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Everything posted by 25-06

  1. 25-06

    Need a favor

    Justin, Them are some great pics...Thanks fer sharin.
  2. 25-06

    Big Ol' Shed

    Thats a biggun
  3. 25-06


    I dont think the illeagal and drug runner situation is going to get better anytime soon, last weekend I was down in 34b and found a dead illeagal hung in a tree. And like gotcoues said I wont be taking my boys hunting down south anymore
  4. 25-06

    Whats In A Name

    I kinda like antlerboy Or Sean Penn might work as well
  5. Looks like you have this mearns chasin bit licked As always thanks for the pics.
  6. 25-06

    cam pics

    Them are some great pics. Looks like the rabbits are in the full rut
  7. 25-06

    First Bow Hunt: Part 3

    Christian, Congrats on your succesful first bow hunts, all the buck stalks and pigs you were on was really exciting to read about, almost like I was there....And the pics just iced the cake
  8. 25-06


    We were a little bit south and east from there, I could see the ranch from were we were at.
  9. Yesterday my buddy Steve and I grabbed the bows and jumped on the quads and off we went hunting. The wind was blowing in all directions so we decided to not bow hunt but to look for lion sign. We right away found tracks in a wash (big cat trax) and we started to follow them and thats when I seen something hanging in a tree, at first I thought just another backpack, jacket, water bottle etc. but as we got closer to it we realized it was a man hanging in the tree He was hung with a shirt tied around his neck and a belt strapped from the shirt to a branch....Needless to say we got the heck out of there and called the sheriffs dept. and we met up with the search & rescue unit and lead them to the body. Hope it never happens again.
  10. 25-06


    We are gettin it here in Tucson as well, Gotta love it
  11. Yep thats right it's a snowing in Tucson right now and has been for about 2 hours straight as matter of fact it's starting to stick purty good now and can't hardly wait to see what it's like in the a.m. I say bring it on....
  12. 25-06

    100"........The hard way.

    Bout time.....I've been waiting to see the kind of HOG you were going to get this year Congrats
  13. 25-06

    Wall tent

    Thats what I would like to know?
  14. 25-06

    My 2006 Archery Coues hunt

    "Not the buck you were lookin for but your happy" Heck ya you got every right to be happy thats a great looking buck...Any coues with a bow is a TRUE trophy Congrats on the success and thanks for keeping us all posted on your hunt.
  15. 25-06

    My Dad's San Carlos Buck

    Thats a great looking buck. Congrats to your pappy Also that area looks prime for cats.
  16. I don't think the azgfd even knows what the heck is going on untill it's just about too late
  17. 25-06

    New Forum??

    Ya right, there would be some dromma fer ya momma
  18. 25-06

    New Forum??

    El Gato por favor
  19. Killed a 100+ buck huh...COOL....................made me look
  20. 25-06

    New Forum??

    I would'nt mind having a lion section
  21. 25-06

    Eastmans Bowhunting Journal

    It is posted here on page 5. That buck was my dream buck
  22. 25-06

    Its Official!

    Bout time.....Dang,......... Kaint tipe that fast ha.....Poor Casey
  23. 25-06

    Late Hunt Success

    A Big CONGRATS to both of you on your hunt That first pic is really cool with the buck laid out flat with his head on the ground...Don't get to see that everyday
  24. 25-06

    My 1st Javi!

    Congrats on the pigs guys