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Everything posted by 25-06

  1. 25-06

    The AZ One Shot Challenge

    Put the bong down dude...I dont think that most coues are takin over 250 yards
  2. 25-06

    turkey (open day)

    Vini, Great pic's of the bird and the fam. Congrats on your success I dont know how you are plannin on cookin that bird, but Amanda and her hubby had a great soundin recipe for the bird they got in the Fall. Maybe she could post it.
  3. 25-06


    I still don't know what point you are trying to make here. I moved here from Fontana Cali. back in 83 Best thing I ever did....... But you my friend, have a bitch about our game and fish dept. We who live in Az. are FIRST in line and you my friend will just have to wait
  4. 25-06

    are the coues shedin yet

    Was the water running? I have not been to sabino for a few years...I think with this drought the coues might drop a little early this year, I hope
  5. 25-06

    The girls that support us.....

    Andy I knew you guys would get that cat What an adventure....Congrats to yall and thanks for sharing the hunt with us
  6. 25-06

    Oldies but goodies....

    Great finds That one shed looks like it has a bullet hole in it.
  7. 25-06


    I wachted some of the video and it sure looks like that kid is workin that guitar over....But my computer wont play any sound right now
  8. 25-06

    Short Hunt

    I like that Quarter-bore bit I'am kinda new at huntin yotes and have called in two with the Circe jackrabbit call (plastic one is what I own) and aint connected yet Hopefully my luck will change
  9. Great pic's, them are sure some healthy lookin bucks.
  10. 25-06

    Found a couple more

    Now them are some good memorys to think back on as ya grow old
  11. 25-06

    Short Hunt

    What kinda calls are you guys using? Yestarday I orderd a Johnny Stewart Preymaster that comes with 3 digital memory cards that has a total of 12 sounds for me to play with...I cant hardly wait to try it out
  12. 25-06

    new truck

    Ain't that LARK and one of his gal friends in that car Don't know for sure but rumer has it that his truck (chevy) broke down right before his elk hunt and that he called one of his ladie friends to help get his big ol bull back to his house
  13. John, Big congrats to ya Let us know how it shoots for you
  14. 25-06

    are the coues shedin yet

    No fresh ones yet, But it should be a great Shed huntin season
  15. Dude those pic's are wrong/nasty .....Somebody learned the hard way, that in bear country you need to have a couple of hounds/dogs with ya at camp along with a 12 guage in 3 inch mag loaded with 000 buck and slugs in it.
  16. 25-06


    You guys both had me entertaned and laughing, Thanks..... A truce I think is a good thing, cuz both of you are about as hard headed as a mule P.S. Scottyboy, Lark is kinda crazy and doesn't play well with others
  17. 25-06


    Great pic's Your boy sure looks proud of the kills, its good to see another CWT sticker next to a W-04 sticker