-06

    Looking for a cause to get behind?

    This map? red counties.JPG Is this actually how it went down per individual county? If so I could make an observation that would probably be racist since I'm white n all. Even though it's true, it's still racist if it comes out of the mouth of a white guy. Ain't racist at all. Doesn't matter what color you are. America has spoken.
  2. 25-06

    Looking for a cause to get behind?

    I was born and raised in southern California. I ain't been back since 86. As far as I am concerned that place is a different country.
  3. I am really interested in the tents. Are they still available?
  4. 25-06

    Marlin X7 .243 **Price Update #2**

    Now I wish I would have just went ahead and bought it.
  5. 25-06

    Tucson Butcher

    And I can say that's true. Hoss 'muledeerarea33' gave my family and I a bunch of the meat from that buffalo. I opened one package that said boneless steak and it was more like a 7 bone roast. Sure was good eaten though.
  6. 25-06

    Cat In Cage

    Poor feller ain't got any ears.
  7. 25-06

    Need to donate Elk meat

    I'll take some, I am also in Tucson.
  8. 25-06

    Election time is upon us

    Well said and I'll Amen to that as well. Terry Lambeth
  9. 25-06

    Hey buffhunter!!

    Dang right it is, I've been eating Rays pizza since the mid 80's.
  10. 25-06

    This is why some people don't deserve to hunt

    TRUMP 2016 F' YOUR FEELINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll drink to that ....:.. Me too and twice on Sunday's.
  11. 25-06

    Should you get a tag if you can't read English?

    This is just one more thing that leaves me scratching my head. This ain't the first story of such activity. I've heard of mules being shot just because the tag said "mule" deer. If only you could fix stupidity.
  12. 25-06

    Ruger LC9

    Ain't you interested in any cash? If so how much?
  13. 25-06

    hanging baited trail cams

    That would be one ugly sign with her face on it. ...Ahhh, longing for the days when a throat punch was an acceptable response..... lol, those were the days. Quick and simple.
  14. 25-06

    hanging baited trail cams

    I've had 3 Trump signs stolen from my front yard. If you get a pic of one please post it. I imagine that it will just look like your average clueless democrat thought.
  15. 25-06

    Hunt stories book?

  16. 25-06

    Where to eat in tucson

    El charro cafe is good but if you want the best go to Rosa's .
  17. 25-06

    Irish Luck --UPDATED WITH VIDEO!!!--

    Now that's what dreams are made of. Congrats to all involved and especially to the young hunter. What an experienced.
  18. 25-06

    beef calves

    I'll go in on one with you ?
  19. 25-06

    A beautiful sight.

    Piss off.
  20. 25-06

    Tried to start a poll but it didn't work ?

    bingo, you heard enough to make sense of it all.
  21. 25-06

    285/75/16 BFG All Terrains.

    Would you consider getting rid of the spare as well? I could use a used set but need all four. I am in Tucson and have cash.
  22. 25-06

    Damned coons

    They sure like to take their time don't they.
  23. 25-06


    My only goal this year is to vote in a brand new shiny white president named Donald Trump. Other than that I am cool.
  24. 25-06

    The Afro Buck

    What ever you do I would rock that thing with a pick in its fro.
  25. 25-06

    The Afro Buck

    And I would name him Lamont.