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Everything posted by 25-06

  1. Bishops in Tucson did this mount.
  2. 25-06

    Saddam is Hung

    He is probably shining the devils boots as we speak....
  3. 25-06

    Birthday Crew!!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes
  4. 25-06


    Sweet find How far apart where they?
  5. 25-06

    point restrictions

    Spikes is good eatin
  6. Congrats on the great lookin buck there Bass Merry CRISTmas to all and GOD BLESS....from the Lambeth family.
  7. 25-06

    '06 S. AZ LATE COUES

    Thats a great lookin buck...My guess on the score would be 105-110 My buddy Steve just got a buck that has the same fronts as your buck...Steves buck didn't have much of a spread and it scored 95 5/8 Congrats and I'll try to get someone like tucrats to post a pic of his deer. They sure look like they could be related
  8. 25-06

    Ever see this?

    Dude that big ol buck was justa ready fer the rut....
  9. 25-06

    2006 Coues deer

    Eruo mounts are always cool lookin...My buddy Steve always said he aint gunna mount nuttin tell he gets a 100+ buck, well this past Nov. hunt he shot a 95 5/8 buck and did a eruo mount and the rack looks twice as big as it did before the cape came off... Post a pic when its done and once again congrats.
  10. 25-06

    2006 Coues deer

    Dang dude, either your real small or thats a BIG buck.....I think it's a big buck and big congrats on such a deer You gunna have it mounted ?
  11. 25-06

    unit 27 December Hunt

    I thought about checking up Eagle Creek, a couple of mountains there border the San Carlos unit "C". What do you think Craig? Thats were I would go.
  12. 25-06

    December Tags

    Wish I had a friend with a Dec. tag that I could help out
  13. 25-06


    Next Sunday or Monday we have a cold front coming in and hopefully it will kick off the ruttin and the scrapen I hate to have to wait until Jan. 1'st, But oh well to bad so sad for me. It should be a good year to think about sittin over water...Aint had much rain lately.
  14. 25-06

    Shooting Contest

    First bullet means cold barrel
  15. Unless you become one yourself....That would be kinda cool to be
  16. 25-06

    morning finds

    What unit did you find then in?
  17. 25-06

    az guide license

    Hunting means $$$ to some people, but $$$ dont mean nuttin to most hunters that uses guides;) Just roll the cost on to your clients and that 200.00 bucks aint all that bad....Jeeze Just remember hunting is becoming a rich mans sport and most of us dont like the way it's heading....
  18. 25-06

    Randy Ulmer Hunting Accident?

    Yes, We have been there for a while
  19. 25-06

    coues heart??

    Thanks, I'll have to try that.
  20. 25-06

    mountain lion

    If you guys were unable to find the dead deer and seen lots of lion tracks around the kill site than I would say lion kill The rest of the deer prolly aint far away from the kill site Remember lions drag there dinner off into the brush eat and then cover it up and then the next day they eat and drag it off and cover it up again utill its gone
  21. 25-06

    coues heart??

    Who said anythjing about cooking You savage
  22. 25-06

    coues heart??

    How do you all cook the heart?
  23. 25-06

    Randy Ulmer Hunting Accident?

    Great words Mr. Quimby, I also wish this thread was dead.....Can't beat a dead horse now can ya
  24. 25-06

    Texas Deer

    Thats should be a shooter in everyones book. Congrats to the hunter
  25. 25-06

    Who ya gonna call?

    It's kinda sad a guy has to ask this question now days, but if I were you I would just call 911. They outta be able to get you in contact with the propper people.