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Everything posted by 25-06

  1. 25-06

    Need advice on handguns

    TREESTANDMAN, I would not want the world to see my favorite spot either. I totaly understand. Happy Hunting
  2. 25-06

    Need advice on handguns

    TREESTANDMAN Post the picture with the lion and rocks in your hand.
  3. 25-06

    Lion Stalking deer

    Does anyone know where this pic was taken?
  4. 25-06

    Lion Stalking deer

    TREESTANDMAN, That pic is the BOMB!!!! I just set it as a screen saver and once again WOW!!!!!
  5. Jensons is still around, but they mostly deal with firearms.
  6. Tucson needs one real bad. All we have is wal-mart and popular.
  7. 25-06

    Coues Tag for unit 23

  8. Hey AZ RANGER, I lust looked on bass pro shops web site, and I think the stelth cam mc2-g is a great buy for the money. I also noticed you can adjust the motion senser from close to far. Not bad for only 59.00. If you get it be sure to let us know how the pics come out. Terry Lambeth
  9. 25-06

    Nice Coues Deer buck

    Thats Dan Kings world record buck.
  10. Glad to hear you saw your first coues. Also happy to hear that g&f still consiters a vehicle a legal method for taking big game. he-ha...
  11. 25-06

    Nice Coues Deer buck

    WOW...is right. Looks like you are going to have one heck of a great season. Best of luck.
  12. 25-06

    Lion Experience

    Arizona Guide is right ,one deer every 7 to 10 days on average and mostly bucks.I would hunt him down if I were you.....dang the luck.
  13. 25-06

    Lion Experience

    Be sure to let us know if he had any luck on finding him.
  14. 25-06

    Lion Experience

    You are so lucky to have seen a lion. Too bad you didnt have your 30-30. I also think its cool to share your favorite hunting spot with a lion, must be a heck of a good spot.
  15. 25-06


    I just wanted to tell everyone I recieved mine today, so start checking your mailboxes. Terry Lambeth
  16. 25-06

    Video cam

    GOOD LUCK . You got me lost.
  17. 25-06

    Photo Gallery

    Nice buck greyhawk,I hope to some day get one like that.
  18. 25-06


    Thanks everyone for sharing your great knowledge with me.I cant hardly wait to start scouting. Terry Lambeth
  19. AZ4LIFE, I agree with you 100% . Terry Lambeth
  20. 25-06

    Feral Hogs in AZ???

    Sounds like a pit-roast in the makin.
  21. 25-06

    Feral Hogs in AZ???

    I heard there is some outside of Mammoth I assume unit 32.
  22. Does anyone know when they are sending them off? I thought it was going to be the 23rd. We should have received them by now.
  23. 25-06

    Getting my Feet Muddy

    Bib overalls work just fine n dandy. Just kidding. About anything will work but make sure you have something hunters orange on. Terry Lambeth
  24. 25-06

    Residents vs. Non-Residents

    I geuss it was a both miss and sighting problem. Never got one that year but it was the most exciting hunt I have ever been on. The problem I found out was my scope witch was a tasco and was knocked out of adjustment some how. Many people told me since then that tasco scopes will do that with most rifles that have more recoil than a 243. Now I have a leopold scope I cant wait untill this season.
  25. 25-06

    Residents vs. Non-Residents

    One year I ran out of ammo on the 3rd day of the hunt. Thanks to the non res camped next me, they just so happen to have with them some 25-06 ammo and gladly helped me out. Since then I have run into them 3 others years out at deer camp, and always look forward to seeing them there. They make some of the best dutch oven peach coble and margaritas ever. I hope to see them this year.