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Everything posted by 25-06

  1. Great lookin pics, yestarday I seen a buck with about the same size antlers, that sure made my day...
  2. 25-06

    arizona draw

    Well gee Lark, that really narrows it down
  3. 25-06

    arizona draw

    That sci-nevada username and password is what happend last year about 1/2 hour before they posted them.
  4. I just spent the a.m. up in unit 33 settin my trail cam up and on my way back out, I talked to a couple of fire fighters on there way up to go put out three small fires caused by lightning
  5. 25-06

    arizona draw

    Dude I sure hope you're right
  6. 25-06

    arizona draw

    One more thing...If the results aren't ready yet, How in the heck does Lark know that he drew a unit 1 bull javelina tag
  7. 25-06

    arizona draw

    You got it Salud back at ya
  8. 25-06

    arizona draw

    That was no dog...That my friend was a chupachalra That whole story was a hoax Ugliest dog ya right.
  9. 25-06

    arizona draw

    I know I"am about done waiting for the results.........Fer now on, I'am not going to go to there site...I'am just gunna drink beer till mornin and then look
  10. 25-06

    arizona draw

    heck I thought maybe you turned plum loco waitin for the draws to be out
  11. 25-06

    arizona draw

    What ?
  12. 25-06

    arizona draw

    I thought unit 42 only had coues in it
  13. 25-06

    arizona draw

    The Game&Fish just switched the 2005 Spring results over to the 2005 Fall results, and in BIG red letters it says the Fall results are not yet ready...It's getting close
  14. 25-06

    arizona draw

    Lark, What did you put in for?
  15. 25-06

    arizona draw

    Today at 7pm
  16. I was down in Green Valley this mornin and noticed there's a fire up in the Santa Ritas. It looks like its just east of Madera Canyon. The news this mornin didn't mention squat about this fire...I hope it doesn't get way outta control.
  17. 25-06

    Fire in 34A

    Sawmill Canyon burned 34A was my 2nd choice for deer this year...I just hope the fire burns all the trash the illegal aliens have left behind over the years...
  18. Happy Birthday Casey, Hope you have a great day.
  19. 25-06

    arizona draw

    Casey, That would be one hech of a Birthbay present I just called there # and it said the results are being processed at this time
  20. Younghunter, Hope you have a great 17th birthday
  21. 25-06

    40 caliber ML

    DCM, I don't know anything about black powder rifles, except from what I have learned from watchin Jerrimya Johnson But welcome to this great site
  22. 25-06


    My boys and I also went out shootin this morning. I just bought my oldest boy a .270 and he did real well with it He did most of his shootin from laying on his belly, and now he wants a bipod put on it. I also ran into Becker and Littlebear as they were on there way out shed huntin, I cant wait to see there pic's.
  23. 25-06

    CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!!

    Fred Bear had great success without scent eliminator